COMU 76779

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 17
subject Words 2925
subject Authors Carol M. Lehman, Debbie D. DuFrene

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Which of the following is true when using color in a presentation visual?
a. Brighter colors give a less formal look than do subdued colors.
b. Blues and greens stimulate, while reds and orange relax the audience.
c. Red and green are good colors to use to differentiate important ideas.
d. The more colors used, the better the audience impact.
A technique for preparing an effective sales messages is
a. presenting all the supporting evidence that is available.
b. making the requested action clear and simple.
c. avoiding the use of money-back guarantees that suggest the product may not be
d. requiring immediate response from the receiver.
The development of an effective survey instrument, such as a questionnaire or interview
guide, is critical to obtaining reliable and valid data.
Which of the following would be LEAST helpful to a business person in using the
Internet to bridge the cultural gap?
a. Accessing the World Factbook maintained by the CIA to learn about a client's home
b. Consulting the "Crisis Abroad" site maintained by the U.S. State Department before
traveling to Israel to obtain a list of known terrorists.
c. Using chat sites to ask about travelers' experiences.
d. Connecting to the "Foreign Language for Travelers" website to learn words in
another language.
Knowing the audience for a business presentation involves
a. identifying their ages, incomes, occupations, and gender.
b. understanding their perspective on the topic you will present.
c. understanding why the topic you will present is important to them.
d. all of the above.
Which of the following issues would likely NOT be communicated to the public by the
Centers for Disease Control?
a. threat of bioterrorism
b. information on deadly disease agents
c. public health threats
d. Homeland Security defense strategies
Which method of research would be best for researching whether distance learning or
traditional classroom instruction is more effective for your company's employees?
a. Observational study
b. Normative survey
c. Experimental research
d. Secondary research
Which of the following is the BEST call-to-action sentence for a persuasive memo to
employees for contributions to the United Way fund campaign?
a. I hope you will use the enclosed card to respond with your generous gift.
b. Become part of a winning team by indicating on the enclosed card your generous gift
of $100, $500, or other designated amount.
c. If you feel you can help, please tell us how much you can give; the decision is yours.
d. Please consider giving as much as you feel you can to the United Way.
To accommodate different employers' preferences for the presentation and delivery of
résumés, a person should prepare
a. a paper résumé.
b. an electronic résumé.
c. a computer scannable résumé.
d. all of the above.
Which of the following is an example of how e-cards can be used appropriately in a
business situation?
a. To extend sympathy in the loss of a loved one
b. To inform clients of an upcoming move of a corporate office
c. To thank donors who have made significant financial contributions to a fund-raising
d. To remove a client from a list of business associates
How are effective persuasive memos different from routine memos?
a. Persuasive memos are written deductively.
b. Persuasive memos are shorter.
c. Persuasive memos include an appeal and evidence.
d. All of the above are correct answers.
The organization of business messages should be organized based on
a. a prediction of the receiver's reaction to the main idea.
b. the deductive sequence.
c. the inductive sequence.
d. a reflection of the writer's mood and personality.
An email message with the subject "Meeting Notes Attached: Crescent City Grill
Launch Party" might use which of the following as its first sentence,
a. Please remember to include the mayor on the guest list.
b. Attached are the notes from our Monday meeting discussing the Launch Party of the
Crescent City Grill on March 3.
c. BTW, what time did we decide for the buffet to open?
d. The meeting notes are attached.
Communication in successful work teams
a. is the same as the process of communication in traditional organizations.
b. is affected primarily by trust building and shared leadership.
c. places reduced emphasis on listening, problem solving, and conflict resolution.
d. replaces vertical information flow with horizontal flow.
Describe five appropriate uses of a comma.
While being interviewed for a job you really hope to be offered, the interviewer asks
you about your marital status. What is the most effective way for you to handle the
a. Refuse to answer because it is your legal right to do so.
b. Attempt to answer the primary concern that motivated the question.
c. Answer it to be polite and take your chances with the effects it may have.
d. Let the interviewer know by changing the subject that you know the question is
illegal and you do not intend to answer it.
To effectively deliver an unpleasant or highly emotional message to an employee
a. meet with the employee face to face.
b. leave the message on the employee's voice mail.
c. send a memo addressed to the specific employee.
d. place the message on the company's web page.
Which of the following is NOT a technique for writing a bad-news message?
a. Use positive language to accentuate the positive.
b. Use the deductive writing approach.
c. Sandwich the bad news between the buffer and positive closing.
d. Use passive voice, general terms, and abstract nouns.
A counterproposal
a. is unnecessary if you have stated your refusal tactfully.
b. weakens your refusal by implying that you are not able to enforce your decision.
c. is an alternative to the action requested that helps preserve your future relationship
with the receiver.
d. should precede the refusal.
Which graphic aid would be best to show Starbuck's quarterly sales over a five-year
a. line graph
b. bar chart
c. pie chart
d. pictogram
The organizational plan for a job application message is most like that of a
a. routine news message to staff about a change in procedures.
b. welcome message to a new customer.
c. request for coworkers to contribute to a fundraising event.
d. good-news message to customers concerning a price reduction.
Which of the following guidelines is appropriate when preparing both memo and letter
a. Use personal writing style, including first- and second-person language.
b. Use deductive approach, regardless of the message content.
c. Avoid the use of headings, tables, or graphic elements.
d. All of the above are appropriate.
Which of the following is NOT recommended during delivery of a presentation?
a. Watch the audience for feedback and make appropriate adjustments in the length and
content of your speech.
b. Stay behind the lectern if you wish to maintain a formal environment.
