psyc 200

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 6
subject Words 1181
subject Authors Dee Unglaub Silverthorn

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1) if a 10% sucrose solution is separated from a 20% sucrose solution by a membrane
permeable to sucrose, in which direction will net diffusion of sucrose take place?
a) from the 10% sucrose solution to the 20% sucrose solution
b) from the 20% sucrose solution to the 10% sucrose solution
c) there will be no diffusion in this case.
d) from the 10% sucrose solution to the 20% sucrose solution and from the 20% sucrose
e) neither from the 10% sucrose solution to the 20% sucrose solution nor from the 20%
sucrose solution to the 10% sucrose solution
2) in the intestine, the epithelial cells have
a) leaky junctions.
b) tight junctions.
c) electrical gap junctions.
3) aromatase
a) is an enzyme that inactivates sexual signals after they are smelled.
b) makes one more sensitive to the smell of others.
c) is an enzyme that converts androgens to estrogens.
d) enhances one's response to all signals.
4) match the specific receptor to its typical stimulus.
a. free nerve ending
b. merkel receptor
c. meissner's corpuscle
d. ruffini corpuscle
e. pacinian corpuscle
5) fainting is also known as
a) eclampsia.
b) vasovagal syncope.
c) infarction.
d) reactive hyperemia.
e) orthostatic hypotension.
6) match the lung volume with its description.
a. tidal volume
b. inspiratory reserve volume
c. expiratory reserve volume
d. residual volume
the amount of air taken in during a single normal inspiration
7) match the response with the type of chemical.
a. sympathetic antagonist
b. parasympathetic antagonist
blocks secretion of pancreatic enzymes
8) osmoreceptors depolarize after they ________ in response to ________ plasma
a) shrink, decreased
b) shrink, increased
c) swell, decreased
d) swell, increased
9) the fibrous skeleton of the heart is important because it
a) forces electrical activity to be conducted through the atrioventricular node.
b) transmits electrical activity from the atria to the ventricles.
c) helps guide the blood into the proper chambers in sequence.
d) directs the flow of blood into the arteries.
10) pulmonary ventilation refers to the
a) movement of air into and out of the lungs.
b) movement of dissolved gases from the alveoli to the blood.
c) movement of dissolved gases from the blood to the interstitial space.
d) movement of dissolved gases from the interstitial space to the cells.
e) utilization of oxygen.
11) match the cells/tissue with the hormone it secretes.
a. leydig cells
b. granulosa cells
c. corpus luteum
d. placenta
progesterone, early in pregnancy
12) after forming a complex with the ribosome, mrna interacts with a third molecule.
this molecule is called
a) dna.
b) an amino acid.
c) rrna.
d) trna.
e) rough er.
13) match the type of immunity to its description.
a. specific
b. nonspecific
nk cells cause apoptosis of viral-infected cells.
14) draw a graph showing change in membrane permeability (don't worry about
including the units of permeability) to sodium and potassium during the course of an
action potential. for reference, superimpose a graph of the action potential.
15) list the four types of autorhythmic cells that drive the heartbeat. draw a sketch of the
heart and indicate the location of each type of cell.
16) the graph below shows an oxygen dissociation curve, with the normal curve in the
center. what is the name of the phenomenon that shifts the curve to the right? what
causes this change in oxygen dissociation? is the shift beneficial or detrimental?
17) draw a cell that secretes bicarbonate into the lumen of the pancreas, selecting
transporters from the following list (you may not need them all):
chloride channel
cftr channel
cl- - hco3- antiport
cl- - hco3- symport
k+ leak channel
leaky junctions
label the cell showing the lumen, interstitial fluid, the basolateral membrane, and the
apical membrane.
18) in annelids, simple reflexes occurring within a segment (i.e., without brain input)
are possible because of ________; in vertebrates these reflexes are called ________.
19) dr. zoydburger has discovered a toxin produced in the venom of a poisonous marine
invertebrate. tests on lab mammals indicate that this toxin prevents sodium channel
inactivation. how would this affect the action potentials produced in the neurons of a
poisoned mammal?
20) rani has read how important ca2+ ions are to muscle contraction and neuron
function. rani, age 25, hates milk and most dairy products, and doesn't think she eats
many foods that are sources of calcium, nor does she take supplements. why don't rani's
muscles and nerves show problems related to calcium deficiency? what problems might
rani encounter later in life if she continues this lifestyle?
21) a molecule of ________ consists of all the codons needed to produce a specific
polypeptide chain at the ribosome.
22) compare and contrast facilitated diffusion and active transport.
23) the primary function of the cardiovascular system is ________.

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