HIST 97978

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 11
subject Words 2325
subject Authors Ariela J. Gross, H. W. Brands, R. Hal Williams, Robert A. Divine, T. H. Breen

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What did the League of Nations do after the Italian invasion of Ethiopia?
A) It protected the southern half of the country from Mussolini's army.
B) It halted Mussolini's forces just before they crossed the Ethiopian border.
C) It authorized billions of dollars in aid for the Ethiopians.
D) It made halfhearted and unsuccessful efforts to stop Mussolini.
E) It recognized Italy's authority and new government in Ethiopia.
Why did Eisenhower send federal troops to Little Rock, Arkansas in 1957?
A) to ensure that black students could attend a desegregated school
B) to quell a violent race riot resulting from the integration of the military
C) to investigate a planned terrorist attack from the Soviet Union
D) to protect a top secret chemical weapon on its way to Washington
E) to arrest hundreds of African-American activists and supporters
The Brer Rabbit stories ________.
A) showed how a fugitive slave could find safe haven in the underbrush
B) were fantasies which enabled slaves to forget their harsh lot for a while
C) were used to indoctrinate white children with the belief that slaves were no smarter
than animals
D) showed how a defenseless animal could overcome a stronger one through cunning
and deceit, a metaphor for survival as a slave
E) portrayed slaves as being happy and well-adjusted
Southern proslavery arguments did NOT include the belief that slavery was ________.
A) the natural status for blacks
B) sanctioned by the Bible
C) supported by the United States Constitution
D) consistent with the humanitarian spirit
E) more humane than the employer-employee relationship
The development of profitable commercial agriculture resulted from all of the following
EXCEPT ________.
A) the availability of good land
B) the revolution in marketing
C) improvements in agricultural technology
D) the extension of transportation facilities
E) generous government subsidies to encourage increased production
In Vietnam, American military strategists counted heavily on ________.
A) enthusiasm for the war among the public to generate recruits
B) superior American firepower, especially air strikes
C) superior American counterinsurgency tactics
D) the overwhelming number of American troops
E) the overwhelming support from the Vietnamese people
What role did women have in the New England colonies?
A) They generally had no independence at all from men.
B) They had the same legal rights as men but could not vote.
C) They made no decisions and simply followed the orders of men.
D) They had no legal rights, but they were able to vote and hold public office.
E) They were respected for their work but were legally inferior to men.
Why did many African Americans in the North take up arms to fight the British?
A) They believed that the king and the British Parliament were solely responsible for
their lack of freedom.
B) They felt that the British had unfairly taxed them without offering representation in
C) They believed that the Americans were more likely to win the war.
D) They felt that the army was the safest place for them to be at the time.
E) They felt that the Americans were more likely to free them from slavery if they sided
with them.
How did Wilson direct the United States' involvement during the war?
A) He used much of his considerable personal fortune for propaganda.
B) He established agencies to focus factory, food, and fuel resources on the war effort.
C) He instituted and then increased personal and business income taxes.
D) He worked to increase trade with Asia, Africa, and Europe.
E) He established federal programs that rewarded participation in the war effort.
Each of the following was a result of the temperance campaign of the 1830s EXCEPT
A) thousands of local temperance organizations were set up
B) large numbers of confirmed drunkards were cured
C) temperance became a mark of respectability among middle-class men
D) per capita consumption of hard liquor declined by over 50 percent
E) the drinking habits of middle-class American males were significantly altered
In the early 1900s, immigrants to the United States ________.
A) were generally welcomed and prospered quickly
B) were easily assimilated into American society
C) encountered considerable hostility from American nativists
D) faced few problems adapting to their new environment
E) prospered financially and socially in professional jobs
What was only significant piece of social legislation enacted in the first Bush
A) Economic Opportunity Act
B) National Health Insurance Act
C) Social Security Privatization Act
D) Americans with Disabilities Act
E) Equal Rights Amendment
President Gerald Ford's brief "honeymoon" with the American public ended when he
A) confessed to taking steroids during his college football days at Michigan
B) suppressed declassified files pertaining to the Kennedy assassination
C) proposed normalizing relations with Castro's Cuba
D) granted disgraced President Richard Nixon a full pardon
E) appointed liberal Republican Nelson Rockefeller as his vice president
The industrial union movement of the 1930s _______.
A) sought to organize skilled workers in particular trades
B) had long been championed by the American Federation of Labor
C) was led by William Green
D) grew greatly in the 1930s
E) had been thriving for years before the Great Depression
How did Andrew Jackson and his administration react to Texas becoming an
independent republic in 1836?
A) They tried to convince Texans to return to Mexican rule.
B) They declared war on Mexico to defend Texas's revolt.
C) They immediately annexed Texas.
D) They formally recognized Texas as a sovereign republic.
E) They refused to recognize Texas as a republic.
Why did the "tariff of abominations" become a major campaign issue of the 1828
A) Adams' campaigners used it to try to win reelection, suggesting that the tariff
showed Jackson was an unfit candidate.
B) Jackson campaigners used the tariff to rally opposition to the Adams administration.
C) The Democratic party in the South (where the tariff was hated) used the tariff to rally
around Jackson, a staunch opponent of the tariff.
D) The Republican party in the North (where the tariff was generally welcomed) used it
to rally around Adams, a staunch supporter of the tariff.
E) Senator Martin Van Buren opposed both Adams and Jackson on the tariff and state
