HI 52413

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 10
subject Words 2141
subject Authors Ariela J. Gross, H. W. Brands, R. Hal Williams, Robert A. Divine, T. H. Breen

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The lives of Roger Williams and Anne Hutchinson provide strong evidence that
A) Puritans seldom disagreed on matters of theology
B) Massachusetts Bay officials insisted on freedom of religious thought and expression
C) Massachusetts Bay faced difficulties in creating a society based on a religious
D) Massachusetts Bay Colony sent preachers to frontiers as missionaries to the Indians
E) most Puritans had wanted to break away from the Church of England
Most southern planters considered their slaves to be ________.
A) hard working and industrious
B) children who required constant supervision
C) skilled and motivated
D) dangerous malcontents
E) mere property
The Truman Doctrine stated that American policy would be to _______.
A) remain isolated from European and Asian affairs
B) take a more active part in rebuilding the war-ravaged Soviet economy
C) use military force to defend China against Soviet aggression
D) support any nation resisting armed minorities or aggression from a foreign power
E) help create democratic governments in the emerging nations of Africa
In his negotiations to pass the Hepburn Act of 1906, what did Roosevelt reveal about
his political strategy?
A) He capitalized on his popularity with the masses to coerce Congress to pass bills.
B) He used his military past to command awe and obedience to his will as President.
C) He employed yellow journalists and muckrakers to attack his opponents.
D) As a young and new president, he relied too heavily on experienced advisors.
E) He was skillful at political negotiations to achieve reform measures.
Which best describes Benjamin Franklin's main goal in drafting the Albany Plan?
A) to organize a council of delegates to coordinate common defense and western
B) to propose the dredging of canals that connected Albany with Lake Erie and the St.
Lawrence River
C) to set up a system of common taxes and tariffs throughout the colonies
D) to draft a constitution that freed the colonies from any control by the British crown
E) to prepare the colonies for an eventual war of independence with England
What does it mean to say that some professions became "feminized" in the late 1800s?
A) Women were much better at certain jobs, such as nursing, and began to dominate
those fields.
B) Men were no longer capable of doing certain jobs, since they were needed in
industrial jobs, so women took their places.
C) Only married women were allowed to work at certain jobs since unmarried women
would be leaving their jobs eventually to get married.
D) As more women took jobs in certain fields, men left them, and this lowered the
status of these professions.
E) Many women began to get work as lawyers, doctors, and ministers, and Americans
began to accept women in these kinds of work.
How did the election of 1896 affect the Populists?
A) The party gained a congressional majority.
B) The party switched names to the Democratic party.
C) The party disappeared.
D) The party lost the election but remained a third party for decades.
E) The party remained powerful, due to the fact that it had won a majority of the
popular vote.
What was considered the "proper" sphere for middle-class white women in the
nineteenth century?
A) helping with her husband's small business
B) being involved in the arts and literature
C) keeping house and raising a family
D) working on tasks that did not need physical strength
E) wage-earning outside the home
As the "new immigrants" entered the American society, they ________.
A) were well prepared to make the adjustment
B) clung to the customs of their native countries
C) quickly assimilated into the society
D) never were able to adjust to new living conditions
E) gave up their native languages
In what way did Theodore Roosevelt embody the concept of pragmatism?
A) In breaking the trusts and large corporations, he demonstrated that he believed in
natural laws instead of actions.
B) In deciding to run for a third term, he demonstrated a belief in the absolute truth of
his right to the presidency.
C) He approached problems not by applying an ideology, but in an ad hoc manner.
D) In his conservation of wilderness in America, he demonstrated his belief in divine
laws, meaning that God had given America the land to take care of.
E) In his unequal treatment of African Americans, he demonstrated the pragmatic
ability to be "tough-minded" in a world with no easy answers.
The Zimmermann Telegram _____.
A) announced Germany's European war aims
B) pledged Germany's intention to end the war peacefully
C) proposed an alliance between Germany and Mexico
D) had little effect on America's move toward war
E) was actually a piece of British war propaganda
Which 1968 presidential candidate cut deeply into Hubert Humphrey's base by running
on the American Independent Party ticket?
A) Eugene McCarthy
B) William Westmoreland
C) Timothy Leary
D) George C. Wallace
E) Huey Newton
The central issue in the Anglo-American debate over governance was ________.
A) divine sovereignty
B) laissez faire
C) parliamentary sovereignty
D) absolute rule
E) colonial sovereignty
The colony of Pennsylvania was established as a religious sanctuary for ________.
A) Puritans
B) Catholics
C) Baptists
D) Quakers
E) Presbyterians
In what way do historians consider the abolitionist movement of the 1830s and 1840s to
be a success?
A) It brought the issue of slavery into the public consciousness.
B) It convinced most people that slavery should be abolished immediately.
C) It peacefully converted many slaveholders to abolition.
D) It led to a marked decrease in racism among northern urban whites.
E) It orchestrated the emancipation of thousands of slaves.
