EDU 23044

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 9
subject Words 1671
subject Authors Laura E. Berk

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Longitudinal research shows that
A) the impact of shared environmental influences is greatest in adolescence.
B) birth order and spacing are strong predictors of IQ.
C) in adolescence, the IQ resemblance between fraternal twins increases.
D) the IQs of unrelated siblings are no longer correlated at adolescence.
Gender stereotypes are especially prevalent in
A) late night television.
B) talk shows.
C) cartoons and music television.
D) the news and educational programs.
Younger children are more likely than older children to organize by
A) sorting items alphabetically.
B) grouping items by their everyday association.
C) placing items into taxonomic categories.
D) repeating an entire list of items backwards.
__________ is considered a powerful tool in self-development because it permits
children to represent and express the self more clearly.
A) A large social network
B) Movement
C) Language
D) Recursive thought
Adolescents who __________ are advanced in moral reasoning.
A) base social life on authority relations
B) interact with peers who have the same viewpoints
C) more often participate in conversations with their friends
D) like to engage in debate with their peers
__________ studies differ from correlational research only in that groups of
participants are carefully chosen to ensure that their characteristics are as much alike as
A) Field experiment
B) Natural, or quasi-, experiment
C) Laboratory experiment
D) Observational
Which of the following statements summarizes the long-term consequences of birth
complications found in Emmy Werner's Kauai study?
A) Children who experienced birth trauma never fully acquired the same levels of
cognitive development as the control group children.
B) As long as birth injuries are not overwhelming, a supportive home environment can
restore children's growth.
C) Even children who experienced severe birth trauma eventually tested as well on
measures of intelligence as those with no birth problems.
D) None of the children from troubled family environments achieved at the rate of their
control group peers.
Most of the 1,700 U.S. children who die from maltreatment each year
A) are infants and preschoolers.
B) are adolescents.
C) leave siblings behind who remain with the abusive parent.
D) had been referred to the social services system, but their case had not yet been
Zoe's __________ reflect(s) her fluid intelligence.
A) capacity to store general information
B) math skills
C) speed with which she can analyze information
D) vocabulary
Which of the following statements is true regarding influences on self-concept?
A) Formal operational thought transforms toddlers' self-vision into an internally
consistent picture.
B) Parental support contributes vitally to the clarity and optimism of children's
C) Authoritarian parents tend to foster a realistic and positive self-concept in their
D) School-age children with a history of elaborative parent"child conversations form
incomplete self-concepts.
Dr. Perry can increase the chances that participants' characteristics will be equally
distributed across the treatment groups by
A) carefully assigning the participants to the treatment groups according to their
medical histories.
B) adding confounding variables to the experiment.
C) randomly assigning the participants to the treatment groups.
D) manipulating the dependent variable when exposing the participants to treatment
In Ms. Ceyner's class, she encourages students to focus on mastering a task for its own
sake and she praises individual performance improvement rather than comparisons to
other classmates. By doing this, Ms. Ceyner is
A) reducing failures by pointing out where corrective action is needed.
B) showering her students with compliments in order to make them feel better about
C) emphasizing ability over effort.
D) fostering a mastery-oriented approach.
Over time, the massive trauma of persistent abuse seems to
A) drive most abused children to report the abuse eventually.
B) blunt children's normal physiological response to stress.
C) provoke a counter-reaction in children in which their empathy and tendency to act as
mediator grow.
D) diminish, making adults who were abused as children similar in psychological
responses to those not abused.
Which of the following children probably watches the most TV?
A) Bonita, who comes from a low-SES family
B) Brynn, whose parents only watch the news
C) Brandi, who comes from a small family
D) Brenda, who comes from a high-SES family
The set of cognitive operations and strategies necessary for self-initiated, purposeful
behavior in relatively novel, challenging situations is known as
