HST 80824

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 10
subject Words 2061
subject Authors Ariela J. Gross, H. W. Brands, R. Hal Williams, Robert A. Divine, T. H. Breen

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The typical way for most slaves to express discontent was ________.
A) political protest
B) open, armed rebellion
C) passive resistance
D) participation in conspiracies
E) organizing boycotts
Which is the best description of the most important message Richard Hakluyt's stories
communicated to European readers?
A) Readers were convinced that the New World was a paradise that was theirs for the
taking, disregarding the native people already living there.
B) Readers were cautioned not to settle in the New World without first being aware of
the potential dangers that they could face.
C) Readers were convinced that the Native Americans were agreeable and eager to help
them get settled in exchange for trading new ideas and goods.
D) Readers were warned to be sensitive to the concerns of Native Americans and not to
treat the New World as a place that was simply theirs for the taking.
E) Readers were convinced that they would find precious metals in North America, and
Hakluyt's stories told them where to find those precious metals.
How did life change for women as a result of the Civil War?
A) Men traumatized from the war were less choosy about marriage.
B) Northern women pushed the boundaries of their traditional roles.
C) Women were forced into more subservient roles than they had previously occupied.
D) Traditional gender inequalities were destroyed and women were seen as equals.
E) Women gained the right to vote during the post-war period.
After 1890, the U.S. Navy's building program ________.
A) was sharply curtailed to help balance the federal budget
B) began to concentrate on fast, lightly armored commerce raiders
C) began to emphasize static, coastal defenses over building ships
D) shifted to the construction of a battleship navy with offensive power
E) started using steel steamships instead of sailing vessels
To progressives, the commissions they championed offered a way to _____.
A) increase their political power
B) reduce the power of reformers
C) end the corrupt alliance between business and politics
D) provide employment for their supporters
E) elect regular citizens into political offices
In what sense was the election of 1800 a "peaceful revolution"?
A) The public marched in the streets, chanting and holding signs in support of their
B) There was only one candidate for president, so he won without political battle.
C) The House and the Senate disagreed about who should be president, so they created
the Electoral Collegea revolutionary but peaceful solution.
D) Although politicians passionately disagreed about who should be president, a new
president was elected peacefully, in spite of electoral glitches.
E) Power passed quietly from Washington to Jefferson.
Science education in the schools became controversial in the early twenty-first century,
in part because of ________.
A) protests against university genetics programs that researched eugenics
B) protests against psychology classes teaching that homosexuality was a mental illness
C) demands to bring global warming into the science curriculum
D) demands for more federal funds to support and expand science education
E) demands to teach intelligent design instead of evolution
The man who entered the White House after the disputed election of 1876 was
A) Grover Cleveland
B) William McKinley
C) Rutherford B. Hayes
D) Benjamin Harrison
E) William Jennings Bryan
The nations that comprised the Axis Powers in World War II were _______.
A) Germany, France, and Spain
B) Germany, China, and the Soviet Union
C) Germany, Italy, and Japan
D) Britain, France, and the United States
E) the Soviet Union, China, and the United States
According to historian Norman Graebner, the United States did not annex all of Mexico
because they already had ________.
A) U.S. citizenship for thousands of Mexicans living in the territory
B) the grazing lands of the southwest
C) the fertile farming lands of new Mexico
D) the harbors of California
E) the deserts of Arizona
Which statement about Johnson's war on poverty is correct?
A) It was a failure; the poverty level actually rose while the program was in effect.
B) It was barely passed by Congress and was never actually implemented.
C) It lacked effective funding and, in the end, helped only about 80,000 people.
D) It emphasized self-help and brought almost ten million people out of poverty.
E) It gave money directly to the poor and nearly solved the nation's poverty problem.
Before his attacks on the Aztecs, Hernn Corts was ________.
A) an accomplished ship captain
B) a civil servant in Cuba
C) a wealthy aristocrat
D) a seasoned diplomat
E) unconcerned about his public image
The Hay-Bunau-Varilla Treaty _____.
A) secured Colombia's permission for the building of the Panama Canal
B) gave the United States control of the canal zone in Panama
C) transferred rights to the Panama Canal from France to the United States
D) ended hostilities with Mexico in autumn, 1914
E) gave the United States control of the Philippines
In what way were the methods of Henry Ford and Edward L. Stratemeyer similar?
A) Both applied the assembly line to auto manufacturing.
B) Both turned out high-quality goods at high prices.
C) Neither would give in to labor demands.
D) Both used mass-production techniques.
E) Both transformed public transportation.
Nonslaveholders in the South followed the leadership of slave owners because they
A) were dependent on the institution of slavery for their livelihoods
B) thought slavery was best for the slaves themselves
C) wanted to become slave owners themselves
D) were not eligible to participate in the political process
