Management 232 Quiz

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 18
subject Words 5081
subject Authors Mary Von Glinow, Steven Mcshane

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Leadership is the ability to influence, motivate, and enable others to contribute to
organizational effectiveness.
Emotional dissonance occurs when two or more people with notable differences in
emotional intelligence interact with each other.
Information systems and reward systems can both help to refreeze the desired
conditions in organizational change.
Inquisitors control all discussion about the conflict and also choose the form of conflict
Employees who are born between 1946 and 1964 are referred to as Generation X
Job specialization increases training costs and makes it more difficult for companies to
match employee aptitudes to jobs for which they are best suited.
Organizational politics refers to any use of power to influence others.
Smaller teams have more process loss than the larger teams.
Opportunities for employee involvement and increased social identity with the
organization would increase the continuance commitment of employees.
Reduced job security and increased work intensification are partly caused by
Employee engagement is on the minds of many business leaders these days because it
seems to be a strong predictor of employee and work unit performance.
Organizational countercultures can potentially help the organization maintain its
standards of performance and ethical behavior.
The force field analysis model states that stability is achieved only when the driving
forces for change subside and are replaced by restraining forces acting in the same
Intuition is based on mental templates or models representing tacit knowledge about a
Displaying one's diplomas and degrees on office walls is one way professionals
increase their visibility.
Shawna is dissatisfied with her boss for not supporting her work or recognizing her job
performance. In spite of these problems, Shawna does not complain and does not intend
to move elsewhere. Instead, she maintains her level of work effort and hopes the
company will eventually correct these problems. According to the EVLN model,
Shawna's response is:
A. exit.
B. voice.
C. employability.
D. loyalty.
E. neglect.
A major consumer-products company wanted to create a more entrepreneurial and
marketing-oriented culture. After failing to bring about the change through middle
management, senior executives worked directly with selected teams of front-line
employees. These teams, which represented each area of the organization, worked on
special projects outside the normal organizational structure. They followed the action
research model to produce meaningful organizational change. Which of the following
change strategies does this intervention represent?
A. Appreciative inquiry
B. Process consultation
C. Parallel learning structures
D. Sequential intervention
E. Top-down approach
Which of the following is NOT part of a stage in general adaptation syndrome?
A. A challenge activates the physiological stress response.
B. The individual engages in coping mechanisms.
C. The body reduces resources to the immune system.
D. The individual reaches exhaustion.
E. The individual reenters the normal state.
The themes shared most widely by employees represent:
A. the organization's dominant culture.
B. the organization's deculturation process.
C. the organization's counterculture.
D. artifacts held mainly by senior executives in the organization.
E. rituals prevalent in the organization.
Based on the characteristics of constructive conflicts, which of the following would
help a manager create constructive conflicts during a debate?
A. Support the weaker members during the debate
B. Explain conflict in terms of interpersonal incompatibilities
C. Support the stronger members during the debate
D. Keep the debate focused on the issue
E. Maintain competitive orientation in the debate
A firm has good associations with its customers, suppliers, and others who provide
added mutual value for the firm. Name the form of intellectual capital that is possessed
by the firm due to its good associations.
A. Structural capital
B. Intellectual capital
C. Human capital
D. Knowledge capital
E. Relationship capital
When people have leadership prototypes, they:
A. attribute the actions of leaders to external causes rather than to internal attributes.
B. give leaders more credit or blame than due because of their need to believe that life's
events are caused mainly by human agents.
C. believe that effective leaders should concentrate on increasing organizational
effectiveness rather than other activities.
D. believe that leaders are effective only if they behave consistently with their own
preconceptions of how an effective leader should act.
E. tend to observe the leader's performance rather than physical features and other traits.
Emotional contagion occurs when:
A. we share the emotions of other people.
B. we are required to show or hide our emotions, based on rules prescribed by the job.
C. two or more people experience different emotions even though they are observing
the same object.
D. the communication medium has different meaning for the receiver and the sender.
E. two or more people experience the same emotions even though they are observing
different objects.
________ is called a ________ influence tactic.
A. Persuasion; hard
B. Coalition formation; soft
C. Information control; soft
D. Silent authority; soft
E. Exchange; soft
A problem with the utilitarian principle of ethical decision making is that:
A. it focuses on the consequences of our actions, not on how we achieve those
B. there is no agreement on what activities are of the greatest benefits to the affected.
C. it is difficult to predict the "trickle down" benefits to those people who are least well
off in society.
D. it is almost impossible to evaluate the benefits or costs of many decisions.
E. it chooses the option that provides the minimum acceptable degree of satisfaction to
those affected.
Organizations that tolerate or encourage subcultures with dissenting values:
A. usually go quickly out of business.
B. usually build stronger cultures to counteract those dissenting values.
C. may eventually use those dissenting values to build a new set of dominant values in
the future.
D. do not have any corporate culture.
E. have a very rigid corporate culture.
Which of the following tends to result in increased continuance commitment?
