EDUC 21261

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 14
subject Words 2373
subject Authors James J Gallagher, Mary Ruth Coleman, Samuel Kirk

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An ASD condition that resembles autism but is a progressive neurological disorder is
a. Turner's syndrome.
b. Rhett syndrome.
c. Angelman syndrome.
d. Kanner's syndrome.
Which of the following is an example of the RTI Tier II intervention?
a. Collaboration with the speech-language pathologist and/or special education teacher
b. Pointing to an object when given an augmentative communication board
c. Developing an IEP to address the specific articulation problems
d. Computer-generated programs to address fluency errors
Problems in personal and social adjustment
a. are the same for sighted persons.
b. do not follow as a natural result of blindness.
c. cannot be avoided by an individual with severe visual impairment.
d. are worse in children who are congenitally blind.
There are fewer children classified as having IDD in recent years because of changes in
the way disabilities are identified and classified.
a. True
b. False
Which section of IDEA 2004 includes children from birth to age 2 with developmental
delays and/or disabilities?
a. Part B
b. Section 3
c. Part C
d. Children from birth to age 2 are not included in IDEA 2004.
Within the Information Processing Model, the context of an emotional environment
a. is not considered important.
b. is a critical mediator for how students with learning disabilities process information.
c. is only considered for students with ADHD.
d. is only considered when analyzing the output process.
The process that includes continuous monitoring of thoughts, speech, and actions to
accomplish goals is called
a. the feedback system.
b. self-regulatory skills.
c. the multisensory approach.
d. sensory integration.
The definition of IDD requires that there be limitations in
a. intellectual functioning.
b. perceptual-motor skills.
c. adaptive skills.
d. intellectual functioning and adaptive skills.
Donna has faulty visual interpretation. Her condition could be the result of
a. defective eyes.
b. brain injury.
c. inadequate experience.
d. any of these.
Elizabeth, a 15-year-old with severe disabilities, has learned to make a bed at school in
the life-skills program. She is unable to make her bed at home, however, most likely
a. her bed at home is too dissimilar to the bed at school.
b. she cannot generalize the skill from one environment to another.
c. her bed at home is more difficult to make than the bed at school.
d. her teacher is not there to help her.
Prevalence estimates for ADHD range from___________ of school age children.
a. 1-2 percent
b. 3-7 percent
c. 9-11 percent
d. 12-16 percent
Part B of IDEA provides funds for children with disabilities between the ages of
a. 0 to 5 years.
b. 2 to 8 years.
c. 3 to 5 years.
d. 3 to 8 years.
The Early Childhood Special Education Assistance Act, passed in 1968, was designed
a. assist in the preservice training of specialists for young children with disabilities.
b. require local school districts to provide services for children between 3 and 5 years of
c. set up programs in every state to serve as models of how to work with children with
d. fund services provided by local school districts for young children with disabilities.
Board of Education v. Rowley (1982) is significant because it was the first case to
a. children with exceptionalities have a right to a FAPE.
b. parents must be involved in IEP meetings.
c. the federal government must provide funding for special programs to meet the needs
of exceptional children.
d. there is a limit to the resources that children with exceptionalities can expect.
An example of an RtI Tier III support for a child with a hearing loss would be
a. specific training on the use of hearing aids.
b. instruction in speech production in the regular classroom.
c. a peer tutor.
d. working on 'stop and think time" in the regular classroom.
If a school system wishes to narrow the range of ability in instructional settings, it
should consider
a. early entrance.
b. cluster grouping.
c. magnet schools.
d. compacted courses.
Because of the challenges created by their disability, few students with learning
disabilities will go on to post- secondary education.
a. True
b. False
In regards to bullying, boys experience more , while girls experience more
a. psychological intimidation, physically threaten
b. money extortion, psychological intimidation
c. physical bullying, psychological intimidation
d. physical bullying, parental bullying
The final results in Terman's longitudinal study found
a. the study group, in their sixties and seventies, were superior in health, psychological
well-being and survival rates to the general population.
b. the study group, in their sixties and seventies, were now equal in health,
psychological well-being and survival rates to the general populations.
c. as the study group grew older, the women in the group functioned more as gifted
d. the study group was superior in financial accomplishments, but not in health or
survival rates.
Research has found that the overall impact of home schooling on students who are
gifted or talented
a. is a very favorable educational alternative.