rights, proposing a third party that would eliminate the tariff.
Woodrow Wilson's decision to invade Mexico in 1916 followed raids on border towns
by _____.
A) Vittorio Zapata
B) Pancho Villa
C) Francisco Madero
D) Victoriano Huerta
E) Carlo Ponti
Which made the economy of Carolina different from the other southern colonies?
A) Carolina's economy was based on slavery and cotton.
B) Carolina's economy was as diverse as that of the Middle Colonies.
C) Carolina's economy became dependent on rice as a staple.
D) Carolina's economy was based on selling slaves and rum.
E) Carolina's economy was based on sugar, which was easy to grow in the colony.
Lincoln's opponent from the Democratic Party in the presidential election of 1864 was
A) Jefferson Davis
B) Stephen Douglas
C) John Bell
D) Ulysses S. Grant
E) George McClellan
Why were Americans fascinated by politics during the Gilded Age?
A) Women and men were voting for the first time.
B) African Americans were able to use their newly won suffrage.
C) The quality of political candidates was excellent.
D) Most Americans saw it as a form of entertainment.
E) Cash incentives made people eager to vote.
Why did increased trade with Europeans tend to erode the traditional leadership
structure of Native American groups?
A) Native Americans looked to the Europeans as their new leaders, which caused the
Native American leaders to lose much of their power.
B) Native Americans who traded with Europeans tended not to belong to traditional
communities, but rather to leaderless societies.
C) Native American leaders no longer wanted to rule over other members of their
groups who traded with Europeans.
D) Native American leaders spent so much time in conflict with European traders that
they had no time for leadership, causing their roles to weaken.
E) Native Americans no longer consulted leaders when they bargained with European
traders, which weakened the leaders' roles.
Which identifies why the Mayflower Compact is considered an important historical
A) It was the first example of colonists describing the hardships endured on a voyage to
the New World.
B) It was a legal document that authenticated the Pilgrims' right to settle in New
C) It included a list of the passengers on the Mayflower who became the first New
England colonists.
D) It was the first example of colonists forming their own government in North
E) It was the first example of colonists negotiating a treaty with Native Americans in
North America.
Why was the Panic of 1837 significant for President Van Buren?
A) Van Buren had to respond but was hampered by his own party's laissez-faire
policies, dooming his reelection.
B) The Whigs blamed Van Buren for the crisis, further strengthening their popular
C) The Democrats blamed Van Buren for the crisis, further strengthening their popular
D) Van Buren responded contrary to his political party's laissez-faire policies, forcing
the economy into enough of a rebound to win him a second term.
E) His predecessor, Jackson, had caused the crisis, so Van Buren was taxed with fixing
it without insinuating the popular president from his own political party.
Frederick Douglass was all of the following EXCEPT ________.
A) a former slave
B) the founder of the black newspaper North Star
C) a prominent black abolitionist
D) a fiery orator, who described slavery to northern audiences
E) a presidential candidate in 1868
Who were the "beats" of the 1950s?
A) jazz musicians who experimented with folk music
B) a light rock group on a popular variety show
C) writers and poets who rebelled against materialistic values
D) a motorcycle gang whose members included Jack Kerouac and James Dean
E) a group of talented screenplay writers in the early days of television
According to whose political theory is power dangerous and must be countered by
A) Commonwealthmen
B) Whigs
C) Tories
D) Patriots
E) Loyalists
The most important result of the Annapolis Meeting of 1786 was ________.
A) that it added support for the Articles of Confederation
B) the establishment of new, more efficient trade regulations for the United States
C) the settlement of problems involving Spain's control of the Mississippi River
D) the nationalists' recommendation to Congress for a convention to revise the Articles
of Confederation
E) the growing political power and influence of James Madison
Which of these was true for life expectancy in the U.S. in the period from 1900 to
A) Life expectancy rose for some groups, but fell for others.
B) Life expectancy rose for men, but not women.
C) Life expectancy fell across the board.
D) Life expectancy for the population as a whole remained static.
E) Across the board, life expectancy rose.
Which of the following adjectives best describes economic recovery in the wake of the
New Deal?
A) fast and steep
B) well-paced and continuous
C) slow and halting
D) slow but steady
E) fast but halting
President Wilson's first reaction when war broke out in Europe in 1914 was to _____.
A) declare support for the Allies
B) condemn the actions of the German army
C) praise the assassination of the Austrian archduke
D) declare United States neutrality
E) begin formation of a sizable navy
Who was Frederick Jackson Turner?
A) the founder of the National Grange
B) the historian who first developed the frontier thesis
C) the most notorious of the western badmen
D) the discoverer of the Comstock Lode
E) a famous wagon train boss
What was a major goal of the early women's rights activists in the mid-1800s?
A) to free unmarried women from laws that did not allow them to work outside the
B) to give married women some control of themselves, their property, and their children
C) to enact laws that would require men to participate equally in household duties such
as child-rearing
D) to convince more women to run for public office
E) procuring the right to vote
Tenements were ________.
A) saloons where working-class men gathered to socialize
B) urban apartment buildings that tended to be overcrowded
C) neighborhood ghettos of unassimilated East European immigrants
D) heavily developed industrial districts notorious for air and water pollution
E) pool halls frequented by members of violent street gangs
The development of brand names, chain stores, and mail order houses ________.
A) drove the prices of goods upward
B) confused consumers
C) had little effect on the buying public
D) created a gulf between consumer and producer
E) provided convenience and standardization

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