EDUC 50635

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 13
subject Words 1880
subject Authors Lynn R Marotz

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Licensing regulations are considered to:
a. be unnecessary
b. reflect minimal requirements
c. represent ideal standards
d. serve as guidelines that are not strictly enforced
Fats and carbohydrates each yield nine calories per gram.
a. True
b. False
Mei often speaks in a loud voice, experiences periods of unexplained frustration, and
appears to disregard her teacher's instructions. These behaviors may indicate a possible:
a. neurological disorder
b. hearing impairment
c. allergic response
d. behavior problem
Small beads, latex balloons, and coins present a choking hazard for young children.
a. True
b. False
Negligence refers to:
a. failure to protect children from all unintentional injury
b. careless and questionable safety management
c. failure to maintain accurate safety records
d. lack of first aid training
Behavior problems, intellectual disability, and appetite loss may be symptoms of lead
a. True
b. False
Chicken pox is only transmitted through direct contact with the blisters.
a. True
b. False
The incidence of chicken pox, colds, hepatitis, and impetigo can be reduced by
practicing thorough hand washing.
a. True
b. False
Involving children in the preparation of a new food item is:
a. an effective way to increase food acceptance
b. time-consuming and disruptive
c. a way to complete meal preparations more quickly
d. an unproductive strategy
The first semi-solid food offered to an infant is usually a rice cereal.
a. True
b. False
Children in group settings can become infected with impetigo from:
a. playing with toys that have been touched by another child who has impetigo
b. pets
c. coughing, sneezing, or spitting on one another
d. none of these answers is correct
Microwaving is a quick and easy way to heat bottles of formula or frozen breast milk.
a. True
b. False
Shock often accompanies severe injuries. The symptoms of shock may include all the
following EXCEPT:
a. rapid breathing
b. weak pulse
c. dry, flushed skin
d. confusion
Children are most frequently abused by:
a. strangers
b. an alcoholic relative or babysitter
c. someone they know
d. an older child or sibling
Amblyopia is caused by:
a. a muscle imbalance
b. an infection
c. trauma or injury
d. fluid build-up
A child who has diabetes and develops signs of hypoglycemia should be given:
a. more insulin
b. a peanut butter sandwich
c. nothing to eat or drink
d. a glass of orange juice
a. occurs when the pancreas produces excess insulin
b. can be a minor complication of diabetes
c. is a symptom of chronic stress and depression
d. is an inherited immune disorder
Meals should only include nutrient-dense foods from each food group, but snacks can
be calorie-dense, high-energy pick-me-ups.
a. True
b. False
Appropriate cooking methods are cost-effective because:
a. nutrients are conserved
b. food shrinkage is minimized
c. waste due to overcooked or burned food is prevented
d. all answers are correct
Eczema is a condition often seen in young children who also have________:
a. anemia
b. apnea
c. allergies
d. anaphylaxsis
Exposure to indoor air pollutants is known to increase the incidence of:
a. leukemia
b. upper respiratory infections
c. eczema
d. nausea and diarrhea
a. is contagious
b. a life-threatening allergic reaction
c. common cause of abdominal pain and muscle aches
d. an early warning sign of seizure
Frozen foods may be safely thawed in hot water.
a. True
b. False
Serving finger foods to a toddler does all the following EXCEPT:
a. reduces frustrations associated with using eating utensils
b. encourages self-feeding
c. increases feeding time and frustration
d. reinforces children's feelings of being in control and independence
All children should be tested for blood cholesterol by the time they are two years old.
a. True
b. False
Rooms occupied by young children should always have at least two exits.
a. True
b. False
A five-year-old child should have the equivalent of cups of milk each day.
a. 1
b. 2
c. 2 1/2
d. 3
Conducting daily health assessments is important because:
a. there is a direct relationship between health and ability to learn
b. teachers become more aware of children's individual differences with practice
c. families expect teachers to be responsible for children's health
d. children look forward to the teacher's personal attention
An abusive adult's behavior is often impulsive and easily provoked.
a. True
b. False
An infant who turns her head to the side while eating should be urged to continue eating
until all of her food is gone.
a. True
b. False
Early detection of health impairments:
a. avoids untimely delays in arranging intervention services
b. adds unnecessary expense to a family's budget
c. has only a limited effect on children's ability to learn
d. is not important until children reach their school-age years
When pets visit or become classroom residents, what special precautions must be
Why is it important to state safety rules and guidelines in positive and simple terms?
In what ways can poverty affect children's language development?
What should a teacher do if a parent asks to have medication that is not in its original
container given to a child?
_____is a complex carbohydrate found in fruits and vegetables that humans are not able
to digest.
What positive effects can stress have on children's development?
A normal-hearing infant should begin to babble and imitate speech
by _______________ ____________________.
Rapid weight loss, frequent urination and excessive thirst may be early signs
Asking families to transport groups of children for field trips can present serious
________ problems for a program in the event of an accident.
Children who have an undiagnosed hearing problem are sometimes mislabeled
as ____________________.
Refrigerators must be maintained between ____°F to ____ °F and the freezer kept at
____°F or lower for safe food storage.
What age group experiences the highest rate of deaths due to airway obstruction? Why?
Why must all bread and bread alternates be either whole grain or enriched?
The concept of gender identity begins to emerge around age_________to ___________
Outdoor_______should be covered when not in use to protect them from contamination
with animal feces.
Health and safety education is important during the early years because children are
more ______to new ideas, practices, and suggestions.
The term__________refers to an illness or health condition that is frequent, lengthy, or
permanent in nature.
In what ways can a teacher help a child who has been abused or neglected?
Information in children's___________is beneficial for identifying health problems,
evaluating intervention success, and monitoring a child's progress.
Food service expenses account for a significant portion of a program's budget. Describe
steps the menuplanner can take to control costs without compromising the nutrient
quality of children's meals.

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