PSY 281 Homework

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 5
subject Words 882
subject Authors Laura E. Berk

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1) immigrant parents of successful youths typically
a)view school successes as less important than native-born parents.
b)develop close ties to an ethnic community.
c)encourage full assimilation into the majority culture.
d)stress individualistic values over collectivist values.
2) hilda is moving into a new neighborhood before her son starts kindergarten. when
she visits schools, hilda should look for a class with approximately how many students
to give her son the best opportunity for success?
a)13 to 17
b)18 to 21
c)22 to 25
d)26 or more
3) in the strange situation, george clings to his mother and refuses to explore the toys.
when his mother leaves, george is distressed. when his mother returns, george continues
to cry, yet clings to his mother. he also struggles against her and hits her. george is
demonstrating ________ attachment.
4) some neo-piagetian theorists like robbie case argue that the development of
operational thinking can best be understood in terms of
a)a sudden shift to a new developmental stage.
b)a gradual mastery of logical concepts as children age.
c)gains in information-processing speed.
d)childrens interaction with adults and more skilled social models.
5) which of the following statements is true about sibling rivalry?
a)it tends to decrease in middle childhood.
b)parental comparisons are more frequent for same-sex siblings.
c)same-sex siblings tend to quarrel less than other-sex siblings.
d)children react especially intensely when mothers prefer one child.
6) which of the following is true?
a)more u.s. young people today vote than in previous generations.
b)more u.s. young people today engage in political party activities than in previous
c)during emerging adulthood, attendance at religious services drops to its lowest level
throughout the lifespan.
d)emerging adults who view religion as important in their lives engage in less
community service.
7) depression is more likely to occur in
a)adolescents who experience learned helplessness.
b)fraternal twins than in identical twins.
c)high-ses adolescent boys.
d)adolescents with a masculine gender identity.
8) according to the psychoanalytic perspective, ________ leads to the formation of the
conscience and moral behavior.
a)the emergence of the reality principle
b)avoidance of guilt
c)identification with the other-sex parent
d)repression of sexual longings for the mother or father
9) identity can be described as an explicit theory of oneself as a(n)
a)complex unit with varying personalities and desires.
b)rational agent who acts on the basis of reason and takes responsibility for those
c)interpersonal being whose decisions are made within a wider social context.
d)entity who must explain its randomly occurring behavior.
10) once toddlers produce about _____ words, they start to combine two words.
11) six-month-old lukas weight, height, and head circumference are substantially below
age-related growth norms. luka is withdrawn and apathetic. a disturbed parentinfant
relationship contributed to lukas failure to grow normally. luka most likely suffers from
a)growth faltering.
d)food insecurity.
12) the rate of divorce in the united states is
a)the lowest in the world.
b)the same as most western nations.
c)the highest in the world.
d)increasing at a steady pace.
13) ella has five good friends with whom she spends most of her time. this group of
girls, who resemble each other in family background, attitudes, and values, is called a
d)peer group.
14) research has shown that media multitasking
a)fragments the attention span.
b)helps train adolescents brains to attend to more than one task at the same time.
c)has little effect on teenagers ability to focus.
d)helps improve use of explicit memory.
15) a common way to treat a malocclusion is by
a)requiring regular teeth cleaning.
b)filling all cavities.
c)putting braces on the teeth.
d)flossing at least three times per week.
16) dr. rasmussen believes that language acquisition occurs through exchanges between
inner capacities and environmental influences. dr. rasmussen is a(n)
17) when amanda succeeds, her mother says, youre so smart! this type of trait statement
might lead amanda to
a)exert more effort when faced with a challenge.
b)question her competence in the face of a setback.
c)focus on learning rather than performance.
d)pay little attention to her academic achievements.
18) the best protection against lasting problems for children of war is
a)parental affection and reassurance.
b)religious involvement.
c)training in offensive and defensive maneuvers.
d)participating in recreational programs.

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