HIST 89489

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 9
subject Words 1774
subject Authors Ariela J. Gross, H. W. Brands, R. Hal Williams, Robert A. Divine, T. H. Breen

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Which identifies an important effect of the violent slave rebellion of 1831?
A) White Southerners became more committed to quashing antislavery ideas.
B) Many slaves were freed because their masters were afraid to remain part of the
C) Organized, violent rebellions began happening with more frequency.
D) White Southerners began to question the legitimacy of slavery.
E) Many slaves were sold to the West Indies to decrease the population in the South.
Which of the following forms of transportation had the greatest impact on the American
economy during the 1840s and 1850s?
A) the clipper ship
B) the canal system
C) the steamboat
D) the covered wagon
E) the railroad
By late 1897, Spain was ________.
A) unwilling to meet any American demands
B) backing off from its harsh policy in Cuba
C) directing the polices of General Weyler
D) determined to maintain control at all costs
E) willing to free Cuba rather than go to war
Why did many New Englanders oppose war with Great Britain?
A) They traced their heritage back to Great Britain and did not want to be at war with
B) They were tired from fighting the Revolutionary War and wanted a time of sustained
C) They were tired from fighting in conflicts with Native Americans in the West and
wanted a time of peace.
D) They were already engaged in their own armed conflicts with the French in Canada
and couldn"t support two wars.
E) They believed the real reason for the war was to build up America's egoa ridiculous
cause for war in their opinion.
Which of the following best describes the early American Federation of Labor?
A) an alliance of industrial unions that tried to change the economic system
B) an alliance of industrial unions that tried to improve wages and working conditions
C) an alliance of craft unions that tried to change the economic system
D) an alliance of craft unions that tried to improve wages and working conditions
E) an alliance of craft unions that gave its workers a political voice
A major source of political information in the colonies came in the form of ________.
A) imported political treatises
B) weekly newspapers
C) pamphlets
D) public debates
E) daily newspapers
The most important development in the communications system in late
nineteenth-century America was the ________.
A) telephone
B) post office
C) telegraph
D) radio
E) transatlantic cable
Which of the following constitutional amendments was opposed by Andrew Johnson?
A) Thirteenth
B) Fourteenth
C) Fifteenth
D) Sixteenth
E) Seventeenth
During the Adams administration, ________.
A) Great Britain continued to pose problems for the nation
B) domestic problems occupied the president's full attention
C) France reacted negatively to the terms of Jay's Treaty
D) few Americans seemed concerned with foreign affairs
E) France became a closer ally thanks to the terms of Jay's Treaty
Which institution was the first focus of the NAACP's efforts to end segregation?
A) kindergartens
B) elementary schools
C) middle schools
D) high schools
E) universities
Why did the Monroe Doctrine make little impression on European powers?
A) They were too occupied with losing their colonial power in the Americas to care
about trade embargoes in the United States.
B) They didn't see the U.S. as a significant enough military power to feel threatened
about their support of Latin American independence.
C) Europe, especially Britain, couldn"t predict how powerful an influence the U.S.
would have on independent markets in Latin America.
D) Communication was so poor that the European powers didn't receive news of the
Monroe Doctrine until after they had given up Latin America.
E) Maps were so inaccurate that European powers didn't have a sense of how close the
United States was to much of Latin America.
Who was the leading financier in the United States in the early 1900s?
A) Jane Addams
B) Upton Sinclair
C) J. P. Morgan
D) Samuel Gompers
E) Henry Ford
In which colony were religious reasons least important in its founding?
A) Massachusetts
B) Rhode Island
C) Maryland
D) Virginia
E) Pennsylvania
Which identifies the main reason for Lincoln's victory in the 1864 presidential
A) The Democratic Party failed to offer a strong candidate.
B) Northern morale was high throughout the war and Lincoln had few critics.
C) Heavy northern losses rallied the Republican Party behind him.
D) A string of northern military victories rallied the Republican Party behind Lincoln.
E) Lincoln ran unopposed.
Why did the new Constitution of 1787 call for the election of a president by an
Electoral College?
A) so that the people could directly vote for their president