A. Corporate leaders demonstrate increasing trust in employees.
B. The company helps employees learn more about the organization through
departmental visits and special seminars on company products.
C. Employees receive low interest loans and other incentives from their employer that
make it costly for them to quit.
D. The company introduces a participative management program to motivate the
E. The company gives strong opportunities for learning new skills to employees.
The concept of affective organizational commitment includes:
A. a calculative attachment to the organization.
B. an employee who is motivated to stay because leaving would be costly.
C. an emotional attachment with the organization.
D. selfish behavior within the organization.
E. perceiving loss of social costs.
Paragon CompanyAlvin, the production manager at the Paragon Company, wants to
select the best supplier of raw materials from among several vendors. He has several
choices and has done research into which company provides the best services and
products. One company is known to be extremely timely, another is much lower in
price but often late in deliveries, and the third is well-known to provide the highest
quality products available.According to the Rational Choice Paradigm of decision
making, Alvin should select the vendor that offers the most:
A. discounts.
B. deliveries.
C. utility.
D. expectancy.
E. quality.
Which of these statements about emotional labor is true?
A. Jobs involving customer service do not require emotional labor.
B. Research indicates that emotional display rules and standards are very similar around
the world.
C. Emotional labor demands are lower in jobs requiring a variety of emotions.
D. Emotional labor demands are lower in jobs where interaction with clients is frequent.
E. Emotional labor demands are higher in jobs requiring more intense emotions.
Which of the following is an effect of emotions?
A. They represent the cluster of beliefs and behavioral intentions toward a person.
B. They put us into a state of readiness.
C. They help us involve in conscious logical reasoning.
D. They enable us to have established perceptions about the attitude object.
E. They represent one's motivation to engage in a particular behavior.
Which of the following statements about power is true?
A. Power exists only when the power holder is able to change someone's behavior.
B. Power requires asymmetric dependence in a relationship.
C. Power is the actual practice of influencing others.
D. Power exists only when one person has something of value for a second person, but
the second person has nothing of value for the first person.
E. People cannot have power over others by controlling a desired job assignment, useful
information, important resources, or even the privilege of being associated with
Dividing work into more specialized jobs:
A. increases training costs.
B. reduces work efficiency.
C. reduces the opportunity to match people with appropriate jobs.
D. increases the time taken in changing from one task to another.
E. gives an opportunity to the job incumbents to master their tasks quickly.
Sarine's DollsWith funding from her family, Sarine is currently developing a new line
of dolls for her business which she hopes will take her company to the next level. At
first, she encountered some minor problems with the construction of the dolls and spent
a fair amount of money engineering a way to enable them to be like she envisioned.
Unfortunately, she then found out that there was a patent protecting the way the dolls
arms were connected, so she spent more money redesigning the dolls. After an
unexpectedly uninterested response from the public in the dolls, she decided that they
needed to be marketed differently in order to sell. So Sarine allocated more resources to
marketing and had the packaging of the dolls redesigned and created new set of
advertising materials. The cost of manufacturing these dolls has now exceeded four
times the initial proposed cost, but she is determined to make it work. She is
embarrassed by how this has gone, but continues to put on a brave front.What could
Sarine have done differently in order to avoid this escalation of commitment with her
A. Ensure that the people who evaluate the decisions are not the people who originally
made them.
B. Publicly establish a preset level at which the decision is abandoned or reevaluated.
C. Find a source of systematic and clear feedback.
D. Involve several people in the evaluation of the decision.
E. All of these would be effective.
Team cohesiveness tends to be higher when:
A. the team is large and established.
B. when entry into the team is difficult.
C. when the team has distinct fault lines.
D. when members have limited interaction.
E. external competition is limited.
Briefly explain the benefits and problems of job specialization.
As director of new projects, you have just learned that cash flow problems have forced
your organization to cut back product development activities. This means that two of
the eight projects currently being developed must be terminated along with the
employees working on those projects (about 25 per cent of employees in your unit).
You have a good knowledge of these projects as well as the performance and seniority
of employees who work in your unit. While some projects clearly have a high chance of
success, the long-term potential of a couple of them is unknown. Identify the best level
of employee involvement in this situation and describe three factors (contingencies) that
support this level of involvement.
Maslow's needs hierarchy theory was dismissed by experts more than three decades
ago, yet Maslow's writing has had a lasting and valuable effect by advocating a more
holistic, humanistic, and positive approach to human motivation. Discuss these three
approaches and point out how they were applied in Maslow's needs hierarchy theory.
Briefly explain the various sources of feedback. What are the considerations when
selecting a source?
Explain the three distinct types of ethical principles.
What are the major advantages of using a pilot project?
What is task interdependence? Identify the three levels of task interdependence and
give an organizational example for each.
Should companies try to eliminate grapevine communication? Explain your answer.
Explain the statement, "Structure follows strategy."
Identify and briefly describe the three stages of Lewin's force field analysis model.

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