c. Make eye contact with every person in the audience, even if only for a second.
d. Breathe deeply and rhythmically.
A supervisor on the night shift at a manufacturing plant is told to dump chemicals used
in the refining process rather than dispose of them properly according to safety
regulations. The owner of the company insists that the chemicals are not harmful to the
environment, but the supervisor knows that the dumping is illegal. The supervisor
believes that he will lose his job if he reports the problem to authorities at the
Environmental Protection Agency. This is an example of which potential cause of
unethical behavior?
a. obsession with personal achievement
b. disparity between personal and professional ethical system
c. uncertainty about whether an act is wrong
d. unwillingness to stand for what is right
A supervisor on the night shift at a manufacturing plant is told to dump chemicals used
in the refining process rather than dispose of them properly according to safety
regulations. The owner of the company insists that the chemicals are not harmful to the
environment, but the supervisor knows that the dumping is illegal. The supervisor
believes that he will lose his job if he reports the problem to authorities at the
Environmental Protection Agency. This example is LEAST associated with which
potential cause of unethical behavior?
a. obsession with personal achievement
b. disparity between personal and professional ethical system
c. uncertainty about whether an act is wrong
d. unwillingness to stand for what is right
Which of the following does NOT apply to designing a questionnaire?
a. Ask for factual information as much as possible because opinions are less reliable.
b. Begin with easy-to-answer questions and proceed to the more difficult ones.
c. Provide an even number of choices on a rating scale to eliminate "fence" responses.
d. Avoid "other" as an answer choice on multiple-choice and rating scale questions.
Which of the following represents the correct sequence of steps in the problem-solving
a. Recognize and define the problem; collect and organize the data; select a method of
solution; arrive at an answer
b. Select a method of solution; recognize and define the problem; collect and organize
the data; arrive at an answer
c. Recognize and define the problem; select a method of solution; collect and organize
the data; arrive at an answer
d. Select a method of solution; collect and organize the data; recognize and define the
problem; arrive at an answer
Techniques for preparing effective sales messages include all EXCEPT
a. presenting supporting evidence to satisfy the receiver's needs.
b. making the action clear and simple.
c. offering a guarantee or including an enclosure.
d. requiring an immediate response from the receiver.
A market researcher who uses primary research may use which of the following
a. Boolean logic, observational studies, the hidden Internet
b. Search engines, Internet searches, and library catalog holdings
c. Observational studies, experimental research, normative survey research
d. Stratified random sampling, website "hits," observational studies
Which of the following is FALSE concerning writing analysis tools in word processing
a. Sentence fragments, passive voice, jargon, and clichés are some types of errors that
can be detected.
b. After reviewing a document, the program can generate the total word count, average
sentence length, and readability measures.
c. They flag potential errors and require the writer to accept or reject the change.
d. Such programs eliminate the need for the reader to check a passage for grammatical
The subject line of an email message should do all of the following, EXCEPT
a. warn the recipient of the message of the bad news.
b. allow the recipient to prioritize the message.
c. expedite understanding of the message.
d. provide a point of reference for future use.
If your research calls for counting the number of people entering two grocery stores,
recording certain physical characteristics, and comparing those two sets of data, you
would be conducting ____ research.
a. observational
b. normative
c. experimental
d. replication
The use of first-person pronouns (I or we) are generally acceptable in a formal report.
An effective communicator of a message develops the message from the receiver's
viewpoint which is a "you attitude" rather than a "me attitude."
Memos or email messages are the most frequent methods for sharing procedures and
instructions for internal business communication when a written record is needed.
The conclusion of a report should include a summary of findings and suggested action
based on research.
It is acceptable to send a message of appreciation that includes strong, somewhat
exaggerated language when the sender believes the statements to be true.
In a credit refusal message, your main purpose is to tactfully say "no" since the
recipient is a poor credit risk and not a potential customer.
Anonymous blog postings can lead to irresponsible behavior, harassment, and gossip.
Identify four actions you can take during a presentation to increase your effectiveness
as a speaker.
List the steps in the deductive outline used for good- and routine-news messages.
Explain why the deductive outline is recommended for these messages.
When the interviewer follows a predetermined agenda such as a checklist or series of
questions, he or she is conducting a structured interview, even though it may not seem
structured to the applicant.
Why is outlining your message before communicating an effective technique?
Upward communication from lower organizational levels to management involves risk
since it is generally feedback to downward communication.
Bulleted lists are inappropriate in business writing because they are too casual.
Feasibility Report for New Office
Hasley's, a retail chain based in the Midwest, has offices in several locations throughout
the U.S. Due to expanding markets, the company is researching the need to open a new
location in the Southwest. You are a member of a team asked to write a report on the
feasibility of an office at this new location. The team must define the scope of the report
and develop a statement of purpose.
Identify five questions that need answering to help the team limit the scope of this
report. Provide an answer to each question and write a Statement of Purpose for the
A response that is sent to someone who has invited a persuasive message requires an
attention-getting sentence to start the message.
Paragraphs in a persuasive message are typically long in order to achieve the writer's
persuasive purpose.
The close of a presentation should be creative and memorable because audiences tend
to remember what they hear last.
Neutral messages contain content that is not likely to generate an emotional message
from the receiver.
"Talking titles" that interpret the data shown in a graphic are recommended in reports
rather than general headings such as "Results" or "Findings."

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