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subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 9
subject Words 1701
subject Authors Laura E. Berk

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A secure attachment in infancy
A) guarantees continued good parenting.
B) launches the parent"child relationship on a positive path that is likely to continue.
C) causes improved cognitive, emotional, and social competence in later years.
D) is weakly linked to poor adjustment in adolescence.
Long-term memory
A) stores information temporarily.
B) is the conscious part of the cognitive system.
C) is unlimited in capacity.
D) directs the flow of information in the cognitive system.
In 1990, shyness in Chinese children was __________ associated with being
well-adjusted. But as China's market economy expanded and the valuing of
__________ increased, the direction of the correlations shifted.
A) positively; collectivist values
B) negatively; collectivist values
C) negatively; assertiveness
D) positively; sociability
Wernicke's area, located in the left temporal lobe of the cerebral cortex, plays a role in
A) comprehending word meaning.
B) supporting grammatical processing.
C) communicating with motor areas involved in speaking.
D) supporting language production.
The common goal of investigators who study child development is to
A) understand how physical growth and nutrition contribute to health and well-being
throughout the lifespan.
B) understand more about personality and social development.
C) analyze child-rearing practices and experiences that promote children's well-being.
D) describe and identify those factors that influence the consistencies and changes in
young people during the first two decades of life.
Which of the following four babies who went to the doctor for the same vaccination
will most likely remember it better?
A) Juan, who remained alert throughout the appointment
B) Mari, who smiled and cooed at the doctor
C) Wyatt, who was startled by the injection, but did not cry
D) Bina, who was highly upset by the injection
Rousseau regarded development as __________ and largely influenced by __________.
A) continuous; nature
B) continuous; nurture
C) discontinuous; nature
D) discontinuous; nurture
What is Gilligan's primary criticism of Kohlberg's theory of moral reasoning?
A) Kohlberg's theory does not fully explain moral reasoning at Stages 4 and 5.
B) Kohlberg's theory is at odds with Piaget's theory and little research has been
conducted on its validity.
C) Kohlberg's theory does not account for language differences between males and
D) Kohlberg's theory, originally based on interviews with males, does not adequately
represent morality of girls and women.
A good theory
A) provides an ultimate truth.
B) cannot be scientifically verified.
C) describes, explains, and predicts behavior.
D) is not influenced by the cultural values or beliefs of its time.
Children whose parents believe that they are not very capable and must work harder
than others to succeed are likely to
A) have a learned-helpless attributional style.
B) have an incremental view of ability.
C) develop a mastery-oriented attributional style by early adolescence.
D) work harder to win their parents' approval.
The powerful effects of __________ on temperament indicate that __________ is/are
linked to maladaptive emotional reactivity in children.
A) the environment; persistent nutritional and emotional deprivation
B) heredity; large family size
C) SES; limited resources
D) birth order and gender; having four or more children
In __________, findings cannot be applied to individuals other than the participant.
A) structured observation
B) a clinical interview
C) the clinical, or case study, method
D) naturalistic observation
In his 6th grade classroom, Mr. Kellerman individualizes instruction to each child's
needs to help the child move beyond her current level of development. Mr. Kellerman is
most likely using
A) traditional teaching methods.
B) dynamic assessment.
C) a universal curriculum designed for use in public schools.
D) a combination of aptitude and achievement tests.
In non-rapid-eye-movement sleep,
A) facial grimacing occurs.
B) breathing is uneven.
C) the body is almost motionless.
D) heart rate is irregular.
The cognitive gains of the late teens and early twenties are supported by further brain
development, especially the
A) speech and auditory centers.
B) activity of the amygdala.
C) prefrontal cortex and its connections with other brain regions.
D) connections between the left and right hemispheres.
Fred and George are identical twins. Ashton and Michael are fraternal twins. Which of
the following statements is true?
A) Ashton and Michael have the same genetic makeup.
B) Fred and George have the same genetic makeup.
C) Ashton and Michael are more genetically similar than Fred and George.
D) Fred and George are genetically no more alike than ordinary siblings.
