COMU 25076

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 29
subject Words 3691
subject Authors Jeanne Marquardt Elmhorst, Kristen Lucas, Ronald Adler

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The major problem with conflict in organizations is not the fact that a significant
amount of conflict occurs, but the fact that most conflict is handled ineffectively.
For most business presentations, the best time to distribute handouts is between the
introduction of the speech and the first main point.
Employees whose values match the values of their supervisors and of the organization
tend to be more satisfied, more committed to their jobs, and more successful on the job.
Emotions and moods tend to be contagious: If you are unhappy, it is likely that the
people who are interacting with you will also become unhappy.
The conclusion of your presentation should contain a restatement of your thesis.
It is not possible to critique an employee's performance in a respectful way.
First thing in the morning, after the Christmas rush, before a cup of coffeeall of these
concepts are associated with the chronological context of a conversation.
If you are planning a video interview, allow for a longer interview time than for a
face-to-face interview.
Overuse of filler words such as "you know" or "like" reduces your credibility.
When you rehearse, pay extra attention to the opening and closing moments of your
An employer is more likely to offer you a job if you can demonstrate how much you
need the job.
If you are sending a message, you cannot be a receiver of a message at the same time.
It's advisable to include a definition in your speech if the audience doesn't know the
meaning of a term you are using.
Don't treat persons who have disabilities as if they are "different."
It isn't necessary to gather background information before conducting an
information-gathering interview because you can gain all the information you need
during the interview.
The types of tasks workers perform on the job determine the communication climate of
an organization.
You should wait until you need a new job to cultivate a personal network, so you will
be fresh in the minds of your contact persons.
Gender roles and expectations for feminine behavior are consistent across cultures.
Since trainings follow a learn-as-you-go philosophy, there is no need to provide a
preview before you start teaching the first topic.
Spoken messages have a relational dimension.
The best way to rehearse is to sit at your desk and mentally list the topics you will be
covering in your speech.
Comparison and contrast of the concepts you're teaching to items that are familiar to
the audience are good ways to help listeners understand your explanations of
complicated or unfamiliar information.
Conversational partners typically achieve 90 to 95 percent accuracy in interpreting
each other's remarks.
As the workplace and world become more technological, the need for human
communication skills is diminished.
The leadership grid suggests that effective team leadership involves high concern from
management for BOTH the task at hand and the people who are working on the task.
Use secondary questions to probe for further information when the answer to the
previous question seemed irrelevant or inaccurate.
The instrumental aspect of messages is more important than the relational meaning of
The "expert opinion" method of decision making is the wisest approach to decision
If you have good ideas, you will impress your audience favorably, no matter how you
organize and present them.
Prospective employers rarely bother to check out your Internet presence, so it doesn't
matter what silly pictures you might have posted on your Facebook site.
A topic that fascinates you could seem quite boring to your audience unless you assess
their interests and adapt your message accordingly.
A well-planned presentation can be used in a wide range of situations without any
Some people deliberately use vague language as a tactic to deceive their competitors.
It is not a good idea to ask questions of the interviewer during the interview because
you will appear unsure of yourself.
If you effectively introduce a written report in an oral presentation, this is likely to
decrease the chances that your business colleagues will read the written version of the
Speakers typically talk at around 125 words per minute, yet our brains can process
information at about 500 words per minute. This mental spare time allows our minds to
Employees often say what they think the boss wants to hear instead of providing open
and honest upward communication.
All of the following describe a good thesis statement EXCEPT
A. one single sentence
B. leaves the audience wondering what your key idea is
C. the key central idea of the speech
D. stated out loud to the audience in the introduction
Well-managed work groups offer several advantages over individual workers. Which of
the following is NOT one of the typical advantages of working in a group?
A. accuracy
B. efficiency
C. productivity
D. enthusiasm
All of the following are strategies for avoiding presentation software catastrophes
A. Prepare a backup plan in case your software doesn't work.
B. Allow plenty of extra time to set up and test your equipment in advance.
C. Arrange to have technical support available.
D. Plan to use a live Internet connection to access your visuals.
Drake completed a short course in computer technology during summer vacation. Now
his parents' friends call him when they have questions about their personal computers.
Drake has earned some ________ power.
A. position power
B. expert power
C. reward power
D. coercive power
Richard works for a small local newspaper as the advertising manager. Richard thinks
he has been giving his subordinates plenty of encouragement because he says "thank
you" when they turn in their projects. However, Richard has just discovered that most
of his subordinates think Richard isn't providing enough praise and encouragement.
