Superogatories Have To Do With

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 15
subject Words 2577
subject Authors Joycelyn M. Pollock

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Your research in the prison law library is discouraging. You discover that a 1996 law
called _______________________ drastically curtailed the ability of inmates to file
a. The Correctional Procedures Act
b. The Inmate Tort Limitation Act
c. The Prison Litigation Reform Act
d. Three Strikes Law
According to "just war" theorists, the belief that a nation is justified in going to war
when they have suffered unjust injuries (such as 9/11) and to protect the state (such as
against a nuclear weapon) is rooted in:
a. positivist law
b. natural law
c. the principle of double effect
d. the "front page" test
According to the text, there are five essential elements to the definition of punishment.
Which of the following is not one of these five elements?
a. There are at least two persons involved.
b. The person who inflicts the punishment causes a certain harm to the person who is
being punished.
c. The person who inflicts the punishment has been authorized, under a system of rules
or laws, to harm the person who is punished in this particular way.
d. The person who is being punished has been identified and judged by his/her victim.
A newly-captured soldier is found to be in possession of documents that indicate an
imminent operation targeting American soldiers. Traditional interrogation of the soldier
has not yielded any results, and you are concerned that lives will be lost if the captive
soldier cannot be made to reveal what he knows about the imminent attack. Believing
that time is running out, you consider authorizing the use of brutality in order to
hopefully extract the information before lives are lost. Your dilemma is known as:
a. the principle of double effect
b. the Dirty Harry problem
c. "just means"
d. the Jack Bauer solution
Souryal's corruption typology includes all of the following categories except:
a. arbitrary use of power
b. oppression and failure to demonstrate compassion/caring
c. abusing authority for personal gain
d. mismanagement of prison resources
The voluntary breaking of established laws based on one's moral beliefs is called:
a. due process
b. moral exception
c. ethical justice
d. civil disobedience
Which statement about hypothetical imperatives is true?
a. Hypothetical imperatives command action that is necessary without any reference to
intended purposes or consequences
b. Hypothetical imperatives refer to the concept that some things just must be and don"t
require further justification
c. Hypothetical imperatives refer to the imperative that you should do your duty and act
the way you want everyone else to act
d. Hypothetical imperatives are commands that designate certain actions to attain
certain ends
While on patrol, Officer Jones notices a car that is parked illegally. He uses his cell
phone to call a towing company, identifying himself as a "friend" on the phone. When
the tow truck arrives, the driver thanks Officer Jones for calling in the job, and
discreetly hands him a twenty-dollar bill. This is an example of:
a. graft.
b. gratuity.
c. abuse of power.
d. professional courtesy.
In _________________________ the U.S. Supreme Court held that the Detainee
Treatment Act with the provision of some form of appeal over the "enemy combatant"
status was not a substitute for habeas corpus rights.
a. Boumediene v. Bush
b. Rasul v. Bush
c. Clark v. Martinez
d. Hamdan v. Rumsfeld
According to the text, all of the following methods would help the new chief weaken
the existing subculture EXCEPT:
a. Work with the police union to address officer issues
b. Emphasize formal ethics training in the police academy
c. Increase diversity in the force through new hires
d. Use less severe punishments for officer misconduct
Which of the following is one of the three principles of ethical decision making as
described by Krogstand and Robertson?
a. the egoistic principle
b. the golden mean principle
c. the utilitarian principle
d. the ethical principle
In Shaffer and Cochran's typology, the godfather:
a. engages the client in moral dialogue and tries to convince client of proper course of
b. controls the client with his own moral compass as guide
c. promotes clients' interest above all others
d. does what the client wants
The police have been searching for a weapon but have been unable to find it. This
weakens the prosecution's case. Your client tells you that he was able to hide it in a
wood pile in his back yard before being arrested. According to the Model Rules, your
duty now is to:
a. withdraw from the case
b. remain on the case, but alert the judge to the location of the weapon
c. remain on the case, but require the defendant to inform the police of the weapon's
d. remain on the case and keep the location of the weapon confidential
According to _____________________ theory, each individual gives up some liberties
and, in return, is protected from others who have their liberties restricted as well.
a. natural law
b. social control
c. social contract
d. reciprocity
Babak Pasdar was a whistleblower who discovered and revealed what is commonly
known as the:
a. "Quantico Circuit"
b. "Abu Ghraib" scandal
c. "1-800-FBI"
d. Pasdar was not a whistleblower
In order to gather intelligence, you consider utilizing so-called "mosque crawlers,"
which are:
a. remote-controlled surveillance devices
b. computer programs that automatically search web sites for certain keywords
c. agents who infiltrate mosques and Muslim neighborhoods to gather intelligence
d. pamphlets distributed in Muslim neighborhoods offering rewards for tips
According to learning theorists:
a. Behavior arises from moral beliefs.
b. Moral behavior arises through reason.
c. Moral beliefs arise from a habit of moral behavior that is the product of
d. Negative reinforcement is the most effective way to teach moral belief.
Several complaints related to the officers' failure to follow-up on requests for medical
care. There was also one complaint regarding lost mail. Your investigation leads you to
believe that these issues were not intentional on the part of the officers; nevertheless,
they still get classified as:
a. systemic abuse
b. "trickle-down" abuse
c. informal misconduct
d. negligent abuse
The concept of hedonistic calculus is associated with:
a. Rawls
b. Bentham
c. Hirschi
d. Sutherland
Which of the following is not considered graft?
a. bribes
b. protection money
c. taking merchandize from a crime scene
d. rewards for referring certain bail bondsmen
All of the following elements of Trautman's "corruption continuum" seem to be present
in the description of the Penn State scandal found in the chapter, except:
a. ignoring obvious ethical problems
b. administrative indifference toward integrity
c. lack of a published Code of Ethics for the organization
