EDU 39723

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 9
subject Words 1603
subject Authors Laura E. Berk

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According to Kohlberg, given a choice between obeying the law and preserving
individual rights, the most advanced moral thinkers will
A) follow the law.
B) first advocate for reinterpretation of the law.
C) break the law to support individual rights.
D) break the law only with prior permission from an authority figure.
The sex of a new organism is determined by
A) the genes on the X chromosome.
B) whether the ovum is carrying an X chromosome or a Y chromosome.
C) whether the sperm fertilizes an X-bearing or a Y-bearing ovum.
D) whether an X-bearing or a Y-bearing sperm fertilizes the ovum.
At first, the __________ system develops the fastest.
A) circulatory
B) digestive
C) nervous
D) endocrine
Infant tests, including previous editions of the Bayley, are
A) accurate predictors of later intelligence.
B) poor predictors of later intelligence.
C) only used to assess gross-motor skills.
D) only used to assess fine-motor skills.
Dr. Bean believes that language development is a product of inner capacities and
environmental influences. Dr. Bean's belief is consistent with the __________
A) behaviorist
B) nativist
C) interactionist
D) dynamic systems
Once child abuse begins,
A) it is fairly easy to reverse the behavior.
B) parents respond with extreme guilt, which motivates them to seek outside help.
C) children typically feel empathy for the parent.
D) it quickly becomes part of a self-sustaining relationship.
During the period of the zygote, the __________ becomes the new organism, and the
__________ becomes the structures that provide protective covering and nourishment.
A) embryonic disk; trophoblast
B) trophoblast; amnion
C) yolk sac; chorion
D) embryonic disc; villi
The __________ variable is the one the investigator expects to cause changes in another
A) practice
B) independent
C) dependent
D) confounding
According to __________, children move through a series of stages in which they
confront conflicts between biological drives and social expectations.
A) ecological systems theory
B) the psychoanalytic perspective
C) the behaviorist perspective
D) social learning theory
Denison is an adolescent who has begun to define who he is, what he values, and what
direction he chooses to pursue in life. Denison is
A) creating a self-persona.
B) forming an identity.
C) improving his self-esteem.
D) developing his superego.
Research shows that a husband's affection, expression of "we-ness," and awareness of
his wife's daily life predict __________ childbirth.
A) a better adjustment for mothers who had active careers before
B) a drop in mother's satisfaction with parenting after
C) a sharp decrease in marital satisfaction after
D) stable or increasing marital satisfaction after
Which of the following statements is supported by research on Head Start?
A) The lifetime return to society is estimated to be more than $300,000 on an
investment of $17,000 per preschool child.
B) Children show gains in school adjustment only if intervention is continued
throughout the elementary school years.
C) In the United States, almost all children who are eligible for early intervention
receive services.
D) Gains in IQ often dissolve quickly in the early elementary school years because
Head Start has little effect on children's motivation and attitudes about school.
Which of the following statements is true about overweight children and teens?
A) All children are equally at risk for excessive weight gain.
B) Obese children are at risk for lifelong health problems.
C) Around 30 percent of obese teenagers become overweight adults.
D) Type 2 diabetes is rapidly declining among overweight children.
Many rejected-aggressive children
A) are actually well-adjusted and eventually develop favorable peer relationships.
B) are unaware of their poor social skills.
C) take responsibility for their social failures.
D) are only children who had few opportunities to learn appropriate social skills before
starting school.
Which of the following statements supports the biological theory of morality?
A) Newborns cry when they hear another baby cry.
B) Researchers have recently discovered the "moral gene."
C) Infants are skilled at regulating emotion, which leads to internalization of moral
D) Reciprocal exchanges are far more common, varied, and highly developed in
primates than in humans.
The __________ is sensitive to environmental influences for a much longer period than
any other part of the brain.
A) temporal lobe
B) optical lobe
C) cerebellum
D) cerebral cortex
Baby Zima keeps his eyes on nearby adults, anxiously watching their every move. He
rarely smiles at his caregivers. Zima's weight, height, and head circumference are
substantially below age-related growth norms. Zima and his mother have a disturbed
parent"infant relationship. Zima may be suffering from
A) growth faltering.
B) psychosocial dwarfism.
C) iron-deficiency anemia.
D) food insecurity.
Heritability estimates are __________ for expressions of __________ than for
A) lower; negative emotion; positive emotion
B) higher; negative emotion; positive emotion
C) lower; irritability; agreeability
D) higher; positive emotion; negative emotion
Infants of depressed mothers
A) often turn to their fathers for caretaking needs.
B) have abnormally low cortisol levels.
C) quickly learn to sooth themselves.
D) are less attentive to their surroundings.
Among the theories of how grammatical development takes place, one holds that
children have a special language-making capacity
A) based on innate knowledge of grammatical categories.
B) that determines much of a child's cognitive development.
C) directed by illocutionary intent.
D) that supports the discovery of grammatical regularities.
The more information we process in working memory and the more effectively we
process it, the more likely it will transfer to
A) long-term memory.
B) the central executive.
C) the sensory register.
D) the short-term memory store.
Mr. Mach states that he does not like milk, but drinks it to keep his bones healthy. His
young daughter, who has a desire theory of mind, hears him say this and watches him
drink the milk. She
A) understands that he does not like milk, but drinks it anyway to stay healthy.
B) understands that he does not like milk, and is confused as to why he drinks it
C) believes that he drinks the milk because he likes it, or because he is thirsty.
D) tells him not to drink the milk if he does not like it.
In developing countries, widespread __________, resulting from unsafe water and
contaminated foods, leads to growth stunting and nearly 3 million childhood deaths
each year.
A) malaria
B) diarrhea
C) influenza
D) measles
Partly as a result of the natural childbirth movement, breastfeeding has become more
common in __________, especially among __________.
A) developing nations; older women
B) rural communities; young mothers
C) industrialized nations; well-educated women
D) industrialized nations; working mothers
__________ reveal(s) that most aspects of gender typing are not built into human
A) Growing numbers of children who score high in androgyny
B) Physiological research with humans and primates
C) Observations of infants and toddlers
D) Substantial revisions in gender roles
With age, the emotional, reactive hot system is increasingly subordinated to the
cognitive, reflective cool system, as a result of
A) diffusion of executive function.
B) improved functioning of the prefrontal cortex.
C) temperaments subjected to inconsistent discipline.
D) decreases in self-control.
Visually impaired infants
A) attain gross- and fine-motor milestones at the same time as their sighted
B) usually have adult caregivers who provide them with rich early exposure to sounding
C) have great difficulty evoking stimulating caregiver interaction.
D) can imitate and pick up nonverbal social cues.
Mr. Pegel does most of the talking in his classroom. His students are relatively passive
and respond when called upon. Mr. Pegel most likely teaches in a __________
A) high-stakes
B) traditional
C) standardized
D) constructivist
Compared with the United States, math lessons in Asian classrooms
A) devote less time to exploring math concepts and strategies and more to drill and
B) devote more time to exploring math concepts and strategies and less to drill and
C) are taught over and over again so that all students master the content.
D) are geared more toward girls than boys, since girls need extra support to master the
Two 15-year-olds, Jeremy and Jennifer, take a mathematics test. Jeremy will probably
perform significantly better than Jennifer on which subtest?
A) complex reasoning
B) basic math knowledge
C) computational skills
D) mathematical calculation
Sigmund Freud constructed his psychosexual theory
A) by examining the unconscious motivations of his patients.
B) by documenting the dreams of emotionally troubled adults.
C) by observing his own children.
D) on the basis of interviews with institutionalized children and adolescents.

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