Human Resources Chapter 10 3 54 Process For Resolving Disputes Taking

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 14
subject Words 1359
subject Authors Barry Gerhart, John Hollenbeck, Patrick Wright, Raymond Noe

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54. ____ is a process for resolving disputes by taking them to a panel composed of
representatives from the organization at the same levels as the people in the dispute.
55. Open-door policy, and mediation are generally steps within:
56. Which of the following is an example of alternative dispute resolution method?
57. The decision reached in a(n) _____ is binding upon both parties.
58. ____ is a referral service that employees can use to seek professional treatment for
emotional problems or substance abuse.
59. Which of the following is true of employee assistance programs?
60. Outplacement counseling programs are:
61. Marcus has just been discharged form his work after the company he was working for
started downsizing. Confused about his state of joblessness, Marcus threatens to sue the
company for reparations. Which of the following programs can help the company from facing
such situations from exiting employees?
62. Job withdrawal is:
63. _____ results when circumstances such as the nature of the job, supervisors and co-
workers, pay levels, or the employee's own disposition cause the employee to become
dissatisfied with the job.
64. Negative affectivity is related to dissatisfaction caused by:
65. _____ means pervasive low levels of satisfaction with all aspects of life, compared with
other people's feelings.
66. The positive or negative bottom-line opinions that individuals have of themselves are
known as:
67. Employees with negative affectivity tend to:
68. When in situations they dislike, employees with positive core self-evaluation tend to:
69. As a predictor of job dissatisfaction, nothing surpasses:
70. _____ is uncertainty about what the organization and others expect from the employee in
terms of what to do or how to do it.
71. _____ is an employee's recognition that demands of the job are incompatible or
72. Foreign assignments can be highly disruptive to family members, and the resulting role
_____ is the top reason that people quit overseas assignments.
73. Maria was recently told by the top management that they expected her to exercise more
authority and leadership with her work group. Just two days prior to that, her team told her that
while they appreciated the initiative she demonstrated, they expected her to be less authoritative
and more democratic in the future. The term that best describes what Maria is experiencing is:
74. After an organization downsizes, it may expect so much of the remaining employees. This
high expectation and demand results in a state of _____ for the employees.

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