Marketing Chapter 20 2 A manufacturer is most likely to be held liable for injuries caused by a “perfect” product if the injury was the result of

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 9
subject Words 1493
subject Authors C. Anthony Di Benedetto, C. Merle Crawford

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31. Under the concept of strict liability, the:
32. Janet uses the Atlas brand of lawnmowers despite being aware of its potential defects.
She neglects the defects and continues to use the product regardless of its dangers. In this case,
the manufacturer of Atlas lawnmowers can use _____ as a defense against any strict liability
33. A firm charged with strict liability in an injury case may seek to defend on the basis of:
34. The concept of _____ holds that a seller is responsible for keeping defective products off
the market.
35. A manufacturer is most likely to be held liable for injuries caused by a "perfect" product if
the injury was the result of:
36. Which of the following statements is true of product recall?
37. Which of the following is the primary task of a recall program coordinator for defective
38. When pharmaceutical firms are reluctant to develop new products because of major risks
of trouble, it is referred to as _____.
39. Which of the following is the biggest complaint against the laws governing product
40. A new product is said to harm the environment if its:
41. The best success in green product development occurs when a firm:
42. During which of the following stages of the new products process are problem experts
involved as players in the communications program?
43. Which of the following is true of counterfeiting as a means to product piracy?
44. _____ is best described as the unauthorized use of copyrighted or patented goods or
45. Panaroma is a patented apparel brand. A manufacturer sells low quality apparel under a
slightly different brand name "panoroma" that can cause confusion among customers. This
scenario best illustrates _____.
46. According to the U.S. Trade Representation lists, the countries with the biggest piracy
problem are currently:
47. In the new products process, _____ often leads firms to explore the minds of customers to
find something they want or will want when they hear about it.
48. Even when a particular situation seems to have a clear-cut guiding principle, one often
finds a contrary principle of equal merit and this is referred to as a(n) _____.
49. In _____, a manufacturer assumes all responsibility and is expected to pass along the
costs somehow.
50. Managements educate company personnel about new products most likely through:
51. Briefly trace the stages of the life cycle of a public concern.
52. Describe with examples the various sources of injury that can cause product liability
53. Explain the legal bases for negligence and warranty claim with respect to product
54. What are the various ways in which a product can be protected against product piracy?
55. A concern facing product developers is the unlocked potential in developing markets or in
Third-World countries. Elaborate on this statement.

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