Although not all experts agree, some maintain that IQ tests are fair to both majority and
minority children because
A) IQ tests are the only available between-race comparisons of mental ability.
B) any biases against one group are offset by comparable biases against the other group.
C) IQ tests predict academic achievement equally well for both groups.
D) IQ tests are far less biased than other ability measures, such as dynamic assessment.
Mothers' exaggerated pronunciation in infant-directed speech is strongly associated
A) mild language delays in toddlerhood.
B) advanced false-belief understanding in preschoolers.
C) 6- to 12-month-olds' increasing sensitivity to the phonemic categories of foreign
D) 6- to 12-month-olds' increasing sensitivity to the phonemic categories of their native
Eight-year-old Oren has just begun describing other people's personalities. He is most
likely to describe someone as
A) "boring and dull."
B) "always fighting with people."
C) "tall and thin."
D) "angry and sad."
Motor skills
A) develop more rapidly in boys than girls.
B) follow a fixed maturational timetable.
C) develop in highly individualized ways.
D) follow a strict, predetermined cephalocaudal pattern without exception.
As Aria begins dating, the security of her romantic relationships will be affected by
A) peer pressure to have sex.
B) her comfort with her own sexuality.
C) the intensity of her emotional attachment to her boyfriend.
D) the level and security of her attachment to her parents.
Compared with infants who display __________ attachment, __________ babies tend
to receive overstimulating care.
A) secure; resistant
B) avoidant; securely attached
C) secure; avoidant
D) resistant; disorganized/disoriented
Around the first birthday, the symbolic capacity called "displaced reference" emerges,
which allows toddlers to
A) use abstract thought to solve problems.
B) form initial mental representations that can be used to evaluate further information.
C) categorize objects on the basis of their physical attributes.
D) recognize that words can be used to cue mental images of things not physically
All U.S. states require that each newborn be given a blood test for
A) Tay-Sachs disease.
B) hemophilia.
D) cystic fibrosis.
Chinese parents integrate Confucian traditions of strict discipline and social obligations
into their personal stories to
A) teach children the importance of autonomy and independent decision making.
B) reinforce children's spunk and assertiveness.
C) affirm the importance of not disgracing the family.
D) illustrate how children from other cultures behave.
Because Dr. Frederickson's students are aware of the purposes of a study, they may see
and record what they expect to see rather than what the participants actually do. This is
known as
A) event influence.
B) observer bias.
C) a cohort effect.
D) internal validity.
Which of the following statements is true about individuals with Down syndrome?
A) Most die before the age of 40 and have eye cataracts and hearing loss.
B) Many have enlarged brains, especially in the cerebral cortex region.
C) More than half who live past age 40 show symptoms of Alzheimer's disease.
D) Affected individuals have few common physical features.
To find out how infants acquire motor capacities, researchers conduct
A) field experiments.
B) ethnographic studies.
C) microgenetic studies.
D) natural experiments.
__________, not social experience, is largely responsible for young children's difficulty
grasping the permanence of sex.
A) Language development
B) Cognitive immaturity
C) Parenting style
D) Exposure to formal education
To soothe a crying baby, most Western parents usually try
A) swaddling the baby.
B) infant massage.
C) lifting the baby to the shoulder.
D) taking the baby for a walk in a carriage.
In the United States, __________ young women make up the largest group of
never-married parents.
A) Caucasian
B) Mexican-American
C) Asian-American
D) African-American
__________ is the only pituitary secretion produced continuously throughout life.
A) Estrogen
B) Thyroxine
C) Growth hormone (GH)
D) Testosterone
According to dynamic systems theory of motor development, each new skill is a joint
product of central nervous system development, the body's movement capacities, the
child's goals, and
A) environmental supports for the skill.
B) the child's cognitive development.
C) the child's social relationships.
D) the child's age.
Four-year-old Alicia gives up easily when faced with challenging tasks. Research shows
which of the following factors most likely applies to Alicia?
A) She has parents who provide generous praise regardless of task success or failure.
B) She bases her self-worth entirely on inner standards.
C) She has parents who are highly critical of her worth and performance.
D) She attributes her failures to external causes and successes to internal causes.

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