PSY 575 Quiz

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 4
subject Words 875
subject Authors Diane Halpern, Michael Gazzaniga, Todd Heatherton

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1) you might think of the pituitary gland as the master gland because it: in the brain, the master of the body
b.allows for the mastery of skills
c.facilitates cognitive mastery of problems
d.controls the release of hormones throughout the system
2) according to the traditional medical model, individuals are _____ recipients in their
health and well-being, whereas in the biopsychosocial model individuals take a(n)
_____ role in their health and well-being.
a.passive; active; passive; neutral
d.neutral; passive
3) prolonged exposure to movement in one direction _____ the motion detectors
responsive to that direction. when the movement stops, the baseline firing rate of
detectors for the opposite direction of motion will be _____ than the firing rate for the
detectors that responded to the prolonged movement, leading to motion aftereffects.
a.sensitizes; higher
b.sensitizes; lower
c.fatigues; higher
d.fatigues; lower
4) jim, a chronic migraine sufferer, is prescribed a pill the doctor says will be effective.
jim says, i will try it, but nothing has worked so far. according to what you know about
the placebo effect, the frequency and severity of jims headaches probably will _____
after taking the pills.
a.decrease moderately
b.increase moderately
c.not change worse than ever
5) in terms of the circumplex model, anger and annoyance share _____, whereas anger
and joy share _____.
a.valence but not activation; activation but not valence
b.valence and activation; activation but not valence
c.activation but not valence; valence but not activation
d.activation but not valence; valence and activation
6) banduras cognitive-social theory of personality sees _____ as an important
determinant of behavior.
c.attributional style
d.biological predispositions
7) massoud is an international student studying in america. in his culture, women are
expected to be very modest. he really likes hillary, an american girl whom he has gotten
to know in his art history class. however, massoud is distressed and is reevaluating his
opinion of hillary because she spontaneously kissed him on their second date. though
she probably did not realize it, hillary has:
a.offended massouds sense of his masculinity
b.violated massouds sexual script
c.implied a more serious relationship than massoud assumed
d.made massoud fearful of being trapped
8) hernando and fiona have both been placed in a new advanced math class. they both
love math and are finding the enriched work fascinating. in order to increase his effort
in the class, hernandos parents give him $5 for every a that he receives on a test. fionas
parents do not reward her for good grades. who is likely to do better in the class, and
a.fiona, because her intrinsic motivation will aid her extrinsic motivation
b.hernando, because fionas extrinsic motivation will be low without rewards
c.hernando, because his intrinsic motivation will be increased by rewards
d.fiona, because hernandos intrinsic motivation will be lessened by rewards
9) memes are to genes as:
a.culture is to society
b.nurture is to nature
c.biology is to neurons
d.dna is to rna
10) a stressor is any event or stimulus that:
a.threatens an organism and elicits a coping response
b.cannot be coped with
c.cannot be coped with in the short term definition has negative consequences for the organism
11) tolmans research with rats running mazes demonstrated that reinforcement affects:
a.learning more than performance
b.performance more than learning
c.learning and performance equally
d.neither learning nor performance
12) attempting to restrain the amount you eat in order to control your weight: still the best long-term weight-loss strategy yet discovered for only about 60 percent of people over time
c.can result in overeating when one perceives the diet has been broken by eating a
forbidden food best for those who are very overweight rather than moderately overweight
13) lazarus divides the cognitive appraisal process into two parts: primary and
secondary. primary appraisals involve:
a.deciding whether an event is stressful or irrelevant to you
b.evaluating your response options
c.selecting a coping behavior
d.deciding whether a coping behavior was successful
14) when researchers collect data in a study, if they unconsciously code a persons
behavior to match their expectations, we say there is:
a.a directionality problem observer bias
c.a sampling error
15) you are given a problem in the form of a categorical syllogism: if all xs have ys and
all ys have zs, then. . . . what is the answer?
a.all ys have zs.
b.all zs have xs.
c.all xs have zs.
d.all ys have xs.

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