HST 55995

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 10
subject Words 2252
subject Authors Ariela J. Gross, H. W. Brands, R. Hal Williams, Robert A. Divine, T. H. Breen

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Which prohibited colonial settlement west of the Appalachian Mountains?
A) Navigation Act of 1772
B) Proclamation of 1763
C) Stamp Act of 1765
D) Townshend Acts of 1767
E) Settlement Act of 1765
Progressive reformers of the cities believed that ________ were needed to solve
problems and enact real change.
A) experts
B) bankers
C) politicians
D) scientists
E) mayors
Which of the following explains why England lost the Revolutionary War?
A) The British government did not believe it could win the war.
B) British finances could not support the war.
C) British strategists did not understand how to fight the war.
D) George III never supported the war effort.
E) British soldiers sympathized with the Americans.
Which statement about the Voting Rights Act of 1965 is correct?
A) It was strongly opposed by northern Republicans in the House and Senate.
B) It won President Johnson the public adulation he craved.
C) It reduced President Johnson's popularity across the nation.
D) It had little effect on the voting practices of southern African Americans.
E) It led to a dramatic increase in African-American voting registration in the South.
The term Reconstruction refers to the _______.
A) period immediately following the Civil War
B) attempt to rebuild the city of Atlanta
C) struggle at Gettysburg
D) treatment of African Americans after emancipation
E) attempt to change southern ideas about slavery
Approximately ________ soldiers died in the Civil War.
A) 50,000
B) 125,000
C) 620,000
D) 950,000
E) 1,500,000
The nullification crisis of the early 1830s ________.
A) had little impact outside South Carolina
B) was of little significance to the future of the United States
C) revealed the strength of the Constitution
D) was an early indication of dangerous future divisions
E) demonstrated the inherent solidarity of the Union
What did Harding, Coolidge, and Hoover all have in common?
A) All three politicians were presidents from the Democratic Party.
B) All three politicians were born and raised in America's largest cities.
C) All three politicians were conservatives who epitomized traditional values.
D) All three politicians pushed a reform agenda while serving in office.
E) All three politicians supported small business owners and labor unions.
During the Cleveland administration, which nation did the United States replace as the
major power in Latin America?
A) Germany
B) Great Britain
C) Venezuela
D) Mexico
E) Spain
While repealing the Townshend duties, why did the North ministry retain a tax on tea?
A) to stabilize prices for tea
B) to punish American tea smugglers
C) to punish John Hancock, Samuel Adams, and the Sons of Liberty
D) to symbolize Parliament's power to tax Americans
E) to ensure that tea from England would not be boycotted
Negotiations between the states and Spain were opened as a result of what event?
A) Spain closed the Mississippi to U.S. citizens in 1784.
B) The U.S. failed to make good its obligations from the Revolutionary War.
C) The Spanish government was seriously weakened following the French Revolution.
D) Gold was discovered in California.
E) France and Britain declared war on Spain.
The American Expeditionary Force _____.
A) was small and poorly equipped
B) consisted largely of the existing U.S. Army
C) was primarily a volunteer army
D) was initially well prepared and trained for war
E) was noted for its squads of elite commandos
Why were regional identities formed in the U.S. in the early nineteenth century?
A) Without telephones, radios, televisions, or Internet, people were isolated and knew
little of the happenings in other regions.
B) Most regions had aggressive devotion to radical democracy, making the other
regions uneasy.
C) In order to control immigrant migration, the federal government designated certain
areas for immigrants from certain countries to live.
D) The industrial revolution increased European immigration; immigrants tended to
migrate to cities to live near people from their country of origin.
E) People wanted to defend local economic interests, it was difficult to travel far, and
there were distinct regional subcultures.
American culture in the Jacksonian period ________.
A) reflected the development of a more hierarchical society
B) was based on elitism and privileges
C) was primarily the concern of the upper class
D) reflected the rise of the democratic spirit
E) reached an all-time low in production
Which was NOT a consequence of the Seven Years' War?
A) The war made the colonists more aware of their land.
B) The war led to the creation of several new French colonies.
C) The war trained a corps of American officers.
D) The war revealed British discontent with America's contribution to its own defense.
E) The war forced the colonists to cooperate on an unprecedented scale.
The most famous reform governor of the Progressive Era was _____.
A) Robert M. La Follette
B) "Golden Rule" Jones
C) Hiram Johnson
D) Lincoln Steffens
E) Richard Ely
What effect did memories of the Great Depression have on Americans in the 1950s?
A) Many Americans became almost desperately obsessed with gathering material
B) Many Americans hoarded their money and refrained from purchasing expensive
C) Many Americans continued to petition the government for relief programs.
D) Many Americans donated money to charities rather than engaging in consumerism.
E) Many Americans were mistrustful of banks, which damaged the economy.
Why was Booker T. Washington opposed to the idea of annexing the Philippines?
A) Washington thought the United States should focus on domestic matters instead,
such as the treatment of African Americans and American Indians.
B) Washington thought the Filipinos would resist the idea of converting to Christianity
and believed that all Americans should be Christian.
C) Washington feared that Filipinos would migrate to the United States and work for
lower wages, which would take jobs away from African Americans.
D) Washington warned that possessing a colony would increase the federal debt and
lead to higher income taxes as a result.
