MGT 30498

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 9
subject Words 1732
subject Authors Keith Storey, Richard W. Albin, Robert E. O'Neill

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The section of the behavior support plan that defines monitoring and evaluation
procedures should indicate
a. The system that will be used for collecting data
b. The process for data review
c. How often and by whom the data will be reviewed
d. All of the above
e. None of the above
An example of topography of behavior is
a. Kicking
b. Hitting
c. Running out of the room
d. All of the above
e. None of the above
What should you do when the patterns of behavior are NOT clear?
a. Use a different data collection system.
b. Gather data for another 2-5 days to see whether consistent relationships begin to
c. Use what data you have.
d. All of the above
A reversal design (ABAB) involves
a. Gathering data during an initial or baseline (A) phase when the variable of interest is
not present
b. Conducting a second treatment or manipulation (B) phase in which the event or
situation of interest is present
c. Repeating the alternation of these baseline and manipulation conditions to establish a
clear pattern showing the
relationship between the variable manipulation and changes in levels or rates of
problem behaviors
d. All of the above
The behavior support plan may involve
a. Changes we will make in the physical setting
b. Changes in curriculum
c. Changes in schedule
d. All of the above
Which of the following is least important in the functional assessment process?
a. The diagnostic label of the individual (such as autism, emotional disturbance, Down
b. The antecedents of the problem behavior
c. The consequences of the problem behavior
d. The function that the problem behavior serves
e. All of the above
Teaching strategies may be implemented to replace undesirable behaviors with more
a. Adaptive alternative behaviors
b. Better thought processes when they are upset
c. Better equilibrium of their inner states
d. All of the above
e. None of the above
A good behavior support plan should include the following key features
a. Operational description of the problem behaviors
b. Summary statements resulting from a functional assessment
c. Descriptions of (a) typical routines and (b) most difficult problem situations
d. Monitoring and evaluation plan
e. All of the above
People to be interviewed for the functional assessment interview include
a. Teachers and other support providers
b. Family members
c. The person with the problem behavior
d. All of the above
Najib becomes aggressive towards others when he doesn"t understand teacher
directions (escape behavior). The topography of the behavior is
a. Escape behavior
b. Aggression
c. Both of the above
d. Neither of the above
Setting events may involve
a. Eating routines and diet
b. The person's daily schedule
c. Staffing patterns and interactions
d. All of the above
e. None of the above
Proactive and preventative interventions may focus on
a. Setting events
b. Antecedents
c. Both of the above
d. Neither of the above
What is NOT an outcome of a functional assessment interview?
a. Understanding of how the person is feeling when they are engaging in the problem
b. Identification of general and more immediate physical and environmental factors that
predict the occurrence and nonoccurrence of the problem behaviors
c. Identification of the potential functions of the behaviors in relation to the outcomes or
consequences that are maintaining them
d. Development of summary statements describing relationships among situations,
behaviors, and their functions
In analyzing people's activity patterns, you can address issues such as
a. The variety of activities they perform
b. The degree of community integration they experience
c. The extent to which their preferences are reflected and accommodated
d. All of the above
Replacement behaviors should
a. Help the person to think through what they should do
b. Serve the same function as the problem behavior
c. Increase self-esteem
d. None of the above
For Hiraru, a potential positive intervention based upon function of the behavior would
be to
a. Change how the teacher is teaching
b. Have Hiraru think before acting
c. Teach a self-management strategy for limited question asking
d. None of the above
Functional assessment is the general label used to describe a set of processes for
a. An assessment of a student or individual
b. Deciding what to do about a problem behavior
c. Determining what skills a person need to be successful
d. Defining the events in an environment that reliably predict and maintain problem
Hikaru excessively interrupts class to ask questions that are not related to the instruction
(get teacher attention). The topography of the behavior is
a. Interrupting class
b. Not listening to directions
c. Not following rules
d. All of the above
Topography of behavior
a. Is the same as the function of the behavior
b. Is different from the function of the behavior
c. Changes the function that the behaviors serve
d. All of the above
When the function of the problem behavior is understood in terms of linking setting
events and immediate antecedents with the behavior and its consequences in a summary
statement, it is possible to
a. Effectively understand what the person is thinking when they engage in problem
b. Effectively develop a multi-component support plan designed to make the problem
behavior irrelevant, inefficient, and ineffective
c. Effectively understand the most important inner states of the person when they are
engaging in the problem behavior
d. All of the above
Ecological or setting events
a. Include those aspects of a person's environment or daily routines that happen
immediately before or after the undesirable behaviors but still affect whether these
behaviors are performed
b. Describe what the person does
c. Include those aspects of a person's environment or daily routines that do not
necessarily happen immediately before or after the undesirable behaviors but still affect
whether these behaviors are performed
d. Include what the person is thinking at the time they engage in the problem behavior
Functional assessment is not like a medical diagnosis because
a. Medical issues are not that important in analyzing problem behavior
b. Different types of jargon are used
c. The information from a functional assessment does not allow a simple match of a
problem behavior with a prepackaged clinical intervention
d. None of the above
Understanding the consequences that maintain problem behaviors is
a. Important in determining what will be successful with that individual
b. To control what the person does
c. An essential element of a functional assessment
d. Important but not the key element of a functional assessment
The same topography of a problem behavior such as hitting may
a. Serve different functions
b. Arouse different feelings in the person
c. Change the person's inner states in different ways
d. All of the above
Summary statements describe
a. A situation in which problem behaviors occur
b. The behaviors that are occurring
c. The function the behaviors serve
d. All of the above
A strategy that has proven useful to improve the link between functional assessment
outcomes and behavior support plan design is
a. To consider the influence that the person's ego is having on their behavior
b. To understand what the person is thinking when they are engaging in the problem
c. To ensure that the summary statements from the functional assessment are listed in
the behavior support plan
d. All of the above
e. None of the above
The Functional Assessment Observation Form indicates
a. The number of events of problem behavior
b. The problem behaviors that occur together
c. The times when problem behavior events are most and least likely to occur
d. Events that predict problem behavior
e. All of the above
The heart of a behavior support plan lies in the extent to which the plan is
a. Based on functional assessment results
b. Consistent with fundamental principles of behavior
c. A good contextual "fit" with the values, resources, and skills of all people in the
d. All of the above
e. None of the above
Functional analysis may involve
a. Manipulation of structural or antecedent events
b. Manipulation of consequences for the problem behaviors
c. Both of the above
d. Neither of the above
The competing behavior model provides the blueprint for
a. The formal behavior plan
b. The implementation of that plan
c. Both of the above
d. Neither of the above
One of the central reasons for conducting a functional assessment is to
a. Know what a person is feeling when the problem behavior is occurring
b. Know what a person is thinking when the problem behavior is occurring
c. Obtain information about when, where, and why problem behaviors occur is
extremely valuable in building effective and efficient behavioral support
d. All of the above
e. None of the above
For Najib, a potential positive interventions based upon function of the behavior would
be to
a. Punish (decrease) the aggressive behaviors
b. Teach him how to think differently in these difficult situations
c. Teach him how to ask for help when directions are not clear
d. None of the above

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