OBHR 590

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 9
subject Words 2251
subject Authors Kitty Locker, Stephen Kaczmarek

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Writers should use commas wherever they would pause to take a breath while speaking.
Good reader benefits are primarily based on extrinsic advantages.
When a writer writes to one person, a good last paragraph fits that person specifically.
A reference line tells what a letter is about.
During the question period, the speaker should nod his or her head to indicate that the
question is being understood as it is asked.
Proofreading e-mail messages takes up valuable time and should, therefore, be avoided.
Active listening works even if you do not genuinely accept the other persons ideas and
Unsupported claims sound overconfident, selfish, or arrogant.
Sans serif fonts are easier to read than serif fonts.
No explicit apology is necessary when:
A. the error is small.
B. you are correcting the mistake.
C. you are not at fault.
D. the problem is due to circumstances beyond your control.
E. All of the above.
Which of the following is true of blogs?
A. Blogs cannot be used as documents in lawsuits.
B. Blogs are collections of hyperlinks that connect to other Web pages.
C. Images cannot be shared through blogs.
D. Blogs are rapidly declining in popularity.
E. Blogs can be cached just like other Web pages.
Which of the following statements is not true about information interviews?
A. They help a person best prepare to enter the career field he or she wants to.
B. They help in presenting oneself effectively in the resume and application letter.
C. They help a person determine whether or not he or she would like a job.
D. They can be used to create a good image of a person in the mind of the interviewer.
E. They provide a convenient platform for people to ask for jobs.
During conversations, why is it important to focus on peoples feelings and not on facts
A. Because by watching out for feelings, one can win an argument
B. Because it is the best way to plan a rebuttal
C. Because listening errors caused by inattention can be avoided by implementing this
D. Because sometimes, people may have objections that they cant quite put into words.
E. None of the above
"Jim went to the office supply store Zack went with him." This sentence best
exemplifies _____.
A. comma splice
B. run-on sentence
C. fused sentence
D. subject-verb disagreement
E. noun-pronoun disagreement
Which of the following is true of connotation?
A. It is the dictionary meaning of a word.
B. It is the root of the word.
C. It is the literal meaning of a word.
D. It is different for different cultures.
E. All of the above are true.
A problem-solving pattern is most appropriate when:
A. the audience will do as you ask without any resistance.
B. you expect logic to be more important than emotion in the decision.
C. you need a response only from the people who are willing to act.
D. the audience is busy and may not read all the messages received.
E. your organizations culture prefers direct requests.
Which of the following is a good practice in preparing for an interview?
A. Dress in interview clothing that is less formal than that of the interviewer.
B. Wear casuals when attending a management or office job interview.
C. It is better to err on the side of using more cologne than using very little cologne.
D. Carry extra copies of your r©sum© and portfolio even if the interview doesnt call
for it.
E. Avoid reading company publications in the waiting room.
Which of the following should an employee typically avoid when networking?
A. Seeking out people outside ones area or department
B. Getting to know people beyond ones own organization
C. Meeting people while doing mundane tasks
D. Trying to talk to everyone in a large group setting
E. Treating networking as a work-related task
When an employer gives a verbal job offer to an applicant, he or she should:
A. decline it immediately if it is not the first choice.
B. tell the employer about his or her concerns about joining the company.
C. express pleasure at being offered the job.
D. ask the employer for at least a months time to think about the offer.
E. do all of the above.
In which of the following situations is it ethically correct to deemphasize negative
A. When the reader must correct a dangerous or harmful practice
B. When communicating an increase in price to the customers
C. When the reader requires the information to make decisions
D. When the information is trivial or inconsequential
E. None of the above
In which of the following are writers most likely to save a copy of their interview
A. Conclusion
B. Recommendation
C. Memo of transmittal
D. Introduction
E. Appendix
In order to present informative messages effectively, one should:
A. share good news only in the final paragraph.
B. repeat information from the first paragraph to keep readers engaged.
C. leave reader benefits open to interpretation by the readers rather than explaining
those benefits in the message.
D. present negative elements as positively as possible.
E. refrain from using a goodwill ending.
Define the term "culture" and differentiate between high-context and low-context
How should informative and positive messages be organized and presented to the
A _____ report is a type of report that typically contains elements such as a title page, a
transmittal, a table of contents, and a list of illustrations.
Mention the most common kinds of persuasive messages.
What are the limitations of using virtual meetings?

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