PSY 184 Quiz 3

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 4
subject Words 894
subject Authors Laurence Steinberg

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1) studies show that adolescent mood swings parallel their changes in:
a.hormone levels relationships
2) which of the following statements about puberty in girls is false?
a.regular ovulation and the ability to carry a baby to term usually follow menarche by
several years
b.the development of the areola and nipple are far better indicators of sexual maturation
than is breast size
c.menarche occurs very early in the process of sexual development
d.the changes in the nipple and areola occur regardless of the size to which the breast
finally develops
3) which of the following statements about unemployed youth is false?
a.the majority of unemployed youth are high school dropouts.
b.minority youth are more likely to be unemployed than white youth.
c.the majority of unemployed youth are unmotivated to find work.
d.the majority of unemployed adolescents stay unemployed only for short periods of
4) which of the following methods has been found to be effective in reducing
adolescent drug and alcohol use?
a.drug and alcohol education
b.raising the price of alcohol and cigarettes
c.scare tactics
d.laws restricting the sale of these items to minors
5) according to the textbook, many young people find it frustrating that:
a.they feel emotionally independent but have to abide by their parents' rules as long as
they are being supported economically
b.their parents expect them to be so autonomous and independent at such a young age
c.they are economically independent, but still rely on parents for approval regarding
religious and political issues
d.they are working the same jobs as some adults, but have less freedom and more
supervision than the adults
6) which is not a risk factor for sexual abuse? apart from one's parents in a major city
c.being raised in poverty
d.having parents who abuse alcohol or other drugs
7) what percentage of adolescents who become pregnant get an abortion?
a.fewer than 2%
8) given a choice, mike would rather stay up until 1:00 a.m. and sleep until 10:00 a.m.
this pattern is called the:
a.secular trend
b.delayed phase preference
c.longitudinal design
d.adolescent growth spurt
9) kent has been involved in minor delinquent behavior. in order to curb this type of
behavior, kent's parents should:
a.encourage kent to get a full-time job.
b.encourage kent to get a part-time job.
c.enroll kent in a larger school.
d.enroll kent in an after-school activity.
10) the ________ is a national assessment of students' achievement conducted by the
federal government to track changes in educational achievement over time.
a.national assessment of educational achievement (naea)
b.national assessment of educational progress (naep)
c.national assessment of students' achievement (nasa)
d.national assessment of students' progress (nasp)
11) according to brown's (2004) study of crowds in high school, what fraction of
adolescents do not fit clearly into any crowd?
12) according to the textbook, how is puberty connected to achievement? the extent that puberty changes what's important for maintaining status in the peer
group, it may lead adolescents to worry about whether trying too hard to do well will
make them less attractive to their classmates
b.puberty intensifies differences between males and females, and one impact of this is
to make individuals think about what is "appropriate" achievement-related behavior for
each of the sexes
c.biological (hormonal) changes of puberty are directly related to achievement and
motivation in high school
d.both a and b are correct
13) matthew and ryan both live in single-parent households. matthew interacts with his
grandparents every day, whereas ryan has no contact with his extended family
members. who will be more likely to engage in adolescent misbehavior?
c.both will be equally delinquent. depends on whether matthew has brothers and sisters.
14) which of the following is the best indicator of when an adolescent will begin
a.chronological age
b.biological development
c.the school/ community norms
d.the age of his or her parents
15) researchers have identified all of the following factors as critical components of the
development of identity during adolescence, except:
b.sense of identity.
16) during late adolescence, the susceptibility to peer pressure _________ and the
strength of peer pressure _________.
a.increases; increases
b.increases; decreases
c.decreases; decreases
d.decreases; increases
17) under current federal law, children with learning disabilities must be:
a.mainstreamed whenever possible.
b.educated by tutors at home.
c.enrolled in special schools.
d.placed in after-school "catch-up" programs.

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