E) Washington believed that having a colony was opposed to basic American ideals,
such as independence and self-determination.
Which statement best describes the social change that American women experienced
from the 1920s to the 1960s?
A) In the 1960s, the media no longer portrayed and highlighted stereotypical gender
roles as it had during the 1920s.
B) In the 1960s, there were actually fewer women enrolled in college and professional
schools than there had been in the 1920s.
C) In the 1960s, there were many more women working in the medical and legal
professions than there had been in the 1920s.
D) In the 1960s, women were no longer relegated to stereotypical occupations, as they
had been in the 1920s.
E) In the 1960s, women were no longer expected to maintain the household and raise
children, as they had been in the 1920s.
What does the following quote by Benjamin Rush signify? "The American war is over,
but this is far from being the case with the American Revolution. On the contrary,
nothing but the first act of the great drama is closed."
A) The American Revolution was not a war at all, but merely a break from English
control over the colonies.
B) The war was merely the first step in the colonists' move toward establishing a new
C) The war was not yet over and the Americans needed to prepare for another round of
fighting against the British if they ever hoped to gain their independence.
D) Americans needed to free themselves from other European countries that were
restricting their trade and keeping them from economic and political independence.
E) The American Revolution would not end until the English monarchy was destroyed
and a new form of government was put in place in England to better rule the colonies.
The control of what became a dominant issue in the western Great Plains?
A) gold and silver mines
B) grazing rights
C) water
D) the land
E) the routes of the great cattle drives
What group was rigidly excluded from all three Levittowns?
A) the middle class
B) the working class
C) African Americans
D) Protestants
E) Catholics
The Panic of 1893 ________.
A) was caused by a stock market sell-off
B) was confined to a small group of investors
C) had little effect on the national government
D) brought quick, decisive action by the government
E) caused banks to increase their number of loans
The leader of the 1831 slave uprising in Southampton County, Virginia, was ________.
A) Denmark Vesey
B) Hinton R. Helper
C) George Fitzhugh
D) Daniel Webster
E) Nat Turner
Why did farmers during the Great Depression resort to such extreme measures as
dumping fresh milk into the streets?
A) Like many other Americans during the Great Depression, dairy farmers fell victim to
despair and lost their hope in the future.
B) The shipping industry had been so devastated by the Great Depression that farmers
had no way to get their produce to market.
C) Farmers hoped to increase demand and drive up prices for their products by
decreasing the available supply.
D) Due to widespread poverty among the American population, hardly anyone could
afford to buy milk.
E) The government had instituted milk rationing which resulted in the overproduction
of milk by dairy farmers.
The first major battle of the war, at Bull Run, resulted in ________.
A) a Union victory
B) a Confederate victory
C) a bloody stalemate
D) the capture of Washington, D. C.
E) Sherman's capture of Savannah, Georgia
How did white Americans interact with Native Americans in the early 1800s?
A) The federal government worked with tribal leaders to find compromises on land
B) White businessmen, supported by the government, forced Indians to work in mills
and labor camps, destroying their culture and family ties.
C) They used violence and trickery to kill Indians and gain their land.
D) They generally lived peacefully as neighbors, often sharing resources.
E) The federal government took Indian children from their homes and placed them in
schools to increase assimilation.
The foreign policy of Lyndon Johnson ________.
A) was dramatically different from that of John Kennedy
B) was simply a continuation of Kennedy's policies
C) indicated his strong opposition to the Cold War
D) indicated his acceptance of existing communist states
E) was isolationist and aloof by nature
How was the U.S. Embargo Act of 1807 ineffective?
A) It only gained public support in the Northeast.
B) It only resulted in England respecting American trade rights; France still did not.
C) It caused severe economic depression in France but had little effect on England.
D) It caused economic mayhem in the U.S. and did little to affect France and England.
E) It resulted in a severe shortage of food for both the French and British armies.
What does it mean that some Americans believed the U.S. had "continental destiny"?
A) It meant that some Americans believed that the U.S. should control all of the North
American continent.
B) It meant that some Americans believed that the U.S. should expand from the East
coast to the West coast, controlling all the lands in between.
C) It meant that some Americans believed that the U.S. should support Latin American
countries fighting for their independence.
D) It meant that some Americans believed that the U.S. should join with continental
Europe to fight the British Empire.
E) It meant that some Americans believed that the U.S. should join with the continental
European countries that opposed Latin American independence.
The radical abolitionist and cofounder of the American Anti-slavery Society was
A) William Lloyd Garrison
B) Theodore Weld
C) Sojourner Truth
D) Harriet Beecher Stowe
E) Harriet Tubman
At the time of Columbus's first voyage in 1492, ________.
A) most educated Europeans believed the earth was flat
B) no European nation had any interest in exploration
C) most educated Europeans knew the world was round
D) no one thought he would find anything
E) the Catholic Church condemned this kind of exploration
In terms of foreign policy, Theodore Roosevelt _____.
A) did little to foster American aims
B) reflected the influence of isolationism
C) sought to prepare the country for its role as a world power
D) worked to further isolate the United States from foreign affairs
E) was supremely concerned with world peace

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