HIST 50880

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 9
subject Words 1677
subject Authors Ariela J. Gross, H. W. Brands, R. Hal Williams, Robert A. Divine, T. H. Breen

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The election of 1796 was complicated by ________.
A) changes in the nation's voting laws
B) interference from British diplomats
C) behind-the-scenes manipulations by Alexander Hamilton
D) Washington's refusal to stay out of politics
E) confusion over the differences between Federalists and Republicans
The Adams-Ons Treaty ________.
A) excluded Spain from the North American continent
B) reduced British influence in Florida
C) granted the Northwest Territory to the United States
D) weakened the Spanish position in Latin America
E) made Florida a U.S. territory
The most prominent student protest organization of the 1960s was the ________.
A) Students of America
B) Students for a Democratic Society
C) Yippie Movement
D) Southern Christian Leadership Conference
E) Young Republicans
What caused "instant cities" to arise in the West in the late nineteenth century?
A) City builders rushed to the West to take advantage of the cheap land.
B) People rushed to the West for economic opportunities, and cities sprang up quickly.
C) Easterners were anxious to replicate the cities they had left and built quickly.
D) Building materials were so cheap that it made sense to build an entire city instantly
instead of letting it develop over time.
E) White settlers took over western settlements that had already been built by Native
The Portuguese explored West Africa searching for ________.
A) lands to settle
B) spices and timber
C) converts to Christianity
D) slaves and gold
E) land for a convict colony
The 1920 census revealed that _____.
A) slightly more than half of the population lived in cities
B) most people still resided in rural areas
C) southern cities were experiencing a population boom
D) a third of the population had migrated to the South
E) African Americans were migrating from the North
The one American who, more than anyone else, symbolized the spirit of the
Enlightenment was ________.
A) Jonathan Edwards
B) George Washington
C) Cotton Mather
D) George Whitefield
E) Benjamin Franklin
What was the result of Andrew Carnegie's sale of Carnegie Steel?
A) J. P. Morgan combined it with other steel companies into the U.S. Steel Corporation.
B) It led to the formation of the first American trust.
C) It inspired John D. Rockefeller to sell his Standard Oil Company.
D) It led to the building of the Brooklyn Bridge, the largest steel structure in the world.
E) Charles Schwab bought it and combined it with National Steel to form the largest
steel company in the United States.
Which was central to the colonists' position in the Anglo-American debate over
parliamentary powers?
A) their strong belief in the powers of their own provincial assemblies
B) their unswerving support of the monarchy
C) their willingness to defer to the wishes of Parliament
D) their desire for an authoritarian government
E) their desire for revolution
Who invented the concept of the mass construction of suburban homes?
A) William Levitt
B) Thurgood Marshall
C) Joseph McCarthy
D) Norman Vincent Peale
E) Reginald Rose
One of the important ideas behind the concept of Manifest Destiny was ________.
A) converting recent immigrants to Protestantism
B) the establishment of the factory system
C) the inclusion of women in the workforce
D) territorial expansion
E) the abolition of slavery
What caused James Polk to send troops to Mexico?
A) to retaliate for the harsh Mexican treatment of Texans
B) to protect the southern border of the United States
C) to enforce U.S. claims along the Texas-Mexico border
D) to prevent a Mexican attempt to reacquire Texas
E) to distract Americans from other domestic issues
In the South, a "grandfather clause" waived the literacy requirement for voters whose
ancestors had ________.
A) already passed a literacy test
B) fought in the Civil War
C) been white
D) voted before 1867
E) a college degree
What methods were often used by unions to achieve their goals?
A) lockouts and government troops to protect workers
B) firing managers and using industrial psychology
C) strikes, leading to negotiations
D) buying out factory owners and boycotting products
E) hiring other workers to take their place and striking
Which of the following was NOT a major change in middle-class family life during the
nineteenth century?
A) Relationships between parents and children became more intimate.
B) The "Cult of Domesticity" gained ground.
C) Families became more child-centered.
D) More and more women worked outside the home.
