PRST 324

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 8
subject Words 1174
subject Authors Gareth Jones, Jennifer George

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Which of the following is an important reason for subordinates to participatein goal
A. It strengthens subordinates' commitment to achieving goals and meeting budgets.
B. It centralizes the responsibility of setting goals and achieving those goals.
C. It enables direct supervision and close scrutiny of employees.
D. It enables complete evaluation of employees over relatively short periods.
E. It enables manages to set goals that are slightly above an employee's reach.
In _____ managers and their subordinates meet wheneverthe need to discuss ongoing
progress and areas for improvement arises.
A. informal appraisals
B. conventional appraisals
C. annual appraisals
D. reserved appraisals
E. formal appraisals
In order to make the most effective contribution to an organization's competitive
advantage, managers should strive to achieve a(n) _____ level of cohesiveness in the
organization's groups.
A. low
B. moderate
C. high
D. nonexistent
E. extremely high
Which of the following is true of managing diversity?
A. Effectively managing diversity is a necessity on ethical rather than business grounds.
B. Effectively managing diversity presents managers with very few challenges.
C. Effective management of diversity can improve future contributions of diverse
employees after they quit.
D. If diversity is not effectively managed, employee turnover will reduce considerably.
E. Effective management of diversity can increase profitability and employee retention.
The extent to which a job requires the worker to use a wide range of knowledge and
abilities is known as _____.
A. task identity
B. task significance
C. autonomy
D. skill variety
E. span of control
An organizational structure should be designed insuch a waythat employees don't
develop supportive job behaviors and attitudes.
A. True
B. False.
Which of the following is true of valence,according to the expectancy theory?
A. High motivation results from low valence and low instrumentality.
B. Valence refers to how instrumental an employee is to the organization.
C. High levels of valency and instrumentality result in low expectancy.
D. Outcomes considered to have high valence are identical across all employees.
E. Providing employees with highly valent outcomes can reduce turnover.
Communication among employees at the same level in the hierarchy, or sideways, is
called horizontal communication.
A. True
B. False
There has been a rapid increase in the percentage of the population of a third-world
nationswitching to cellular technology in recent years. A major multinational
telecommunication services company decides to take advantage of this change and
plans to set up an industry in the country with the intention of dominating the country's
telecommunication market. This is an example of a _____.
A. divisional-level strategy
B. departmental-level strategy
C. functional-level strategy
D. corporate-level strategy
E. business-level strategy
Illumin, a light bulb manufacturing company, strives to improve the longevity and
brightness of its bulbs by continuously changing designs and trying different
combinations of materials and component parts while manufacturing them. This is an
example of _____.
A. quantum process innovation
B. quantum product innovation
C. incremental product innovation
D. incremental process innovation
E. process reengineering
Functional goals and strategies shouldbe independent of divisional and corporate goals
and strategies.
A. True
B. False
_____ proposes that all people seek to satisfy five basic kinds of needs: physiological
needs, safety needs, belongingness needs, esteem needs, and self-actualization needs.
A. Victor H. Vroom's expectancy theory
B. B. F. Skinner's operant conditioning theory
C. Abraham Maslow's hierarchy of needs theory
D. Frederick Herzberg's motivator-hygiene theory
E. David McClelland's theory of needs
_____ includesall the activities managers engage in to develop a pool of qualified
candidates for open positions.
A. Labor relation
B. Subjective appraisal
C. Feedback
D. Recruitment
E. Job enlargement
Which of the following is true of value systems?
A. They are the terminal and instrumental values that are guiding principles in an
individual's life.
B. They are reward systems that encourage valued employees to set high standards for
C. They highlight valuable contributions employees have made toward organizations in
the past.
D. They are the rules valued by organizations by which employees are expected to
E. They are the personality traits of employees valued by organizations.

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