E) feared slave owners would requisition their land
The peaceful ousting of James II by Parliament in 1688 was known as ________.
A) King James's War
B) the Restoration
C) Parliament's Rebellion
D) the Glorious Revolution
E) the People's War
What contributed to the late nineteenth century Southwest being largely Spanish
A) The heavy Spanish influence there was due to the original Spanish settlers.
B) There were very few Anglo-Americans who wanted to settle the Southwest.
C) It was originally part of Mexico and many Mexicans still had communities there.
D) Mexico did not allow people from the eastern United States to settle there.
E) English settlers were reluctant to learn Spanish, so they settled elsewhere.
________ wrote the book Looking Backward, which described a future of socialism in
A) Walter Rauschenbusch
B) Edward Bellamy
C) Richard Frick
D) Jane Addams
E) Henry George
British authorities based their colonial commercial policies on the theory of ________.
A) feudalism
B) laissez-faire
C) mercantilism
D) federalism
E) republicanism
The leader of the Filipino resistance to U.S. occupation of the Philippines was
A) Emilio Aguinaldo
B) Jos Burgos
C) William Howard Taft
D) Ferdinand Marcos
E) Jos Mart
What was a drawback of suburban life for the family?
A) Many families were torn apart by pressure to conform to suburban expectations.
B) Many young families had to share their homes with extended family members.
C) Many parents were too focused on earning money to make time for family bonding.
D) Many mothers and wives remained locked into stereotypical gender roles.
E) Many children received little attention from their hard-working parents.
What was the initial goal of the Montgomery bus boycott?
A) to challenge the constitutionality of segregated seating
B) to create a first-come, first-served seating arrangement on buses
C) to challenge the racial discrimination in the hiring of bus drivers
D) to establish equal bus fares for white and black passengers
E) to create more bus routes in African-American neighborhoods
In practice, working-class families viewed the new public schools ________.
A) as depriving them of needed wage earners
B) as essential to the improvement of their economic situation
C) with indifference
D) as an indication of upper class paternalism
E) as a welcome learning opportunity for themselves and their children
The area of the United States that experienced dramatic growth from the 1970s to the
1990s was the ________.
A) Pacific Northwest
B) Great Lakes region
C) Northeast coast
D) Midwest
E) Sunbelt
What was one of the negative consequences of the consumer goods economy?
A) Mass production resulted in the depletion of crucial natural resources.
B) Labor disputes disrupted the production process and damaged economic growth.
C) The quality of the goods that were produced was substandard.
D) Growth was limited to the auto industry.
E) Traditional industries declined.
Why did interest in national politics wane in the early nineteenth century?
A) Many people began to believe that all politicians, especially those far removed from
their constituency, were corrupt.
B) Most people were focused on state politics because of a rise in political parties and
internal strife.
C) Many people were distracted by the changes in the Supreme Court and paid less
attention to national politics.
D) A period of satisfaction with events followed the War of 1812.
E) Many people still distrusted a strong central government and therefore wanted to
develop their state governments rather than the federal one.
Which of these best describe the relationship between Theodore Roosevelt and William
Howard Taft?
A) Roosevelt and Taft worked closely together.
B) Roosevelt supported Taft's nomination, but the two differed in both method and
C) Roosevelt did all he could to defeat the nomination of Taft.
D) Taft followed Roosevelt's ideology, but not his methods.
E) Taft's presidency represented a continuation of Roosevelt's.
Why were most southern states unconcerned about Jackson's fight with South Carolina?
A) They knew him to be in sympathy with the abolitionists.
B) They knew him to be truly an advocate of extreme state sovereignty.
C) He was a Southerner and a slaveholder.
D) They knew he was unable to prevent Congress from overriding his decisions.
E) He was a master politician with the ability to turn enemies into allies.
How did Carter try to redeem his presidency in what became known as his "national
malaise" speech?
A) He tried to blame the Soviet Union for ruining his presidency.
B) He tried to pin responsibility on the public's lack of confidence.
C) He offered to donate a million dollars to popular American charities.
D) He tried to demonstrate that he understood the common man.
E) He showed clips from a propaganda film to sway public opinion.
Copperheads ________.
A) strongly supported the Emancipation Proclamation
B) supported the growth of the federal government
C) narrowly won victory in the 1864 election
D) were militant antiwar activists
E) were a group of wealthy industrialists who secretly financed the war
In the Pullman strike of 1894, what did Grover Cleveland's intervention accomplish?
A) It provided business an effective antilabor weapon to hinder unions.
B) It ensured the success of the strike.
C) It failed to end either the strike or the rioting.
D) It gave workers the protection of a court injunction.
E) It led to the creation of the Pullman Porters' Union.
The mission of the Spanish Armada was to ________.
A) suppress a revolt in the Netherlands
B) defend Queen Elizabeth I of England against challenges to her rule
C) defeat Queen Elizabeth I and make England a Catholic country
D) replace Queen Elizabeth I with Mary Queen of Scots
E) get revenge against the English for their seizure of Spanish treasure galleons

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