EDU 55228

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 9
subject Words 1256
subject Authors Richard S. Sharf

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Cara is retiring from her job as a welder. She has few plans, but would like activities
where she could keep busy all of the time, tell others what to do, be looked up to by
others, and be recognized for her contributions as a volunteer. Her plans can most
clearly be conceptualized by which of the following theories?
a. general trait and factor theory
b. Holland's theory
c. Myers-Briggs type theory
d. work adjustment theory
Ervin, 11-years-old is considering work in the health care field. He is aware of some of
his academic and other skills, but he is still unsure of what field he may enter.
According to Howard and Walsh he would be at this level of vocational reasoning.
a. pure association.
b. magical thinking.
c. internal processes and capacities.
d. systemic interaction.
Viewing a client's career as a story is associated with
a. attachment theory.
b. Holland's typological theory.
c. narrative career counseling.
d. personal construct career counseling.
Constructivism refers to
a. emphasizing scientific proof.
b. perception of one's own reality.
c. methods for providing positive feedback to clients.
d. standards for entering construction trades.
According to social cognitive career theory, which of these is a model that has been
developed? A social cognitive model of
a. personality
b. relationships
c. unity
d. work and life satisfaction
If a counselor works with a client whose Myers-Briggs type is INTP and works with the
client to develop F or feeling in the client, the counselor is working with the
a. auxiliary function.
b. dominant or strongest function.
c. exterior function.
d. inferior or weakest function.
When counselors help women get child care so that they can work, they are using an
approach most similar to this perspective.
a. decelerating
b. ecological
c. Holland's
d. updating
The area of greatest occupational growth in the next 10 years in the U. S is most likely
to be in
a. agriculture.
b. manufacturing.
c. mining.
d. health care.
School-to-work programs can be related to career development theories.
a. no
b. Super's
c. Myers-Briggs
d. work adjustment
Otto, in considering the occupation of social worker, is clarifying his values. According
to Krumboltz, this is an example of a(an)
a. associative learning experience.
b. instrumental learning experience.
c. task-approach skill.
d. none of the above.
Which of the following is most associated with status attainment theory?
a. ability
b. earnings
c. interests
d. prestige
Which of these theories focuses on career choice by examining society rather than
individual choices?
a. Holland's theory
b. human capital theory
c. Super's theory
d. work adjustment theory
Which of these statements contain inappropriate occupational information?
a. The average salary for medical technicians is ...
b. Employment is projected to decline because of intense foreign competition.
c. Those who wish to seek secretarial positions should be female.
d. Captains and engineers working in water transportation should have a degree from a
merchant marine academy or should have passed certain tests.
A motor repair business most closely fits this environment.
a. Artistic
b. Conventional
c. Enterprising
d. Realistic
Which of the following is a major theme of Phillips's developmental relational career
development model?
a. Other Centeredness
b. Other Directedness
c. Self Centeredness
d. Self Directedness
After three weeks of not working, Anne is questioning whether or not any employer
will be interested in her skills as an electronic technician. According to Hopson and
Adams, she is likely to be in this transition stage.
a. immobilization
b. internalization
c. letting go
d. self-doubt
According to Super, the development of interests in children is an outgrowth of
a. career maturity.
b. exploration.
c. problem solving.
d. time perspective.
The term "double jeopardy" could refer to which of the following groups?
a. Asian men
b. Asian women
c. White men
d. White women
Which one of these career crises is more likely to effect women than men?
a. a workplace fire
b. failure to get a raise
c. loss of job
d. sexual harassment
A test that measures knowledge of plumbing is most likely to be called an
a. achievement test.
b. aptitude test.
c. interest inventory.
d. self-estimate of competencies inventory.
Expanding work adjustment theory to include sexual harassment
a. is inconsistent with the theoretical model.
b. requires revision of a crisis model of career adjustment.
c. would require a thorough revision of the Minnesota Occupational Classification
d. would require expanding the definition of one of the needs or adding a new
The dominant process for an individual with a Myers-Briggs type of ESTP would be
a. E
b. S
c. T
d. P
According to social cognitive career theorists, which of these factors is most likely to
have the greatest affect on career choice?
a. abilities
b. beliefs about self
c. interests
d. values
The occupational knowledge domain of knowing about one's opinions about the world
of work is most similar to
a. Holland's concept of consistency.
b. Myers-Briggs Type theory's concept of extraversion.
c. social cognitive career theory's concept of outcome expectations.
d. trait and factor theory's second step.
Which of Super's concepts of career maturity covers how much a student feels that he
or she knows?
a. Career planning
b. Decision-making
c. Knowledge of the preferred occupational group
d. World-of-work information
By controlling their career decision-making process, individuals are using which
executive domain in cognitive information processing theory?
a. cognitive schemas
b. monitoring
c. self-awareness
d. self-talk
The concept most similar to career maturity is
a. Erikson's vocational identity.
b. Holland's consistency.
c. Holland's congruence.
d. work adjustment theory's occupational reinforcers.
Gottfredson predicts that April's career decisions will be influenced by considerations of
an orientation to her unique self from age 14 onward. This concept is called
a. career maturity.
b. circumscription.
c. compromise.
d. tolerable sex boundaries.
Susan wants to be a machinist, but is concerned because all of her brothers and sisters
have at least a bachelor's degree. Her counselor used a (an) to help her discuss her
aspirations as they compare to those of her siblings.
a. decision tree
b. genogram
c. interest inventory
d. sequential decision making plan
A test that measures knowledge of electronics is most likely to be called a (an)
a. achievement test
b. interest inventory.
c. self-estimate of competencies inventory.
d. values inventory.

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