MGMT 505 Quiz

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 8
subject Words 1165
subject Authors Gareth Jones, Jennifer George

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The free-trade doctrine predicts that if each country agrees to specialize in the
production of the goods and services that it can produce most efficiently, this will make
the best use of global capital resources and will result in lower prices.
A. True
B. False
Which of the following is true of managerswith high emotional intelligence?
A. They easily encourage their employees to be creative.
B. They find it hard owning up to their mistakes.
C. They use coercive power frequently.
D. They have a hard time empathizing with subordinates.
E. They have poor interpersonal skills.
Which of the following contributed to the lowering of barriers caused by distance and
cultural differences?
A. The imposition of government-enforced tariffs on imports
B. The development of communication and transportation technology
C. The rejection of the free-trade doctrine
D. The imposition of government-enforced tariffs on exports
E. The restrictions placed on the flow of capital between nations
A decline in the number of young people joining the workforce and an increasein the
number of active employees who are postponing retirement are examples of _____
forces in the general environment.
A. demographic
B. terminal
C. ethnographic
D. geopolitical
E. Instrumental
Arbitrators cannot force the partiesinvolved in a conflict to make concessions, nor can
they force an agreement to resolve a conflict.
A. True
B. False
Which of the following is essential for implementing a successful total quality
management program?
A. Resisting change in the organization's culture
B. Attributing product defects to poor customer service
C. Associating service defects to the production system
D. Introducing a just-in-case inventory system
E. Breaking down barriers between functions
The _____ shows whether an organizationcan pay claims of short-term creditors
without selling inventory.
A. quick ratio
B. current ratio
C. days sales outstanding ratio
D. inventory turnover ratio
E. profit ratio
According to the expectancy theory, motivation is high when people:
A. believe that high levels of effort lead to high performance and, ultimately, to the
attainment of the desired goals.
B. perceive that they cansatisfy their need for affiliation and need for achievement with
minimum effort.
C. perceive that their own outcome-input ratio is less than that of referents.
D. are set specific and challenging goals which help themfocus their inputs in the right
E. learn to perform behaviors that lead to desired consequences and learn not to perform
behaviors that lead to undesired consequences.
Jim, the dean of student services, and Paula, the dean of academic affairs, disagree
about how to handle the misconduct of a student. Their disagreement with each other
signifies _____ conflict.
A. interpersonal
B. bottom-up
C. interorganizational
D. horizontal
E. top-down
Why is competition ineffective as a conflict resolution strategy?
A. The parties to the conflict make concessions.
B. The parties to a conflict try to ignore the problem and do nothing to resolve the
C. The weaker party who gives in might look for ways to get back at the stronger party
in the future.
D. The two sides to a conflict are more concerned about winning the battle than
E. It does not allow either party to achieve its goals.
Due to declining global sales, Makeown Ventures Inc. announced that it would lay off
12 percent of its existing workforce over the next few months. This is an example of:
A. task assessment.
B. insourcing.
C. restructuring.
D. outsourcing.
E. empowerment.
Which of the following is true of communication?
A. It takes place even if a common understanding is not reached.
B. It does not involve individuals and groups; hence is not a human endeavor.
C. It is a necessity for gaining a competitive advantage.
D. It affects theresponsiveness to customers negatively.
E. It plays little or no role in improving the quality orefficiency.
Rites of _____, such as shared announcements of organizational successes, office
parties, and company cookouts, build and reinforce common bonds among organization
A. passage
B. integration
C. advancement
D. enhancement
E. acceptance

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