MT 31419

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 25
subject Words 4001
subject Authors Michael R. Solomon

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Janice feels that she makes many of her decisions based on the fact that she is an
introvert. Introversion seems to affect her taste in clothes, outside activities, and even
her independence. Janice is making consumption decisions based on a personality
theory called trait theory.
Gestation is the process of gift exchange.
Winnowing out is part of the cultural selection process.
Discretionary income is the money available to a household over and above that
required for a comfortable standard of living.
A style typically begins as a risky or unique statement by a relatively small group of
A person or group with the means to provide positive reinforcement is said to have
expert power.
Descriptive characteristics of a population are called demographics.
Samuel would like to use occupational prestige to measure social class, but his study is
international, and prestige of occupation changes from one culture to the next.
Homophily refers to the degree to which a pair of individuals is similar in terms of
education, social status, and beliefs.
It would be difficult to sell consumers life insurance if their notion of time is like a
A positioning strategy relies on the marketer's ability to convince the consumer to
consider its product within a given category.
Sustainability and green marketing are the same thing.
The growing number of Web sites and blogs devoted to excessive weight loss illustrates
the problem of bulimia and group dieting.
A goal has valence, which means it can be positive or negative.
Every year, the students at a prestigious engineering school remove a car from the
parking lot and place it on the highest point of the roof of the main engineering
building. The students have been doing this for decades, but not once has anyone ever
confided to an outsider how it was done. This is a classic example of a ritual.
Greenwashing occurs when companies make false or exaggerated claims on how
environmentally friendly their product is.
The Geico Gecko, Tony the Tiger and the Allstate Mayhem Man are examples of
Although there are many differences between social classes, almost all these differences
can be summarized by the differences that income makes in a person's life.
Weber's Law states that the intensity of the stimulus is greater if its duration is
An ethnographer would be interested in studying the process of acculturation in an
immigrant community.
The looking-glass self is molded by elements of pop culture, such as comic book
Consumer to consumer cyber activity is called C2C e-commerce.
Christy, Jillian, and Robert were all born between 1965 and 1985; they are considered
part of Generation Y.
A membership reference group is made up of idealized figures such as successful
business people, athletes, or performers.
Unlike computers, people do not passively process whatever information happens to be
The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) regulates telephone, radio, and TV.
Profane consumption involves consumer objects and events that are ordinary.
Hong Kong Disneyland is an example of an emic perspective.
Lateral cycling means reducing how much one product uses so there is less waste.
The self-image congruence model helps to explain why it is a deal killer in the Japanese
business culture to mishandle a business card for a prospective client.
If a consumer admires the qualities of another person and copies his or her behaviors,
the person that is copied is said to have ________ power.
A) referent
B) informational
C) legitimate
D) coercive
A decision strategy that seeks to deliver an adequate solution rather than the best
possible solution is referred to as ________.
A) inertia
B) rationalizing
C) satisficing
D) anchoring
A ________ is a very short-lived fashion.
A) trend
B) fad
C) classic
D) style
A consumer researcher who believes in the paradigm of ________ believes that human
reason is supreme and that there is a single or objective truth that can be discovered by
A) fundamentalism
B) interpretivism
C) positivism
D) postmodernism
The modern use of high heels (which can cause knee and hip problems) may be
compared to the traditional Asian practice of foot binding. According to the text, which
of the following purposes best describes why high heels are worn?
A) To separate group members from non-group members
B) To place the individual in the social organization
C) To place the person in a gender category
D) To enhance sex-role identification
Hannah was embarrassed when her friends teased her about dancing on a table on
Friday night. She tried to tell her friends that she really is quite introverted and shy. Her
friends observed that Hannah does not appear shy when she is out on a weekend
evening. Which of the following statements is most applicable in understand Hannah's
A) Personality is a set of consistent traits that do not change from one environment to
the next. Either Hannah or her friends are wrong in their observations.
B) Hannah's personality is a unique psychological makeup that consistently influences
behavior within a certain environmental situation. Although behavior will be consistent
within consistent environments, it does not have to be consistent between environments.
C) Personality is a hypothetical construct that grows stronger with age. Hannah will
likely be extroverted for the rest of her life.
D) Hannah's behavior on a weekend night is due to Freudian problems with her
Most Americans will state that they are always rushed for time even though many
people have opportunities for leisure. This perception is referred to as ________.
A) time poverty
B) the leisure paradox
C) psychological time
D) circular time
________ are consumers who refuse to sacrifice style, but they achieve on a budget.
A) Fashionistas
B) Frugalistas
C) Nouveau rich
D) Cosmopolitanism
When a person buys a product for emotional reasons, the need is ________.
A) utilitarian
B) functional
C) interdependent
D) hedonic
A church that serves 2000 or more congregants per week is called a ________.
A) mass church
B) megachurch
C) large church
D) mainstream church
The process by which people select, organize, and interpret sensations is called
A) consumption
B) perception
C) adaption
D) application
Many ________ cultures stress the importance of a collective self, in which an
individual's identity is derived in large measure from his or her social group.
A) Eastern
B) American
C) Western
D) European
What theory of motivation is related to the idea that customers desire a state of balance
called homeostasis?
A) Instinct theory
B) Drive theory
C) Expectancy theory
D) Need theory
A Green Giant ad campaign relied on the ________ when it used a redesigned package
for Green Giant products that showed the Green Giant in a 'sea of green." It was felt
that the Green Giant products were not unified under a common design banner.
A) Similarity principle
B) Figure-ground principle
C) Subliminal principle
D) Closure principle
Decisions driven by our emotional responses to a product are called ________.
A) affective