B) because most voters were illiterate
C) so that the president would not be indebted to Congress for his office
D) so that no state would have more power than another
E) to prevent non-white males from voting
Why did most first state constitutions include a bill of rights?
A) To remind future rulers of the exact limits of their authority.
B) To establish the rights of white male landowners.
C) To create a stronger central federal government.
D) To prevent weak state governments.
E) Because the federal constitution included a bill of rights.
Which of the following was NOT a function of the Fuel Administration during World
War I?
A) the introduction of daylight savings time
B) the rationing of coal
C) the coordination of shipping
D) the creation of "gasless days"
E) the allotment of oil
Where did the "final fling" of settlement on the western frontier occur?
A) California
B) Oklahoma
C) Missouri
D) Oregon
E) Arizona
President Eisenhower's approach to desegregation was to _______.
A) actively fight to stop the process
B) work behind the scenes to stop the effort
C) misunderstand the importance of the issue
D) remain passive while also using his power to enforce federal law
E) publicly and consistently support desegregation in the South
Which of the following did NOT play any role leading up to the Spanish-American
A) the de Lme letter
B) the annexation of Hawaii
C) the sinking of the Maine
D) the "reconcentration" policy
E) the riots in Havana in January
Who was the "great pacificator" who established the Compromise of 1850?
A) John C. Calhoun
B) Henry Clay
C) Lewis Cass
D) Zachary Taylor
E) Roger B. Taney
The key to the new affluence of the 1920s lay in _____.
A) new methods of business organization
B) the discovery of new sources of raw materials
C) better methods of financing business
D) a more skilled work force
E) new forms of technology
The people who occupied the valley of Mexico when the Spanish arrived were the
A) Mayas
B) Apaches
C) Aztecs
D) Incas
E) Toltecs
What effect did U.S. involvement in the war have on American civil liberties?
A) The federal government instituted committees and Congress passed acts to ensure
the safety and rights of war dissenters.
B) Women had more opportunities in war-related jobs, so their civil liberties increased,
especially in voting rights.
C) African Americans had more opportunities in war-related jobs, so their civil liberties
increased, encouraging integration.
D) Propaganda campaigns led to programs and congressional acts that interned German
Americans in work camps, denying their civil liberties.
E) Propaganda campaigns and legislation made inroads for Americans' civil liberties.
The Pilgrims who left Holland to settle in America ________.
A) were non-Separatists from the Church of England
B) feared their way of life was being undermined by the ways of their Dutch hosts
C) had few alternatives because they were harassed by the Dutch
D) arrived in Virginia, even though their destination was Massachusetts Bay
E) were Catholic radicals eager to overthrow England's monarchy
The yeoman farmers of the South ________.
A) were typically slave owners
B) did not own the land they worked
C) were located primarily in the backcountry
D) were clustered around the large plantations
E) were quite different from their northern counterparts
How did Reagan's approach to the conflict in Nicaragua differ from Carter's?
A) Carter refused to get involved; Reagan sent economic aid to the Sandinista
B) Carter deployed ground troops to Nicaragua; Reagan implemented an airstrike
C) Carter favored an airstrike strategy in Nicaragua; Reagan deployed ground troops
D) Carter sent troops to Nicaragua; Reagan gave economic aid to the Sandinista
E) Carter gave economic aid to the Sandinista government; Reagan cut off that
economic aid.
Most working women ________.
A) were young and single
B) were married with children
C) were African American
D) had many professional opportunities
E) were widows or single mothers
The ________ Company was responsible for the settlement of Jamestown.
A) New England
B) Royal African
C) Virginia
D) American
E) New World
Supporters of the free coinage of silver ________.
A) were convinced it would help the agrarian sectors
B) were primarily found in the North and East
C) wanted to draw power away from the federal government
D) found little support for their views in Congress
E) thought it would deflate the currency
What was a result of the congressional elections of 1866?
A) Johnson's Reconstruction policies were supported at the polls.
B) The Radical Republicans lost ground in Congress.
C) Democrats regained control of the House, but not the Senate.
D) Radical Reconstruction was strengthened and Johnson weakened.
E) Johnson's reelection campaign got a big boost.

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