HIST 99471

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 9
subject Words 1833
subject Authors Ariela J. Gross, H. W. Brands, R. Hal Williams, Robert A. Divine, T. H. Breen

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Which of the following best characterizes U.S.-Soviet relations during the war?
A) especially close and trusting
B) especially hostile, almost to the point of warfare
C) strained by significant ideological differences
D) hurt by the United States' refusal to recognize the Soviet Union
E) significantly influenced by Roosevelt's personal dislike of Stalin
Who were primarily affected by the Cult of Domesticity?
A) relatively affluent women
B) middle-class men
C) working-class women
D) African-American women
E) recent immigrants
What theory did Henry Ford use to derive his company's enormous revenues?
A) sell cheap, low-quality goods
B) sell goods made with old-fashioned methods of production
C) sell goods made in low-volume, but of high-quality
D) sell a large volume of goods with a small unit profit on each
E) sell only high-priced, luxury goods
Which of the following statements is FALSE?
A) Native American men were more receptive to Christianity than were the women.
B) When Indians and whites married, the European partner usually chose to live among
the Indians.
C) When trading with Native Americans, Europeans easily took advantage of the
D) Europeans had little success "civilizing" the Indians.
E) Native American women jealously guarded their traditional cultures.
Roosevelt's Lend-Lease policy _______.
A) ensured British access to American war supplies
B) placed restrictions on materials that were shipped to Britain
C) encountered no opposition from the Senate
D) was strongly supported by American isolationists
E) was approved by Congress but never implemented
In what way can Jazz Age activities be seen as an effect of the economic growth of this
A) The boom in consumer goods resulted in people turning away from sports and
entertainment to spend their leisure time shopping.
B) The rise in industry led to the construction of the first local transit systems, which
made it easier for Americans to attend cultural events.
C) Increased standards of living provided the middle class with disposable income to
spend on an increasing variety of diversions.
D) The uniformity and austerity of mass production was reflected in the era's culture,
which became more straitlaced and buttoned down.
E) Business leaders and laborers became preoccupied with making money, which left
little time for leisure activities or other diversions.
Why did Jefferson and Madison oppose the Alien and Sedition Acts?
A) The acts deprived poor farmers of their voting and civil rights.
B) The acts expanded federal power.
C) Jefferson and Madison opposed all of Hamilton's acts on principle.
D) The acts didn't support a strong central government.
E) The acts essentially rewrote the Constitution without due process.
Which of the following southern states was the first to secede from the Union?
A) Kentucky
B) Virginia
C) Alabama
D) South Carolina
E) North Carolina
How would late seventeenth-century Virginia best be described?
A) a plantation society, dominated by a slaveholding elite
B) a diversified society and economy, with minimal social stratification
C) a society of small farmers, committed to diversified agriculture
D) a successful commercial enterprise that returned large profits to the crown
E) a society struggling with the question of slavery
The social and economic effects of the Depression _______.
A) affected only the wealthier classes
B) hit the middle class especially hard
C) lasted only a few months at the end of 1929
D) were suffered only by the lower classes
E) came to light only gradually
Why was the signing of the Taft-Katsura Agreement strategically important for the
United States?
A) It abandoned the Philippines to Japan but gained U.S. security in the Pacific.
B) It strengthened U.S. influence in China.
C) It gave the United States free rein in Japan.
D) It benefited U.S. trade with Japan.
E) It traded Korean independence for U.S. security in the Philippines.
The most striking characteristic of the stock market in 1929 was _______.
A) the obsession with speculation among investors
B) the downward trend of major stocks early in the year
C) the government's desire to carefully regulate the market
D) the heavy involvement of the majority of wage-earning Americans
E) the steady advancement through the decade
The American victory that led to the French alliance occurred at ________.
A) Saratoga
B) Yorktown
C) Breed's Hill
D) Philadelphia
E) Trenton
Approximately 50 percent of cowboys driving the great herds from Texas to city
markets in the 1870s were ________.
A) Asian Americans
B) African Americans and Mexicans
C) Europeans
D) Native Americans
E) women
The first three years of Jamestown's history witnessed ________.
A) terrible hardship and suffering
B) the discovery of gold and silver
C) successful attempts at growing many profitable crops
D) the establishment of a representative form of government
E) the erection of the first Christian church in North America
What was the intent of the Republican Party's push for "normalcy"?