E) The use of corporal punishment declined.
What caused seven states to secede from the Union before any shots had been fired?
A) the Compromise of 1850
B) John Brown's raid on Harper's Ferry
C) the election of President Lincoln
D) the Emancipation Proclamation
E) Lincoln's plans to free the slaves
New England families differed from those of other English colonies in that they often
included ________.
A) Native Americans
B) grandparents
C) polygamy
D) widows
E) extended families living in one household
Americans feel vulnerable because ________.
A) migration out of the U.S. has hit an all-time high
B) they feel the world is not listening to them
C) international and domestic problems continue to challenge them
D) the U.S. has the least troubled economy in the world
E) Americans are wildly optimistic about the future
What was the major push factor that brought Irish immigrants to the United States in
the 1840s and 1850s?
A) oppression by the British government
B) decline in the number of jobs in Ireland
C) overpopulation of Ireland
D) the great potato blight
E) persecution of Catholics
How did the Emancipation Proclamation change how each side viewed the war?
A) It made the South realize that slavery was not a sustainable system.
B) It allowed both sides to focus exclusively on fighting.
C) It made the South realize that it should re-enter the United States and fight for
slavery in Congress.
D) It committed the North to abolishing slavery as a major aim of the war.
E) It made the South realize that secession had not been necessary.
Upton Sinclair's novel, The Jungle, led to passage of the _____.
A) Hepburn Act
B) Mann-Elkins Act
C) Meat Inspection Act
D) Elkins Act
E) Clayton Antitrust Act
How does the modern Bill of Rights compare to that of 1789?
A) The modern one allows for freedoms despite ethnicity, race, gender, or sexual
orientationprovisions that were not made in 1789.
B) The modern one allows for infringement on freedom of speech and privacy with
technology lawsprovisions that did not exist in 1789.
C) The 1789 bill led to political controversy whereas the modern one has not.
D) The modern bill has led to political controversy whereas the 1789 one did not.
E) The 1789 bill was longer; the modern one is a shorter rewriting of the same tenets.
Which identifies a key reason for the South's defeat in the Civil War?
A) The Confederacy lacked a single competent general to lead its troops.
B) Southern planters were reluctant to start growing food crops instead of cash crops.
C) Confederate armies lacked the conviction to fight a prolonged war with the North.
D) The South was too industrialized to adapt well to a wartime economy.
E) The northern troops were better individual soldiers than Confederate troops.
President Andrew Johnson was eventually _______.
A) loved by most African Americans
B) admired by wealthy southern planters
C) opposed by Radical Republicans
D) compromising in his actions and policies
E) determined to carry on with Lincoln's plans
Which notable Southern author wrote proslavery polemics?
A) Edgar Allan Poe
B) Henry David Thoreau
C) Herman Melville
D) James Russell Lowell
E) Ralph Waldo Emerson
President Taft alienated progressive Republicans by _____.
A) curbing the power of Speaker of the House, Joseph Cannon
B) vetoing a tariff increase
C) dismissing Richard Ballinger
D) campaigning against them in the 1910 midterm elections
E) working directly against them in elections
How did the focus of higher education change between 1880s and 1900s?
A) Art and culture became an intrinsic part of education.
B) Agricultural training courses increased rapidly.
C) Standards for admission to universities fell.
D) Education for blacks and whites became more equal.
E) Curricula increasingly focused on practical knowledge.
How can Wilson's reaction to the sinking of the Lusitania be best characterized?
A) conciliatory diplomacy
B) forceful diplomacy
C) pessimistic diplomacy
D) moral pressure
E) reactionary
The failure of the Albany Plan can be attributed, primarily, to the ________.
A) opposition of French authorities
B) fiscal jealousies of colonial assemblies
C) beginning of the French and Indian War
D) refusal of the Iroquois tribes to support it
E) lack of interest from colonial representatives
The development of a national railway system ________.
A) provided needed jobs for an overabundant labor supply
B) had little effect on economic changes in the late nineteenth century
C) led to an integrated national economic system
D) had little help from the political system
E) was not completed until the early twentieth century

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