B) habitual
C) cognitive
D) compensatory
Products that consumers are willing to pay more for are called ________ products.
A) cult
B) limited
C) staple
D) routine
Which of the following statements about teenagers is true?
A) Most cultures have historically separated youth between the ages of 13 to 17 as
being neither children nor adults.
B) Most primitive cultures have isolated youth between the ages of 13 to 17 as being
unstable and incapable of membership in adult life.
C) The concept of being a teenager is a relatively new historical development that did
not exist prior to about 60 to 70 years ago.
D) The concept of a teenager began to appear in Western cultures about 200 years ago
as a result of practices by Native American tribes.
Ben Perez is driving along a mountain road. In the distance, he sees a road crew
working on a fallen tree that has blocked the highway. When Ben first sees the road
crew, which of the following perceptual processes has been engaged?
A) Exposure
B) Attention
C) Adaptation
D) Interpretation
________ refers to analytical techniques that combine data on consumer expenditures
and other socioeconomic factors with geographic information.
A) Geodemography
B) Senior market
C) Consumer identity renaissance
D) Perceived age
Hundreds of millions of consumers around the world have the purchasing power to
afford higher quality products. This consumer group, known as the ________, tend to
buy affordable cars rather than luxury cars.
A) plutonomy
B) taste culture
C) leisure class
D) mass class
"It's time for the Christmas shopping list," thought Martha's mother, so she asked
Martha for a quick list of her favorite perfumes. Martha gave her mother six names that
were all her "favorite." This group constitutes Martha's ________ for perfume.
A) position set
B) activation set
C) rational set
D) evoked set
Jim is considered a part of the upper middle class, while Marcos is considered part of
the lower upper class. Jim and Marcos have been identified in terms of ________.
A) cultural capital
B) occupational prestige
C) social rank
D) social class
Two important factors determine how a couple spends time and money. One of these
factors is whether the couple has children. What is the other factor?
A) Whether the woman works
B) Whether they have jobs that require extensive travel
C) Whether they have extended family members living with them
D) Whether they live in an urban or suburban setting
Consumers who buy everything in sight are called ________.
A) tightwads
B) spendthrifts
C) justifiers
D) balancers
A general attitude toward shopping is called ________.
A) shopping addiction
B) shopping feeling
C) shopping psychology
D) shopping orientation
________ suggests that expectations of achieving desirable outcomespositive
incentivesrather than being pushed from within motivate our behavior.
A) The theory of cognitive dissonance
B) Gestalt theory
C) Expectancy theory
D) Homeostasis
In a(n) ________, consumers participate in the production of the products or services
they buy.
A) pop-up store
B) minipreneur shop
C) activity store
D) sharing site
A politician attempts to gain support for her campaign for mayor by releasing a poll
showing that almost 70 percent of the city's voters support her position on property
taxes. What basic psychological principle is the politician using to persuade voters that
she should be the next mayor?
A) Consistency
B) Authority
C) Consensus
D) Liking
Susan selects and runs her focus groups carefully. She wants to make sure that each
focus group member provides meaningful information for her research purpose. As she
is examining potential focus group candidates, she notices that three men and two
women seem to provide "yes" answers regardless of what she asks them. They seem to
want to be on the focus group very badly and appear eager to be "good subjects." If
Susan follows prudent testing methodology, she should reject these test subjects in
order to avoid the possibility of which of the following?
A) Stimulus generalization
B) Order bias
C) Response
D) Spontaneous recovery
Processing information from more than one medium at a time is known as ________.
A) multitasking
B) perceptual hyperactivity
C) perceptual chunking
D) interactive attention
________ are generally more involved in a product category and actively search for
A) Market mavens
B) Opinion seekers
C) Innovators
D) Reference groups
It is known that consumers differ in their level of involvement with a product message.
Marketers use attention-getting factors to ensure that a message gets through the clutter
that constantly bombards the consumer's senses. Name the techniques cited in the text
that can be used to enhance the consumer's motivations to process product information
and increase their involvement. Be specific in your comments and descriptions.
Explain the principle of cognitive consistency.
Explain the elaboration likelihood model (ELM).
Briefly explain how teens have been found to use ridicule to exchange information
about consumption norms and values.
Explain how the fear of deviance affects individual behavior or conformity.
In some environments, it is very difficult to dispose of used products. Explain what
special types of disposal problems are created by densely populated areas and what type
of business could be created in Manhattan, New York or Hong Kong that would take
advantage of this difficulty.
Explain the Freudian system of personality as it might apply to the behavior of a
Blind taste tests in the 1980s showed that most Coke drinkers preferred a cola that was
sweeter than the current product. When Coca-Cola attempted to make its product
sweeter, brand loyal customers revolted and demanded the old product be returned.
Explain how Coca-Cola marketers could have used the principles of psychophysics to
introduce the new Coke without creating these problems.
Explain how frequency marketing works.
A sign on a drawer in the kitchen of a fraternity said "Plastic Silver." The drawer
contained plastic spoons, forks, and knives for casual dinners. Use the principle of
hyperreality to explain why users of the kitchen would know what was in the drawer
without looking.
Define framing.
Explain the concept of involvement and its relationship to motivation.
Define the term "fashion system."
A woman who was raised on Kate Moss images of women, played with Barbie dolls
while growing up, and watched a significant amount of TV was talking with a friend
outside a theater playing the 1953 Marilyn Monroe classic Gentleman Prefer Blondes.
The woman said, "I didn't know Marilyn Monroe was so big and fat." Her female friend
disagreed and said, "Marilyn Monroe is a classic icon of beauty." Discuss this
interchange in terms of ideals of beauty.
Research has shown that Kansei engineering can be an effective way to design
products. Explain how Kansei engineering works and give an illustration that
demonstrates your understanding.
What does salience of a brand refer to?
Why do variable reinforcements result in behavior that is more difficult to extinguish
than fixed schedules?
List and define the five stages of the cognitive decision-making process.

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