A) The return to normalcy indicated Republican reservations about mass production
and other broad economic changes.
B) "Normalcy" aimed to raise income taxes for all classes of American citizens.
C) This term indicated that Republicans wanted to reverse the cultural transformation
sweeping American society.
D) Republicans sought to shrink government intervention in all aspects of the economy
as part of the planned return to normalcy.
E) Reacting to the reforms of progressive presidents, such as Woodrow Wilson and
Teddy Roosevelt, Republicans sought stability and security.
Why did Kennedy authorize a covert mission in which more than a thousand Cuban
exiles invaded Cuba?
A) to check the island for nuclear weapons
B) to topple the regime of Fidel Castro
C) to gather information about Castro's relationship with Khrushchev
D) to steal classified documents related to the conflict in Vietnam
E) to spark an anticommunist movement among the Cuban people
During the war, the Confederate economy ________.
A) managed to produce a surplus of industrial goods
B) easily evaded the effects of the northern blockade
C) suffered from severe inflation
D) actually benefited from the Emancipation Proclamation
E) boomed, as most do during a war
Theodore Roosevelt angered southerners by _____.
A) dining with Booker T. Washington at the White House
B) stationing federal troops in southern states to supervise elections
C) selecting African Americans for cabinet positions
D) ordering the federal bureaucracy to be fully integrated
E) making sure that black athletes were included in the 1908 U.S. Olympic team
The most significant factor that led large numbers of nomadic hunters to enter the heart
of North America was ________.
A) the domestication of horses
B) global warming
C) population growth
D) rising water levels
E) a mass extinction of large mammals in Europe
The president broke the Pullman strike on grounds that it ________.
A) had exposed the United States to foreign invasion
B) had interfered with the collection of taxes
C) had raised the possibility of open class warfare
D) had obstructed the delivery of the mail
E) had forced wealthy travelers to ride in ordinary passenger cars
Which of these was quickly adopted by Native Americans after contact with
A) guns
B) marriage customs
C) public education
D) Christianity
E) urbanization
During his first term in office, Grover Cleveland ________.
A) increased federal activities
B) was committed to higher tariffs
C) curtailed federal activities
D) brought dishonor to the Democratic Party
E) was reelected in a landslide in 1888
Why was Jackson's view of the 1832 election results suspect?
A) He was accused of having made a deal with his close friend, Martin Van Buren, in
exchange for electoral college votes.
B) He didn't win by a very large margin, yet he took the results to mean the nation
supported his Native American removal policies.
C) He lost the popular vote but won the electoral college vote, increasing his suspicion
that states should not have sovereignty.
D) He beat Adams a second time, assuring himself that the nation supported his
financial and foreign policies as they differed greatly from Adams'.
E) He took it to be a mandate to attack the national bank.
Which of the following individuals is incorrectly matched with his art form?
A) William Sidney Mount: paintings
B) Nathaniel Hawthorne: novels
C) Herman Melville: novels
D) Oliver Wendell Holmes: paintings
E) George Caleb Bingham: paintings
Which of these describe Roosevelt's second term in office?
A) He used his mandate to enact a progressive agenda.
B) The closeness of the election weakened his presidency.
C) Struggles with Taft made his presidency difficult.
D) His second term in office was nearly identical to his first.
E) He moved from activism to coalition-building.
Which was one major difference between John F. Kennedy and Lyndon B. Johnson?
A) Kennedy was more committed to a reform agenda than was Johnson.
B) Johnson was considered more stylish than Kennedy.
C) Kennedy was better at manipulating Congress than Johnson.
D) Johnson was more popular with the media than Kennedy.
E) Kennedy was a more polished public speaker than Johnson.
The Americans who wrote the first state constitutions were alike in that all ________.
A) totally rejected British traditions and ideas in creating them
B) demanded written documents
C) refused to include bills of rights
D) made the constitutions vague and imprecise where basic rights were concerned
E) followed the example of the British constitution
The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) _______.
A) gave the Soviet Union more leeway in spreading communism in Europe
B) confirmed that the Soviet Union would halt its expansion in Europe and Asia
C) assured European countries that the United States would help defend them
D) committed the United States to an isolationist policy in the future
E) gave the United States the right to import goods tariff-free from Western Europe
Which of the following groups was initially a primary source of labor for the textile
A) young single women
B) young single men
C) children
D) immigrants
E) African Americans

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