PSYC 411 Midterm

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 4
subject Words 749
subject Authors Laura E. Berk

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1) according to the information-processing framework, ________ make(s) more
complex forms of thinking possible with age.
a)increases in the size of short-term memory
b)changes in the structure of the mental system
c)increases in the capacity of the mental system
d)the emergence of goal-directed behavior
2) within peer groups, children
a)learn to embrace their individuality and uniqueness.
b)acquire many social skills.
c)are unlikely to endorse excluding a member.
d)do not experience relational aggression.
3) katy accepts her familys political and religious beliefs without question. which
identity status characterizes katy?
a)identity achievement
c)identity foreclosure
d)identity diffusion
4) identity achievement in the vocational realm
a)is more challenging for women than for men.
b)usually occurs by age 21.
c)is easier for women in male-dominated careers.
d)is more challenging for men than for women.
5) children who become fluent in two languages
a)develop denser white matter in areas of the right hemisphere.
b)gradually lose their first language.
c)outperform others on tests of cognitive flexibility.
d)often experience difficulties in reading achievement.
6) which of the following statements about peer groups is true?
a)they rebuff members who deviate from their codes of dress and behavior.
b)religion is a primary factor in the formation of peer groups.
c)peer groups are diverse in terms of ethnic and gender composition.
d)they are usually non-exclusive.
7) grayson understands that third-party perspective taking can be influenced by societal
values. grayson is at the stage of ________ perspective taking.
8) the most important illogical feature of preoperational thought is its
a)dynamic transformation.
c)class inclusion.
9) which of the following children is most at risk for delinquency in adolescence and
criminality in adulthood?
a)david, an average child
b)marie, a rejected child
c)leo, a controversial child
d)lisa, a popular child
10) gardners theory has sparked the development of programs to provide enrichment to
all students. which of the following is true regarding these programs?
a)each student is encouraged to focus on only one specific area of interest or one
particular talent.
b)they are not useful in identifying minority children who are underrepresented in
school programs for the gifted.
c)research has demonstrated the overwhelming effectiveness of such programs in
nurturing childrens talents.
d)they highlight the strengths of students who were previously considered ordinary or
even at-risk.
11) john locke regarded development as
b)mostly influenced by nature.
d)highly stable.
12) treating serious offenders
a)is best accomplished by addressing one aspect of delinquency at a time.
b)with short-term comprehensive interventions is most effective.
c)with work experience programs and summer camps has been shown to be ineffective.
d)combines family and peer intervention in order to integrate youths into more positive
13) nine-year-old simpson is emotionally understanding and empathetic. he probably
a)also has favorable social relationships and prosocial behavior.
b)is picked on by other children because he is too sensitive.
c)retreats from social situations for fear of being overwhelmed by the emotions of
d)cannot yet engage in perspective taking.
14) many ethnic minority young people
a)experience a longer period of emerging adulthood than their caucasian agemates.
b)arrive at emerging adulthood with experiences that compromise their academic
preparedness for college.
c)complete their college degrees by age 23 and enroll in graduate school shortly
d)focus on career goals over finding a long-term romantic partner.
15) breastfed babies in poverty-stricken regions of the world
a)are more likely than bottle-fed babies to be malnourished.
b)should be given a vitamin-enriched supplement of commercial formula at least weekly.
c)are far more likely than bottle-fed babies to survive the first year of life.
d)should be breastfed until age 2 years, with solid food added at 3 months of age.

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