b. is limiting to their social development.
c. decreases their academic achievement.
d. is positive for creative development but not for academic development.
In reciprocal teaching
a. the teacher models the behavior to be learned.
b. th teacher uses direct instruction.
c. the teacher waits for a student to respond.
d. students take turns leading or teaching.
Children who qualify for services under IDEA must have an IFSP developed by
a. the federal government.
b. the parents.
c. the public schools.
d. a multidisciplinary team.
Five-year-old Terry says "pay" instead of "play." This is an example of which of these
articulation errors?
a. A distortion
b. An omission
c. A substitution
d. The addition of extra sounds
In defining the term childrenwithexceptionalities, which characteristic is most central?
a. The child deviates from the normal population in intellectual ability.
b. The child is from a lower socioeconomic background.
c. The child shows evidence of multiple disabilities.
d. The child's deviation is extensive enough to warrant modification of educational
services or practices.
Movements that are uncoordinated, uncontrolled, and jerky are characteristic of
a. extrapyramidal cerebral palsy.
b. ataxia cerebral palsy.
c. spastic cerebral palsy.
d. mixed type cerebral palsy.
__________includes all forms of communication, other than oral speech, and is used to
express thoughts, needs, wants, and ideas.
a. Remediation
b. Facilitated communication
c. Recasting
d. Augmentative communication
The recognition that society and schools have a responsibility for exceptional students
stemmed in large part from the activities of
a. educational diagnosticians.
b. the children's parents.
c. regular education teachers.
d. school counselors.
Children with low vision can learn through
a. only Braille or other tactile methods.
b. the same methods that children without visual impairments use.
c. their auditory and tactile senses only.
d. the visual sense by using special technology and training.
Without extra help in the form of therapies or educational stimulation, the child with
disabilities may develop
a. at a normal rate but reach a much lower level of functioning than possible.
b. very slowly, reaching a much lower level of functioning than possible.
c. at a normal rate, reaching the best level of functioning than could be expected.
d. faster than normal but reaching a much lower level of functioning than possible.
Which of the following is true concerning epilepsy?
a. It is very difficult to diagnose.
b. Most people with epilepsy have below-normal intelligence.
c. Medication usually prevents adequate performance in school.
d. It can usually be controlled by medication.
Two dimensions to be considered in distinguishing between normal behaviors and
problem behaviors are
a. visibility and latency.
b. visibility and depth.
c. intensity and duration.
d. origination and duration.
Relaying systems help to ensure
a. all television sets are equipped to receive closed captions.
b. phone access for individuals with hearing impairments.
c. employers are willing to hire individuals with hearing impairments for high-paying
d. translators are available in public places when needed.
Children with hearing loss who are not taught an existing sign system such as ASL will
often develop their own system known as ___________.
______is the ability to generate ideas, products, or solutions that are considered novel
and useful for a given problem, situation, or context.
____________are brain cells that respond equally whether we perform an action or
someone else performs the same action. This process has been found to be
dysfunctional in children with autism.
What role have courts played in the implementation of special education programs?
Why are courts uniquely suited for this role?
Why is Universal Design for Learning an appropriate strategy to use for students with
learning disabilities?
What are the two major ways the needs of students with exceptionalities can be met
within the framework of the school? Briefly describe each.
Describe the roles that heredity and the environment play in the development of
intellectual giftedness.
_________________is designed to deliver instruction and content effectively to
students with exceptionalities.
An individual with a____________may have difficulties with sound localization,
auditory discrimination, understanding speech sounds against a noisy background,
auditory sequencing, memory, and pattern recognition, sounding out words, and reading
___________is the child's feeling that he or she cannot do anything worthwhile or
Students with intense behavioral needs may be evaluated using a____ ; a ____ can then
be created to address their behavioral needs.
What should the classroom teacher watch for to be able to identify possible hearing
Explain the roles of speech and language in the communication process.
The________is primarily responsible for the identification, diagnosis, and design of the
treatment plan and curriculum for children with language and speech deficits.
In______,a single-gene defect that can produce severe IDD, the absence of a specific
enzyme in the liver leads to a buildup of the amino acid phenylalanine.

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