Why did the House of Representatives impeach President Johnson?
A) because he dismissed officers in the southern military districts
B) because he challenged the Tenure in Office Act by removing the Secretary of War
C) because he vetoed the First and Second Reconstruction Acts
D) because he attempted to abolish the Freedmen's Bureau
E) because he opposed the passage of the Fourteenth Amendment
What was the role of the colonial militias?
A) They played a decisive role in several major battles.
B) They kept the slave population in line.
C) They maintained political control in areas not occupied by British troops.
D) They consisted mainly of African Americans.
E) They would sometimes switch sides if they did not get paid.
What did workers find when faced with changes in the new industrial system of mass
A) a safer working environment
B) no chance to see the final product
C) repetitive and boring work
D) new workers without their skills
E) few factory and unskilled jobs available
Why did FDR attempt to "pack" the Supreme Court?
A) He knew opposing the Supreme Court would unite his disparate Democratic Party.
B) He knew opposing the Supreme Court would win him bipartisan support.
C) He saw the Supreme Court's interference with the New Deal as unconstitutional.
D) He wanted to remove the final and most powerful threat to his New Deal programs.
E) He wanted to create a Democratic Supreme Court to ensure his legacy.
The Eighteenth Amendment to the Constitution provided for _____.
A) women's suffrage
B) prohibition
C) a federal income tax
D) direct election of senators
E) extending the franchise to eighteen-year-olds
The dominant issue of the election of 1896 was ________.
A) monetary standards
B) tariffs
C) political patronage
D) railroad regulation
E) race relations
In the Columbian Exchange, the Old World and the New exchanged ________.
A) animal, plant, and microbial life forms
B) technologies
C) religious beliefs
D) political systems
E) trade goods
According to the 1807 federal law that outlawed the importation of slaves, Africans
captured from smugglers were to be ________.
A) lined up and executed
B) returned to Africa
C) immediately emancipated
D) turned over to state authorities
E) sold to the highest bidder by federal agents
The division in America revealed the 2000 presidential election was between ________.
A) the urban coastal states that voted for Bush and rural southern states that voted for
B) the poor who voted for Bush and the middle class who voted for Gore
C) the rich who voted for Gore and the poor who voted for Bush
D) the liberals who voted for Bush and the conservatives who voted for Gore
E) people in suburbia who voted for Bush and rural Americans who voted for Gore
Changes in higher education included all of the following EXCEPT ________.
A) an increased number of colleges and universities
B) the first separate graduate schools
C) an increased emphasis on a classical curriculum
D) more educational opportunities for women
E) the new discipline of sociology was introduced
The Democratic candidate in the election of 1928 was _____.
A) Robert M. La Follette
B) James Cox
C) John W. Davis
D) Al Smith
E) William McAdoo
As a result of their participation in the war effort, African Americans _____.
A) faced even worse discrimination in the United States
B) became more accepting of the conditions they faced
C) found greater acceptance within American society
D) were more and more inclined to fight discrimination
E) often chose to remain in Europe after fighting overseas
What ultimately led to the Republican success in the election of 1860?
A) Republicans compromised on the issue of slavery.
B) Republicans were able to win decisively in the North.
C) Republicans won significant southern support.
D) Abraham Lincoln offered the potential for sectional harmony.
E) The Democrats dropped out of the race.
What was a difference between the rights in marriage of women in the Chesapeake
region and those of women in New England in the 1600s?
A) Women in the Chesapeake region tended to have more power because they were
fewer in number and thus began from a better bargaining position.
B) Women in New England had more rights because there were more women there and
they had greater strength as a community.
C) Women in New England had fewer rights because the colonists there came from
more strict and traditional backgrounds.
D) Women in the Chesapeake region tended to have fewer rights because the planter
class had more restrictions on the roles of women in society.
E) Women in New England had fewer rights because the women there tended to live
much shorter lives than those in the Chesapeake region.
Wilson hurt his chances to get the Treaty of Versailles ratified _____.
A) through his failure to ask for the American people's support
B) because he was unwilling to compromise with opponents
C) by working too closely with isolationist opponents
D) because he did not work hard enough to convince opponents
E) through his vague and hostile demands of his supporters
Which statement best explains why the Boston Tea Party became a famous symbol of
the American Revolution?
A) The Boston Tea Party was one of the most destructive acts in the entire war.
B) The Boston Tea Party was the final action before the first shots that led to the actual
C) The Boston Tea Party showed that the colonists had lost their respect for the British
D) The Boston Tea Party not only killed many soldiers, it also destroyed millions of
dollars worth of property.
E) The Boston Tea Party was an unprecedented act of violence by angry colonists
against the British troops.
What event brought the United States into World War II?
A) the Italian attack on Austria
B) the German occupation of France
C) the first mass executions of Jews
D) the Japanese invasion of China
E) the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor

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