PSYC 600

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 5
subject Words 973
subject Authors Laura E. Berk

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1) which of the following young people is at greatest risk for suicide?
a)jennifer, who is hispanic
b)claire, who is african american
c)alyssia, who is native american
d)leah, who is caucasian american
2) hollys birthday is two days before the cutoff date for kindergarten enrollment. her
parents are considering delaying her school entry by one year. they should know that
research reveals that
a)there are long-term academic benefits from delaying school entry.
b)school readiness cannot be cultivated through classroom experiences.
c)there are long-term social benefits from delaying school entry.
d)younger first graders outperform same-age children a year behind them.
3) maddy is babysitting an infant for the first time. what can you tell her is the most
effective way to soothe the baby if she cries?
a)sing to her softly.
b)lift her to the shoulder and rock or walk with her.
c)swaddle her.
d)take her for a ride in her stroller.
4) drawing on cross-cultural research on attachment, which of the following infants is
the most likely to display an avoidant attachment?
a)gretel from germany
b)yuri from japan
c)garrett from the united states
d)sascha from an israeli kibbutz
jean-jacques rousseau believed that
5) a)the biological upheaval of puberty triggers heightened emotionality, conflict, and
defiance of adults.
b)the social environment has a greater impact on adolescent behavior than the biological
events associated with puberty.
c)adolescence resembles the period in which humans evolved from savages into civilized
d)during adolescence, instinctual drives shift to the genital region of the body, resulting in
conflict and volatile, unpredictable behavior.
6) the u.s. adolescent pregnancy rate is __________ than that of other industrialized
a)much lower
b)slightly lower
c)slightly higher
d)much higher
7) which of the following statements regarding the intergenerational continuity of
adolescent pregnancy and parenthood is true?
a)becoming a second-generation teenage parent is inevitable for individuals born to an
adolescent mother.
b)intergenerational continuity in adolescent daughters is far greater when teenage
mothers marry.
c)marriage may limit the negative impact of teenage childbearing on development by
reducing family stress.
d)adolescent parenthood does not increase the chances of teenage childbearing the next
8) maggi is a later-maturing girl. she is most likely to be regarded as
a)a leader at school.
c)lacking in self-confidence.
9) which of the following is true about health education for school-age children?
a)health, particularly physical fitness, is usually an important goal for children.
b)children cannot see the connection between engaging in preventive behaviors now
and experiencing later health consequences.
c)children learn health information best through the teaching of health-related facts.
d)children have a good sense of how internal organs work, but they do not yet connect
specific behaviors with health.
10) the clinical method is well-suited to
a)studying a culture or a distinct social group through participant observation.
b)providing a large amount of information in a relatively brief period.
c)studying the development of certain types of individuals who are few in number but
vary widely in characteristics.
d)asking multiple participants the same questions in the same way.
11) altogether, adolescents add _____ inches in height and _____ pounds in weight.
a)6 to 7; 25 to 35
b)8 to 9; 35 to 50
c)10 to 11; 50 to 75
d)12 to 14; 60 to 80
12) which of the following statements is supported by research on the stability of
a)long-term prediction from early temperament is best achieved after age three.
b)temperament does not develop as the child ages.
c)most irritable infants become difficult children as they age.
d)childhood temperament is a fairly good predictor of personality in adulthood.
13) _______ children excel at many motor tasks.
b)less muscular
14) adam has an iq of 68. he spends his full school day in a classroom with typical
learners. adam is experiencing
a)a resource classroom.
b)partial inclusion.
c)an integrated classroom.
d)full inclusion.
15) eight-year-old goran immigrates to the united states with his family. about how long
will it take croatian-speaking goran to attain speaking and writing skills in english on a
par with his english-speaking agemates?
a)1 to 2 years
b)3 to 5 years
c)5 to 7 years
d)until he is an adult
16) on average, illness causes children to miss about ____ days of school per year.
17) taking a folic acid supplement around the time of conception reduces the risk of
b)spina bifida.
c)down syndrome.
18) the social smile first appears around ________ of age.
a)1 to 5 weeks
b)6 to 10 weeks
c)3 to 4 months
d)5 to 7 months
19) in james galloway and esther thelens microgenetic study following babies from
their first attempts until skill mastery, the infants
a)scooted before crawling.
b)first explored the toys with their feet.
c)violated the proximodistal trend.
d)required adult instruction to acquire motor skills.
20) in piagets sequence of sensorimotor development, newborns first develop
a)mental representations.
b)tertiary circular schemes.
c)reflexive schemes.
d)primary circular schemes.

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