EDUK 41044

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 17
subject Words 3382
subject Authors Ann A. Turnbull, H. Rutherford Turnbull, Karrie A. Shogren, Michael L. Wehmeyer

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Which group is the most underrepresented in gifted education?
A. Females
B. Hispanics
C. Black
D. Asian/Pacific Islander
The majority of students with intellectual disabilities have IQ ranges in which of the
A. 50"55 to approximately 70
B. 35"40 to 50"55
C. 20"25 to 30"40
D. IQ below 20"25
A term that refers to data used to create e-texts is:
A. Digital source file
B. Media player
C. Audio converter
D. Augmentative device
Problem behavior seen in students with autism includes aggression, tantrums, property
destruction, and which of the following?
A. Talking back to adults
B. Self-injurious behavior
C. Echolalia
D. Repetition
Ordered lists of skills or activities that range from less to more complex that can be
used to differentiate expectations is/are:
A. Cognitive taxonomies
B. Acceleration
C. Curriculum extension
D. Differentiated instruction
Describe functional vision assessment (FVA).
Each of the following is a category of conduct disorder except which one?
A. Aggressive conduct
B. Lying
C. Unfounded fearfulness
D. Property destruction
Which component of school functional assessment evaluates students' ability to
complete functional activities requiring cognitive and physical skills?
A. Participation
B. Task supports
C. Activity performance
D. Academic achievement
Abnormal posture; abnormal movements of the face, head, trunk, and limbs; abnormal
eye movements; repeated gestures and mannerisms; and awkward gait are
characteristics of which of the following?
A. Sensory disorders
B. Behavior disorders
C. Intellectual disorders
D. Movement disorders
After how many cumulative days of suspension in one school year does IDEA mandate
a manifestation determination meeting be held?
A. Five
B. Seven
C. Ten
D. Forty-five
What training prepares students to advocate for their own instructional needs?
A. Self-monitoring
B. Self-determination
C. Self-esteem
D. Self-knowledge
A system in which the teacher transmits his voice by using a microphone and ceiling- or
wall-mounted speakers is:
A. Sound-field amplification system
B. Loop system
C. Closed-caption technology
D. Telecommunication device
What percent of students with multiple disabilities spend all of their time in separate
educational settings?
A. 16%
B. 46%
C. 24%
D. 14%
The use of data-based decision techniques is:
A. IEP-linked body of evidence
B. Performance assessment
C. Rubrics
D. Portfolio-based alternative assessment
Which definition of giftedness is used by most states?
A. The federal definition
B. The state's own definition
C. Gardner's definition
D. IDEAs definition
Which of the following identifies specific relationships between a student's behavior
and the circumstances that trigger those behaviors, especially those that impede a
student's ability to learn?
A. Functional behavioral assessment
B. Positive behavior support plan
C. Psychological evaluation
D. Direct observation
The "payoffs" a student obtains when she demonstrates the problem behavior is the:
A. Reward
B. Punishment
C. Consequence
D. Outcome
Steven is a gifted student who is very bored in class and does not complete his
homework. What would be the best way to help Steven become excited about learning
A. Don"t require him to complete homework since he knows the material.
B. Have Steven tutor other students.
C. Modify the scope and sequence of Steven's curriculum through acceleration.
D. Don"t be concerned about Steven's behavior since he probably already knows the
Which of the following refers to one's understanding of oneself as a unique individual?
A. Self-esteem
B. Self-understanding
C. Self-knowledge
D. Self-awareness
A physical disability that affects all four limbs is:
A. Hemiplegia
B. Paraplegia
C. Quadriplegia
D. Diplegia
An instructional program with eleven lessons designed to promote greater student
involvement in IEP meetings is:
A. Self-advocated IEP
B. Self-determined IEP
C. Self-directed IEP
D. Self-administered IEP
A system that provides real-time translations of spoken word to software-equipped
laptops is:
A. Closed-caption technology
B. Loop system
C. C-print
D. Voice synthesizer
Which of the following involves repeated movements and verbalizations, such as motor
movements, persistent attention to parts of objects, and strict adherence to routines?
A. Atypical social development
B. Repetitive behavior
C. Echolalia
D. Self-injurious behavior
The highest rate of depression occurs among:
A. Adolescent boys
B. Adolescent girls
C. Adult males
D. Adult females
An injury that does not involve penetration or fracture of the bones of the skull but
results from an external blow or from the brain being whipped back and forth rapidly is
which of the following?
A. An open head injury
B. A closed head injury
C. Encephalitis
D. A congenital injury
Each of the following is an assumption regarding the definition of intellectual
disabilities except:
A. Limitations must be considered within the context of community environments
typical of the person's age, peers, and culture.
B. Valid assessments, considering cultural and linguistic diversity and differences in
communication, sensory, motor, and behavioral factors, must be used.
C. The condition is permanent, and even with personalized supports over a sustained
period it does not improve.
D. Limitations within an individual coexist with strengths.
Comparing the proportion of a specific racial/ethnic group receiving special education
services to the proportion among the total combined other racial/ethnic groups receiving
special education is:
A. Discriminatory evaluation
B. Segregation
C. Risk ratio
D. Cultural discrimination
Mark is a student with spastic cerebral palsy. He is above grade level academically, but
due to his physical problems he becomes very anxious when he is not able to complete
assignments at the same speed as his classmates. How can you help Mark decrease his
anxiety and complete assignments in a timely manner?
A. Develop a plan that incorporates the use of technology.
B. Lessen the amount of work Mark has to complete.
C. Have him dictate his responses to you so you can write for him.
D. Exempt Mark from assignments that are too rigorous for him.
Classifying a person's disability by the specific body location of the movement
impairment is:
A. Physical classification
B. Medical classification
C. Topographical classification
D. Regional classification
Which region of the country appears to have the greatest shortage of trained special
education personnel?
A. Northeast
B. Southwest
C. Southeast
D. Northcentral
Students with TBI often share similar characteristics with students who have:
A. Autism
B. Visual impairments
C. Learning disabilities
According to the American Psychiatric Association, symptoms of ADHD must persist
for at least how long?
A. 6 months
B. 3 years
C. 6 years
D. 3 months
Jodi is a student with a behavioral disorder who is rarely on-task and has difficulty
learning. What would be the best course of action to help Jodi with her classroom
A. Give Jodi poor grades so she will learn the importance of following instructions.
B. Have Jodi remain after school to complete work.
C. Create an opportunity for service learning.
D. Have a peer buddy for Jodi who will complete her work.
Explain the concept of and the steps of errorless learning and give examples of prompts
used in the process.
List attributes of giftedness most frequently recognized by different states.
Describe the "inclusion debate" and the two major issues at the heart of the debate.
Explain the term "Deaf community."
What is the expanded core curriculum? Identify the domains within it and explain how
so many skills can be taught.
Explain the positive and potentially negative effects of labeling students with special
Explain the purpose of a 504 plan.
Explain how one becomes a culturally responsive teacher and advocate.
Describe the different communication options and suggest pros and cons of each.
Explain what is meant by the Least Restrictive Environment (LRE).
Differentiate between the educational definitions of deaf and hard of hearing and the
technical definitions.
How do ADA and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act benefit people with disabilities,
and how are these acts different from IDEA?
What are decibels and hertz and what are the levels of each for normal sounds?
What are some of the protections educators must follow to conduct nondiscriminatory
evaluations of students with disabilities?
Identify the four key characteristics of inclusion.
What are the causes of multiple disabilities?

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