PSYC 490 Quiz 1

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 4
subject Words 820
subject Authors Diane Halpern, Michael Gazzaniga, Todd Heatherton

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1) which of the following areas has played a role in better understanding the biology of
a.advances in brain chemistry
b.advances in neuroscience
c.advances in understanding the human genome
d.all of the above
2) over history, at different times and in different places, people have viewed the mind
as being located in each of the following parts of the body except the:
d.sexual organs
3) on the bus last week, kyohei heard two women talking about someone named enisa
for the entire 30 minutes of the trip. today, the woman sitting next to kyohei in class
told her friend that enisa was coming. kyohei assumed that enisa was someone famous
and wondered why she did not know her. kyohei is experiencing the:
a.misinformation effect
b.repetition priming effect
c.false fame effect
d.source attribution effect
4) forgetting over time is referred to as:
5) jamie has an older brother who smokes. jamie is:
a.less likely to start smoking than other kids
b.more likely to start smoking than other kids more and no less likely to start smoking than other kids
d.more likely to be a problem drinker, whether or not he smokes
6) if you are choosing among various alternatives by weighing the criteria associated
with each, you are engaging in:
b.decision making
c.problem solving
7) why are humans typically able to remain in the bed during sleep?
a.your brain signals the body to become paralyzed during the night so you do not move
off the bed.
b.the brain is still processing information about its surroundings, thus you are aware of
the boundaries of the bed. are consciously aware of the beds boundaries at all times during sleep.
d.most people typically fall out of bed, but because they are unaware of it they do not
report it.
8) master chefs are likely to have _____ than other people.
a.more kinds of taste buds
b.a different distribution of taste buds
c.a larger number of taste buds
d.more responsive taste buds
9) recent research suggests that negative memories may be erased through:
a.blocking of reconsolidation
b.lack of sleep
d.fmri studies
10) a synapse is a:
11) the word tree is an example of a(n) _____, whereas a picture of a tree is an example
of a(n) _____.
a.analogical representation; symbolic representation
b.symbolic representation; analogical representation
c.concept; analogical representation
d.analogical representation; prototype model
12) charles suffered brain damage in a traumatic accident. as a result, he no longer
recognizes his family members. even when he is shown photos of himself with these
individuals, he believes they have been created through trickery. charles most likely
suffers from _____, which is an extreme example of _____.
a.suggestibility; distortion
b.capgras syndrome; distortion
c.confabulation; bias
d.capgras syndrome; confabulation
13) melinda just got a new job as a receptionist, and she does not expect it to be very
stressful. however, she is nervous about learning how to perform well in the job when
she first starts working. this kind of stress is _____ and may result in _____.
a.long term; worse immune functioning
b.long term; better immune functioning
c.short term; worse immune functioning
d.short term; better immune functioning
14) one mechanism of drugs is to alter the availability of neurotransmitters, thus
affecting the functioning of neurons. antagonistic drugs _____ the availability, whereas
agonistic drugs _____ the availability.
a.increase; decrease
b.decrease; increase
c.eliminate; block
d.block; eliminate
15) which of the following areas is not likely to be studied by developmental
a.the central role that culture plays in the order in which children develop certain skills
b.the critical point in fetal development that is responsible for social behaviors
c.the effects of exercise on memory in individuals with amnesia
d.the neurotransmitters critical for the hardwiring of reflexes in the brain
16) in general, siblings of different ages raised together have:
a.the same genes but different environments
b.the same environment but different genes
c.different genes and different environments
d.the same genes and same environments

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