PSY 307

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 4
subject Words 762
subject Authors Laurence Steinberg

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1) during adolescence, the importance of religion:
c.decreases during early adolescence and then begins to increase.
d.remains the same.
2) the transition from school to work is _________ defined transition. educationally
b.a socially
c.a personally environmentally
3) similarity in ________ is most likely to serve as a basis for cross-ethnic group
a.attitudes toward school achievement
b.musical taste
c.patterns of substance use
d.sports ability
4) when lenny gets frustrated or upset, he turns to his peers rather than his parents for
support. as a matter of fact, lenny relies on his peers more than his parents for most
things. lenny is probably from:
a.a permissive home. authoritarian home. authoritative home. autocratic home.
5) as individuals transition from adolescence into adulthood and progress through the
process of individuation, they increasingly:
a.view lying to their parents as unacceptable.
b.improve their techniques for lying to parents without being detected.
c.view lying to their parents as desirable.
d.become worse liars.
6) puberty began for nancy when she was 9 years old. her mother began puberty at 11
years. for her grandmother, the onset was at 13 years of age. these changes in the age of
onset of puberty over time are referred to as:
a.cross-sectional trend
b.secular trend
c.longitudinal trend
d.physiologic trend
7) self-esteem is _____ among students who are identified with peer groups that have
relatively high status in their school.
b.the same.
d.self-esteem varies from person to person.
8) according to the textbook, the harmful effects of low parental monitoring are
especially bad in neighborhoods that:
a.are low in collective efficacy
b.are low in diversity
c.are high in diversity
d.are low income
9) robert, a 15-year-old, works for a fast-food restaurant. how old is robert's supervisor
most likely to be?
a.the same age as robert
b.not much older than robert his early 30s
10) research on the structure of cliques during high school has suggested that
adolescents can fall into any of the following categories, except:
c.clique members.
d.clique avoiders.
11) with respect to violence in schools:
a.the number of school shootings has been steadily increasing since the 1990s.
b.although there has been a decrease in the number of school shootings since the 1990s,
there has been an increase in the number of student deaths as a result of school
c.homicide in schools involves primarily white students. officials are becoming more skilled at identifying which students are most
likely to be involved in school shootings.
12) dating among adolescents today is largely a:
a.recreational activity.
b.part of the courtship process.
c.part of mating selection.
d.meaningless activity.
13) the bar mitzvah and bas mitzvah are contemporary examples of traditional society's
practice of:
b.the accentuation of male and female differences.
14) during the school year, titus's parents took him to the theater and the opera. in
addition, they bought him an encyclopedia for his birthday. the treatment titus is
receiving is an example of:
a.special education. cultivation.
c.artistic refinement.
d.cultural capital.
15) an adolescent who works in a government-sponsored apprenticeship and spends
more time outside of school doing homework is most likely from:
d.any of the above places.
16) which of the following is not one of the 10 basic principles of good parenting:
a.being too loving can be a bad thing involved in your child's life
c.avoid harsh discipline
d.adapt your parenting to fit your child
17) the growth of _____ during adolescence is directly related to an improved ability to
think abstractly.
a.long-term memory cognition
d.short-term memory

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