Human Resources Chapter 13 2 If these fail, you can move to “harder” tactics

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 9
subject Words 3519
subject Authors Stephen P. Robbins, Timothy A. Judge

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54) Discuss the effectiveness of various influence tactics.
55) Discuss how power affects people and consider whether power is corruptive.
56) Which of the following statements is true?
A) The impact of sexual harassment is individual, not organizational.
B) A clear understanding of the actions that constitute sexual harassment does not exist.
C) Today, the rise of overt forms of sexual harassment presents a major concern for
D) Women in positions of power in an organization are free from sexual harassment by male
E) Curtailing sexual harassment requires higher-order intervention programs as managers cannot
be expected to help in this regard.
57) Which of the following is an overt form of sexual harassment?
A) being too friendly
B) pinups posted in the workplace
C) off-color jokes
D) unwanted physical touching
E) unwanted looks or comments
58) Which of the following is a subtle form of sexual harassment?
A) requesting repeatedly for a date when the other person is clearly disinterested
B) forcing someone to accept a sexual proposition
C) making jokes with sexual overtones
D) engaging in unwanted physical touching
E) forcing someone to provide sexual favors in return for a promotion
59) Connie Cole works as a junior market analyst at SPS Services. Her previous manager retired
a couple of months back, and she now has a younger male manager who repeatedly insists that
she accompany him for a coffee or dinner after work. Initially, Connie was unsuspecting and
refused because she did not have the time for such engagements during weekdays. Later, when
her manager's requests became frequent, she grew uncomfortable and firmly told him that she
was not interested in him and his attempts were not welcome. She realized that this step could
backfire because, as her superior, he has complete control over her appraisals, bonuses, and
promotions. Her manager even told her that if she does not agree, he will "find other ways."
Connie's experiences are best described as ________.
A) whistle-blowing
B) scapegoating
C) domestic abuse
D) sexual harassment
E) ambient abuse
60) Which of the following factors can lead to greater probability of sexual harassment at the
A) an active sexual harassment policy
B) large power differentials
C) a no-retaliation policy for victims seeking justice
D) awareness regarding sexual harassment
E) larger percentage of women in positions of power
61) Which of the following is true with regard to sexual harassment at the workplace?
A) An aggressive tone is the most effective for women to make their complaints of sexual
harassments known.
B) Women in positions of power typically do not perpetrate sexual harassment of their male
C) The supervisor-employee dyad best characterizes an equal power relationship that can be used
to prevent sexual harassment.
D) The best approach to preventing accusations of sexual harassment is to refrain from any
behavior that may be taken as harassing.
E) Women in positions of power in an organization are typically not sexually harassed by males
who occupy less powerful positions.
62) Tina Simmons worked as a welder at a shipyard company where she was forced to encounter
nude and partially nude pictures posted by her male co-workers in common areas. The men also
referred to her using obscene nicknames and made offensive remarks concerning her body.
When Tina complained, her supervisor took no corrective action despite having an active sexual
harassment policy approved by the EEOC. Tina wished to file a discrimination suit but instead
she chose to endure the harassment as she could not risk losing her job. Which of the following,
if true, would have strengthened her resolve to file a discrimination suit?
A) The colleagues who sexually harassed Tina shared a great rapport with her supervisor.
B) Tina had heard of only one prior instance wherein an employee in the company had filed a
discrimination suit.
C) Tina shared a strained working relationship with her supervisor.
D) The company policy prescribed that Tina would face no backlash if she approached the
E) Tina had few female colleagues at the shipyard where she worked.
63) Which of the following is an assertive impression management technique?
A) conformity
B) apologies
C) self-promotion
D) flattery
E) buffing
64) Which of the following is a self-focused impression management technique?
A) flattery
B) enhancement
C) apologies
D) excuses
E) conformity
65) Which of the following impression management techniques involves an individual admitting
responsibility for an undesirable event and simultaneously seeking to get a pardon for the action?
A) flattery
B) favors
C) apologies
D) misrepresentation
E) exemplification
66) Which of the following impression management techniques uses ingratiation?
A) flattery
B) exemplification
C) enhancement
D) conformity
E) apologies
67) Recently, Curtis Gibson had an interview for the position of a senior manager at a transit
service. At the interview, the interviewer made a passing remark about how policies can make or
break the best economy in the world. Immediately, Curtis launched into a discussion of how true
the interviewer was, substantiating his claim with stories from real economies around the world.
Similarly, when the interviewer suggested that Curtis work the earlier shift because, if selected,
he would have to commute a significant bit to reach work, Curtis vehemently agreed, saying,
"You couldn't be more right." Which of the following impression management techniques is
Curtis using?
A) favors
B) exemplification
C) enhancement
D) self-promotion
E) conformity
68) Winston Mayer is a sales manager for a large company producing beverages and ready-to-eat
meals. Winston is often seen working late and on weekends although the company stipulates a
five-day workweek. Winston justifies his working extra by claiming that "in sales, one cannot
afford to waste a minute" and he is often condescending when subordinates take their allotted
time off. He frequently speaks to his manager about the deals he finalizes when he is working
beyond the normal working hours to prove his point. From the information provided, we can say
that Winston is using ________ as an impression management technique here.
A) flattery
B) exemplification
C) favors
D) apologies
E) conformity
69) In the last month, Stacey, an intelligent and astute employee, has finished only half the work
she was scheduled to complete. In addition, she has been taking frequent leaves, citing her ill
health as the reason, but her manager suspects she has been playing truant. When the manager
confronted her about her pending work, Stacey gave excuses: the work was time-consuming, she
was unwell, and it was not a high-priority project in the first place. In this scenario, Stacey is
using a(n) ________ impression management technique.
A) self-focused
B) assertive
C) aggressive
D) defensive
E) ingratiation-based
70) Which of the following can be used to understand how power and politics in an organization
can help you achieve your career goals?
A) counseling
B) power base relationships
C) political mapping
D) power struggles
E) equity positioning
71) Unwanted physical touching is an overt form of sexual harassment.
72) Self-promotion works well as an impression management technique for interviews as well as
performance evaluations.
73) In countries that are more politically unstable, employees seem to demonstrate greater
tolerance of intense political processes in the workplace.
74) What is impression management? Who is more likely to engage in impression management?
75) Explain impression management and discuss which impression management techniques are
most effective in an interview.
76) Political behaviors usually ________.
A) lie outside of an individual's specified job requirements
B) are counterproductive to individual goals
C) are seen only in large organizations
D) are sanctioned by organizational leaders
E) are expected as part of each job requirement
77) Which of the following factors contributes to political behavior in the organization?
A) presence of pure and objective facts
B) existence of uniform goals and interests among all employees
C) provision of clear and objective performance outcomes
D) presence of limited resources in the organization
E) perception that gains of one group are not at the expense of the loss incurred by another group
78) ________ occurs when people within organizations use whatever influence they can to taint
the facts to support their goals and interests.
A) Legitimate political behavior
B) Politicking
C) Illegitimate political behavior
D) Sabotage
E) Whistle-blowing
79) Whistle-blowing is not considered to be a political behavior.
80) Limited resources is one of the major reasons for the development of organizational politics.
81) Define political behavior and explain its features.
82) Define sexual harassment and identify ways managers can protect themselves and their
employees from it.

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