A) automatic processes.
B) the central executive.
C) system inputs.
D) executive function.
Eight-year-old Romeo went with his father to buy some fruit. His father kept walking
up and down each aisle. Romeo took his father's hand and steered him on a shorter
route to get to the produce aisle. Romeo was effectively using
A) planning.
B) schematics.
C) retrieval.
D) mapping.
The store model of the information-processing system suggests that the aspects of
__________ and __________ improve with age.
A) basic capacity; executive function
B) processing speed; overall capacity
C) retrieval accuracy; processing speed
D) metacognitive skills; strategy use
Women who pursue male-dominated careers usually have
A) "masculine" traits.
B) low self-efficacy.
C) greater availability of and access to mentors.
D) "feminine" traits.
Studies indicate that mothers who __________ during labor and delivery less often
have cesarean deliveries.
A) are supported by a doula
B) have an epidural
C) use anesthetics
D) use pitocin
Parent"adolescent disagreements focus largely on
A) long-term goals, such as college or vocational training.
B) substance abuse.
C) early sexual activity.
D) mundane, day-to-day matters, such as driving and curfews.
In 1916, __________ adapted the Binet intelligence test for use with English-speaking
A) Spearman
B) Thurstone
C) Terman
D) Cattell
An investigator is interested in capturing a culture's unique values and social processes.
__________ is best-suited for this type of study.
A) The clinical interview
B) Naturalistic observation
C) Ethnography
D) The clinical, or case study, method
Microgenetic research by James Galloway and Esther Thelen shows that
A) of all the motor skills, walking alone plays the greatest role in infant cognitive
B) infants reach for objects with their feet before they reach for objects with their
C) there are minimal individual differences in the rate and progression of infant motor
D) infant motor skills develop according to a strict, predetermined cephalocaudal
Playing speed-and-action video games fosters
A) spatial skills in boys, but not in girls.
B) selective attention in boys and girls alike.
C) greater selective attention in girls, but not in boys.
D) greater school performance for boys and girls alike.
Paternal availability to children is fairly similar across SES and ethnic groups, with one
exception: __________ fathers spend more time engaged.
A) Hispanic
B) Caucasian
C) Asian
D) African-American
Satish is a young child whose moral understanding is characterized by the belief that
rules are fixed external features of reality. Satish's moral understanding reflects
A) induction.
B) moral self-relevance.
C) realism.
D) compliance.
Attachment security in both biological and adoptive mother"infant pairs is moderately
related to
A) less physical contact.
B) sensitive caregiving.
C) parental temperament.
D) parental IQ.
Intelligence tests are constructed so that IQ scores
A) are an unbiased estimate of the population variance.
B) approximate a binomial distribution.
C) are distributed according to a normal curve.
D) are statistically independent from one another.
Heightened __________ sensitivity helps explain why adolescents are so self-conscious
and sensitive to others' opinions.
A) insulin
B) oxytocin
C) thyroxine
D) cortisol
In __________, every participant has an equal opportunity to display the response of
A) structured observation
B) field experiments
C) clinical interviews
D) event sampling
Marisol was placed in a large ward in an orphanage at the age of 8 months. Marisol
shares a nurse"caregiver with ten other infants. As a result, Marisol will probably
A) develop a secure attachment to the nurse"caregiver.
B) become increasingly self-sufficient with age.
C) become withdrawn, lose weight, and have difficulty sleeping.
D) actively seek a close relationship with another baby in the ward.
Attributions such as, "Why did I or another person do that?" are related to
A) a blend of what we imagine important people in our lives think of us.
B) judgments of one's own abilities and behavior in relation to those of others.
C) our common, everyday explanations for the causes of behavior.
D) global self-esteem and self-recognition.
Valerie, a child of a low-IQ biological mother, was adopted into a middle-SES family at
a young age. Based on prior research, one would expect that
A) Valerie would have a higher IQ than her adoptive parents' biological children.
B) Valerie would have a lower IQ than her adoptive parents' biological children.
C) Valerie would have about the same IQ as her adoptive parents' biological children.
D) Valerie's IQ would be more strongly correlated with her adoptive than her biological

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