PSYC 525 Midterm 2

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 4
subject Words 839
subject Authors Laurence Steinberg

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1) according to the textbook, all of the following are potentially successful ways to
reduce adolescent risk-taking except:
a.classroom-based education programs designed to teach adolescents about the dangers
of various activities, make better decisions, and resist peer pressure to engage in risky
b.limiting adolescents' opportunities to put themselves in risky situations and making
risky substances harder for adolescents to obtain.
c.making the penalties for engaging in certain risky behaviors more severe and
increasing the salience of the potential costs of engaging in the risky behavior.
d.finding ways to permit adolescents to take risks without putting themselves in
situations in which they can hurt themselves.
2) which of the following is not a shift that is noticed in the political thinking of
adolescents as they mature?
a.increased abstraction
b.increased authoritarianism
c.movement away from obedience
d.greater use of principles
3) over the course of adolescence, conflict between siblings ________, but this may be
due to the fact that siblings spend _____ time together in adolescence than they did in
a.decreases; less
b.decreases; more
c.increases; less
d.increases; more
4) amy, a social reformer in the early 20th century, would have likely considered all of
the following to be good reasons to push for secondary education, except: is viewed as a way to improve life circumstances for the poor and working classes. is a way to reduce crime by keeping youngsters off the streets. is a way to help immigrants assimilate into the american culture. is effective in increasing the economic development of the united states.
5) according to the textbook, one recent study of mexican-american families found
__________ rates of parent-adolescent cohesion during mid-adolescence among
__________ families.
a.lower; more highly acculturated families
b.higher; more highly acculturated
c.lower; wealthier
d.higher; wealthier
6) according to the textbook, in classrooms in which teachers are very
performance-oriented, students:
a.feel more alienated from the school
b.have lower feelings of self-efficacy
c.are more likely to engage in self-handicapping behavior
d.all of the above are likely in classrooms where the teachers are very
7) the paradox of adolescent autonomy is that:
a.adolescents today are more economically dependent than in previous times, yet have
fewer responsibilities than their peers in previous eras.
b.whereas adolescents today are expected to be increasingly autonomous
psychologically and socially, they are now less autonomous economically.
c.whereas adolescence extends longer today than it did in previous eras, today's
adolescents are more autonomous than in previous times. autonomy increases in adolescence, 'storm and stress" decrease.
8) professor radon is studying the _________ system, which produces, circulates, and
regulates levels of hormones in the body.
9) which of the following adolescents is least likely to engage in false-self behavior?
a.kassim, who has low self-esteem
b.emily, who has high support from her parents, who has problems with depression
d.eddie, who has a sense of hopelessness
10) the universal process through which an individual's position or status is changed by
society is called:
a.extrusion. redefinition. specification.
d.self-image stability.
11) although sex education programs have not been particularly successful in reducing
the high rates of adolescent pregnancy, there is current optimism that _____ may be
a.encouraging sexual abstinence
b.a comprehensive sex education planning services
d.having the unwed mother marry her baby's father
12) over the past century, the onset of puberty has been coming at an earlier age. this
has been referred to as the:
a.cross-sectional trend
b.endocrine trend
c.menarche trend
d.secular trend
13) which type of crowd would probably not be found in european schools?
14) theodore has been referred to as an "acting-out" adolescent. he engages in
delinquent behavior. theodore is most likely exhibiting:
a.externalizing symptomatology.
b.psychosomatic symptomatology.
c.internalizing symptomatology.
d.psychopathological symptomatology.
15) according to the textbook, all of the following contributed to the rise of the
adolescent workplace in the united states, except:
b.the expansion of the service sector.
c.the expansion of the retail sector.
d.a relatively short school day compared with other countries.
16) adolescents are most likely to exhibit false-self behavior with their:

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