MGMT 137 Midterm

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 3
subject Words 603
subject Authors Mary Alice Hanken PhD CHPS RHIA, Mervat Abdelhak PhD RHIA FAHIMA

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You are the health information management (HIM) department manager at Rocky
Mountain Nursing Home, which has been cited by the state surveyors for lack of receipt
of an admission history and physical examination in a timely manner. This information
is extremely important for patient care at the time of transfer to the nursing home and is
an important part of the clinical database. It has been difficult for you to receive the
transfer information from one hospital in particular, one that is the major referral source
for your nursing home. Your administrator requests that you send a letter to the HIM
director at the hospital with a copy to the hospital administrator and to himself
regarding this problem and seeking their help. Write the letter and address it to Chris
Morgan, RHIA, Director of Health Information Services, Rocky Mountain Hospital,
1299 94th Ave., SW, Cougar, WA 98000. The hospital administrator's name is Josephine
Anderson, and the nursing home administrator is Frank Henderson. Be sure to include
enough information so that they understand your requirements and the methods to meet
the requirements.
Departmental productivity standards help employees understand expected job
Free text is preferable in describing health care because it is a more concise and
efficient way of storing detailed information and transmitting the information to others.
It is important to save different versions of documents because care decisions can be
made at any point when the document is viewable.
In 2004, President George W. Bush publicly supported building a national health
information infrastructure.
The National Labor Relations Act requires all employers under its jurisdiction to
bargain with any employees who claim to represent the majority of their fellow
Interrogatories are often a part of the pretrial discovery process.
A statistical report of the quarterly clinical record review that contains errors and needs
to be redone would be counted as a "productive unit of work."
Which financial statement depicts the financial condition of an organization as of one
date in time?

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