PSY 106 Homework

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 5
subject Words 1044
subject Authors Laurence Steinberg

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1) based on the research you read about in the textbook, which of the following
statements about dating and relationships is not true?
a.opposites attract
b."birds of a feather flock together"
c.romance, relationships, and romance have powerful impacts on adolescents' emotional
d.adolescents with problems who date peers whose mental health is good show
improvements in their psychological functioning over time
2) who would argue that the physical changes of puberty cause substantial disruption
and conflict inside the family system?
a.anna freud
b.erik erikson
c.laurence steinberg
d.susan harter
3) greg, a 17-year-old, has gotten his girlfriend pregnant. if he is typical of other males
who impregnate adolescent women, we would expect him to have all of the following
problems, except:
a.low self-esteem. or work problems.
c.physical ailments.
d.problems with alcohol and other drugs.
4) according to research, _________ can be an effective way for enhancing the
development of adolescents' reasoning abilities, moral judgment and empathy: discussions in which decisions, rules, and expectations are explained. adolescents free rein.
c.helping adolescents better enforce rules for their younger siblings.
d.restricting their activities so they avoid any mistakes.
5) research has indicated that many young people do not use contraception regularly for
all of the following reasons, except:
a.using contraception would indicate that they are planfully and willingly sexually
b.they unconsciously desire to become pregnant.
c.contraceptives may be difficult for them to obtain.
d.their egocentric thinking leads them to believe that they are immune from getting
pregnant or contracting sexually transmitted diseases.
6) jane's community does a lot to support and encourage adolescents' success in school.
this community has a large amount of:
a.societal influence. capital.
c.cultural capital.
d.monetary success.
7) suzanne and greg are the first members of their class to begin the pubertal transition.
based on what you know about early maturing adolescents, suzanne and greg are more
likely to:
a.become involved in deviant activities better in school ostracized by their classmates
d.get along with their parents
8) theresa has been known to go on eating binges and then purge afterward. theresa is
probably suffering from:
a.anorexia nervosa.
c.oral fixation.
9) according to the textbook, which of the following statements about dating is true? adolescents develop, dating shifts from a focus on bonding to a focus on infatuation
b.adolescents who have been exposed to high levels of conflict or violence in their
family are more likely to have tender and supportive relationships with friends
c.across the board, dating is associated with better mental health and well-being than no
dating at all activities with the opposite sex begin in early adolescence
10) although the rate of sexual activity among adolescents in the united states does not
differ much from that reported by other industrialized countries, the rate of teenage
pregnancy in the united states is: the top third of all industrialized countries. the bottom third of all industrialized countries.
c.the highest in the world among industrialized countries.
d.average as compared to other industrialized countries.
11) tyler's parents comment that his 1st year in college has been very good for him
because he has learned to accept responsibility for his actions. tyler's parents are
d.psychosocial moratorium.
12) felicia is very warm and accepting to both of her two children, but she also sets firm
rules that the children must follow with very few exceptions. according to baumrind,
the characteristics that best describe her are:
a.responsive and demanding.
b.demanding and submissive.
c.lenient and indulgent.
d.submissive and responsive.
13) john and mary want their children to develop a strong need for achievement. in
addition to using an authoritative parenting style, they also should:
a.punish their children's failures.
b.encourage their children's successes. their children to other children who are successful.
d.set difficult tasks for their children to accomplish.
14) the extent to which an individual strives for success is referred to as:
a.mood composition.
b.need for achievement.
c.personality structure.
15) kerry and kristie's teacher accidentally got their test scores mixed up and mistakenly
thought that kerry was the more intelligent of the two girls. at the end of the year, her
records demonstrated that, indeed, kerry had gained more and performed at a higher
level than kristie. this is best thought of as an example of:
b.the self-fulfilling prophecy.
d.higher-order thinking.
16) marcus feels like his parents don't care about him because they allow him to set his
own rules and they seldom provide much support. he even wishes they would punish
him because that would at least indicate they are paying attention to him. marcus's
parents would be described best as fitting into which of baumrind's parenting styles?
17) whereas there are _________ differences among ethnic groups within the united
states with respect to parental discipline and ethnic socialization, differences between
ethnic groups in the expression of intimacy between adolescents and parents are
a.substantial; modest
b.modest; substantial
c.negligible; substantial
d.modest; negligible
18) adolescents who are convicted of crimes become part of the _________ justice
system, whereas adults convicted of the same crimes are part of the ________ justice
a.child; adult
b.status; majority
c.criminal; adult
d.juvenile; criminal

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