OBHR 391 Midterm 1

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 11
subject Words 3155
subject Authors Stephen P. Robbins, Timothy A. Judge

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People in individualistic countries tend to see power in social terms and as a legitimate
means of helping others.
Generally, agreeableness is associated with higher levels of career success (especially
One advantage of cross-functional teams is that they are easy to manage.
You are a member of a team of eight individuals from the same department who meet
for a few hours each week to discuss ways of improving quality, efficiency, and the
work environment. You are most likely a member of a self-managed work team.
The degree to which an employee believes it is meaningful to engage in work is
partially determined by access to sufficient resources to work effectively.
Stress typically has a negative effect on mood.
With the changing nature of work suggesting the increasing importance of intellectual
abilities for many jobs, the value of physical abilities is reducing.
Workforce diversity is a topic dealing with how organizations are becoming more
homogeneous in terms of gender, race, and ethnicity.
Organizations and their members tend to resist change.
Over the last three decades, business school curricula has focused more on the technical
aspects of management such as economics, accounting, finance, and quantitative
techniques, and less on subjects related to human behavior and people skills.
A common tendency related to the overconfidence bias is that as managers and
employees become more knowledgeable about an issue, they become more likely to
display overconfidence.
Positive emotions enhance problem-solving skills.
Employee performance is not influenced by age, gender, race, ethnicity, and ability.
As per Maslow's Hierarchy of needs, social and self-actualization needs would be first
priority in countries where uncertainty-avoidance characteristics are strong.
The blurring of the line between work and non-work time has created ________.
A) personal conflicts
B) a more stable workforce
C) higher pay scales for more hours worked
D) dual career households
E) greater job satisfaction
The ________ dimension of the Big Five Model addresses range of interests and
fascination with novelty.
A) agreeableness
B) conscientiousness
C) openness to experience
D) extraversion
E) emotional stability
One implication from the evidence on EI to date is that employers should consider it a
factor in hiring employees, especially in jobs that demand ________.
A) a high degree of social interaction
B) good analytical skills
C) the ability to work independently
D) good critical thinking skills
E) good mathematical skills
Mrs. Jonas believes strongly that it is important that worker's rights be respected, and
that one of the more important ways of doing this is to ensure that all workers be
properly documented. She is supervising a contracting company that is building a new
warehouse for her company. While doing this she discovers that many of the workers
employed by the contractor are undocumented aliens working for well below minimum
wage. Mrs. Jonas is likely experiencing ________.
A) cognitive dissonance
B) unresolved anger
C) ethical evasion
D) uncertainty avoidance
E) social pressure
Which of the following is a self-focused impression management technique?
A) flattery
B) enhancement
C) apology
D) excuses
E) conformity
Larry has an employee who is amazing at clearly seeing rules and enforcing them. He
has recently promoted her to the lead position in quality assurance. Which aspect of
creating a positive organizational culture is Larry utilizing?
A) rewarding more than punishing
B) building on organization strengths
C) encouraging intense competition
D) building on employee strengths
E) emphasizing short-term gains
Goals seem to have a more substantial effect on performance when the ________.
A) goals are generalized (like "Do your best") rather than specific
B) tasks are complex rather than simple
C) tasks are novel rather than well learned
D) goals are easy rather than difficult
E) tasks are independent rather than interdependent
Miranda is a mid-level supervisor at a home improvement store. Over the last few
weeks, Miranda has noticed that Lauren has not been doing well at his job and the sales
in his area have been slipping. Which method of communication would be best for
Miranda to use to address this matter with Lauren?
A) email
B) memo
C) phone call
D) informal Meeting
E) formal Meeting
You manage a department of five employees. You have identified that Joe has high need
for achievement, Mary has high need for power, and Tim has high need for affiliation.
Sarah scored high on the need for power and low on the need for affiliation. Doug
scores low on both need for power and need for affiliation. Which of these five
employees is most likely to be suitable for a new assignment that involves a high degree
of personal responsibility and feedback?
A) Joe
B) Mary
C) Tim
D) Sarah
E) Doug
Which of the following stages of a five-stage group-development model is
characterized by a great deal of uncertainty about the group's purpose, structure, and
A) introduction
B) storming
C) forming
D) evolution
E) norming
________ is the ability to make rapid, repeated flexing movements.
A) Extent flexibility
B) Dynamic flexibility
C) Dynamic strength
D) Trunk strength
E) Explosive strength
The principle of ________ helps preserve the concept of an unbroken line of authority.
A) span of control
B) chain of command
C) cross-functionality
D) centralization
E) unity of command
Judy has been having a very difficult time at work. Her supervisor is constantly making
her work long hours and is usually very critical of her behavior. This constant negativity
is taking a toll on Judy and she is starting to experience hatred toward her job.
According to the theory of emotional regulation, Judy needs to do which of the
following to control her spiraling emotions?
A) Drink...a little alcohol count help her chill out.
B) Exercise...get some endorphins going.
C) Dance...a hobby is always a good diversion.
D) Vent...letting it out clears the soul.
E) Curse...a few choice words will help.
Araceli is a team member in a large corporation. She never speaks in team meetings
because she has seen members talk behind each other's back after the meetings.
Members are constantly monitoring the other members' work, looking for mistakes to
point out in a meeting. According to the information provided, which contextual factor
is most likely hindering the success of Araceli's team?
A) adequate resources
B) climate of trust
C) team structure
D) performance evaluations
E) leadership
What is team efficacy? What can management do to increase team efficacy?
Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of group decisions as compared to individual
At what time of day are people in the best mood? Describe how mood changes
throughout the day.
Explain how stress affects emotions and moods.
The management of ethical behavior is one area where national culture can rub up
against corporate culture. Discuss some differences in how individualist and collectivist
cultures might view the difference in the management of ethical behavior in relation to
corporate culture.
Describe the five common ways of departmentalization. Give an example of each.

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