d. a survival-of-the-fittest approach by employees, who commit unethical acts to protect
During Kohlberg's __________________ level, a person moves beyond the norms and
laws of a society to determine universal good, that is, what is good for all societies.
a. pre-conventional
b. post-conventional
c. un-conventional
d. conventional
Which of the following statements is true?
a. In the latest report from the Bureau of Justice Statistics, about 25 percent of inmates
reported some type of sexual victimization.
b. In the latest report by the Bureau of Justice Statistics, only 10 percent of inmates that
reported sexual victimization named another inmate as their victimizer.
c. In the latest report by the Bureau of Justice Statistics, over 90 percent of inmates that
reported sexual victimization named a staff member as their victimizer.
d. In the latest report by the Bureau of Justice Statistics, less than 5 percent of inmates
reported some type of sexual victimization.
In Muir's typology of police styles, the reciprocator:
a. used coercion exclusively
b. avoided situations where they might be challenged
c. balanced coercion with compassion
d. had citizens solve problems and made deals to keep the peace
Which of the following statements about restorative justice programs is false?
a. Restorative justice programs may lead to oppositional subcultures
b. Restorative justice programs may lead to a greater sense of mission for employees
c. Restorative justice programs are oriented to meeting the needs of victims and
d. Restorative justice programs may lead to decreased burn out and misconduct among
The Senate candidate from the party you represent has asked you to make a speech at
his campaign event, since you share his ideas. You wish to show your support and also
make your positions known. Which of the following is true?
a. You are free to appear and speak however you wish
b. Since you are currently a judge, you are not permitted to make political speeches
c. You may make a speech but it cannot be broadcast
d. You can make a speech to support your friend but you must avoid any topics that
might relate to matters covered by your court.
Which of the following is not consistent with Consensus Paradigm?
a. Law unifies society.
b. Crime is objectively defined.
c. Law resolves conflicts fairly.
d. Law is representative of the ruling classes only.
Which of the following statements about use-of-force statistics is false?
a. It is difficult to determine the true number of incidents of excessive force because
they often do not find their way into official statistics.
b. Researchers use civil rights complaints to ask people what their experiences with
police have been.
c. Researchers use official documents, such as police incident reports, to help guide
d. The vast majority of people believe that excessive force is used fairly frequently.
Natural law refers to:
a. those laws written and enforced by society
b. the idea that principles of morals and rights are inherent in nature
c. the idea that law is human made
d. those laws that regulate innate but undesirable behavior
According to the chapter, which of the following is NOT a valid component of civil
a. Any activity must be approved by whatever authority is in power.
b. A major moral issue must be at stake.
c. It must be nonviolent.
d. No other legitimate means of correcting with the issue should be available.
The "rotten bushel" explanation is which type of explanation for police deviance?
a. Societal
b. Organizational
c. Individual
d. Philosophical
The concept that there are many groups in society and that they form allegiances and
coalitions in a dynamic exchange of power is most consistent with:
a. the pluralist paradigm
b. the conflict paradigm
c. the consensus paradigm
d. the repressive paradigm
In order to support such a plan from a utilitarian viewpoint, all of the following must be
true, except:
a. the process of undercover intelligence gathering must be a plausible way to achieve
the desired outcome
b. there must be no better alternative to achieve the goal of collecting the intelligence
c. the gathering of this intelligence must be more important to society than the privacy
of the people in the targeted groups
d. the general community must be consulted and indicate its approval
The four major themes of formal ethical codes for law enforcement include all except:
a. fairness
b. personal conduct
c. service
d. education
___________________ theories of distributive justice attempt to maximize benefits for
individuals and society in a mixed emphasis on entitlements and needs.
a. Libertarian
b. Utilitarian
c. Egalitarian
d. Marxist
The dilemmas faced by soldiers and law enforcement officers are similar, as both place
a great emphasis on __________________________ and loyalty.
As mentioned in the Brady case, _______________ evidence is evidence that is likely
to affect the case's outcome.
Government agents could demand citizens relinquish information not supported by
subpoena or warrant by the use of ______________________ in an effort to investigate
threats of national security.
List and discuss the three paradigms of law.
Answer:answer not provided
The term _____________________ refers to an individual's feeling of competence.
The term __________________ refers to commendable actions that are not required in
order to be considered moral.
According to the text, the major complaint about defense attorneys is that they do not
communicate regularly with clients.
The principle of double effect would justify a bombing that resulted in the death of
civilians if the target was a legitimate military target.
According to Hinduism, the concept of ________________ suggests that what happens
in a future life is determined by how we behave in our present life.
According to Gilligan, men are not capable of analyzing an ethical dilemma using the
care perspective.
According to a 2006 study of police in New York City, the most common reason for
termination was a failed drug test.
______________________ systems emphasize the intent of the actor or good will as
the key element of morality.
What are the arguments against gratuities? Provide examples.
Answer:answer not provided
A "____________" refers to the practice of police officers to use some minor traffic
offense to stop the individual and, in the course of the traffic stop, look for evidence of
According to your text, what are some ways that morality can be maintained in prison?
Answer:answer not provided
List and discuss the five steps used to clarify any ethical dilemma that are presented in
the text.
Answer:answer not provided
One of the most cited reasons for false convictions is ineffective counsel.
In 2010, prison officials in ____________ allowed prisoners to leave and gave them
guns and cars so that they could kill rival cartel members before returning to the prison.

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