This example illustrates that
A. meaning resides in the words of the sender.
B. the verbal channel is fatally flawed.
C. there is no guarantee that a message will be understood as the sender intended.
D. Richard is a good supervisor.
Most bullies
A. move on to hassle new targets, after their initial target quits or is fired.
B. stop bullying once they know their victim feels frustrated.
C. are silenced by the boss before they can do much harm.
D. don't succeed in making others look bad.
The three main parts of a speech are:
A. attention-getter; thesis; preview.
B. preview; view; review.
C. introduction; body; conclusion.
D. point 1; point 2; point 3.
All of the following are politeness rules for those who share cubicles EXCEPT
A. Don't come to work when you are ill.
B. Set your phone ringer and screen saver sounds on mute or low.
C. Resist the temptation to look at what's showing on co-workers' computer screens.
D. If you overhear a fellow cube dweller ask a question, shout out an answer.
You enter the interview room and sit down before a group of eight interviewers, each
of whom will ask you two questions. This interview is being conducted in a(n)
________ format.
A. panel
B. stress
C. audition
D. work team
Chetna's mind wanders when her supervisor is talking to her. She doesn't paraphrase or
ask clarifying questions, and she doesn't attend to her supervisor's nonverbal cues.
Which of the following assumptions would help Chetna improve her listening?
A. Communication is the sender's responsibility.
B. Effective listening is an active process that includes observing nonverbals, asking for
clarification, paraphrasing for understanding, and taking notes when possible.
C. Talking has more advantages than listening.
D. Listening is a mindless activity.
Which of the following types of interviews is most appropriate if you want to give
direction to the interview, yet still allow for open-ended discussion of your chosen
A. participative
B. spontaneous
C. moderately structured
D. unstructured
Which of the following does NOT demonstrate an oral speaking style?
A. "Andrea, you'll like this idea¼"
B. "This one is my favorite¼"
C. "It should be noted that, while studying for an examination, a student must not"
D. "Have you ever felt really nervous before you took a final exam? Well, I have."
Which is NOT a cardinal rule for brainstorming?
A. Don't follow a set speaking order.
B. Strive for quantity.
C. Avoid evaluating ideas.
D. Let the boss speak first.
Which of the following is NOT a guideline from your text for welcoming a guest?
A. Your remarks will often set the tone for the whole event.
B. Mention the significance of the occasion.
C. Thank the guest for coming.
D. Do not mention your own name.
When a meeting is conducted according to parliamentary procedure, all of the
following items are included on the standard meeting agenda except
A. old business.
B. new business.
C. unfinished business.
D. minutes.
All of the following can help reduce environmental distractions EXCEPT
A. choosing a more reliable communication channel
B. eliminating distractions
C. moving to a less disruptive location
D. focusing on annoyances
A feminine conversational style uses apologizing forms of speech
A. to avoid sounding dogmatic.
B. because the speaker has low self-esteem.
C. because women are weak.
D. All of these are typical reasons why a feminine style uses apologies.
Hiro takes pleasure in exploring ideas during meetings. He likes to discuss an idea
thoroughly, being sure that all the pros and cons have been systematically considered.
Only after much debate is he willing to decide on a course of action. Hiro is
demonstrating the _________________ style of listening.
A. relational
B. analytical
C. task-oriented
D. critical
A ____________ is a short presentation that provides an interested and knowledgeable
workplace audience with specific information they need to know to do their jobs.
A. report
B. briefing
C. fill-in talk
D. training
According to Leader Member Exchange (LMX) theory, employees who have
high-quality relationships with their superiors
A. typically communicate in supportive ways.
B. are treated as outsiders.
C. have low levels of satisfaction with the organization they work for.
D. are subject to face-threatening acts and power games.
As a member of the Board of Regents, Rob has been asked to persuade a group of
students that a tuition increase is the most appropriate option for maintaining quality of
education at their institution. If Rob first identifies the problems that exist because of
the lack in funding and then demonstrates how an increase in tuition will eliminate
those problems, which of the following persuasive organizational patterns is he using?
A. problem-solution
B. comparative-advantage
C. criteria-satisfaction
D. chronological
All of the following are characteristics of constructive feedback except:
A. focuses on behavior.
B. imposed.
C. timed appropriately.
D. descriptive.
Which of the following is NOT true about organizational culture?
A. refers to the unique set of values of an organization
B. shapes the degree of cooperation and competition within the organization
C. governs the way employees interact with each other
D. workers who don't conform to their organization's culture are rewarded
Using an avoidant approach to conflict management is never a good idea.
Which of the following would NOT be likely to increase cohesiveness in a group?
A. competing individual goals
B. progress toward group goals
C. shared norms and values
D. competition from outside the group
When giving an explanation of a complicated concept or process, you will usually be
most successful when you
A. compare the concept with one already familiar to the audience.
B. give a long, detailed explanation.
C. mention each point only once to avoid confusion.
D. use technical language to build your credibility.
Members of a collectivist culture such as China will typically
A. try hard to achieve personal success.
B. believe that the welfare of an organization they belong to is as important as their own
C. place their own interests ahead of community interests.
D. strive to become an organizational 'star."
Which of the following illustrates an effective critique of a co-worker's performance?
A. "I didn't have enough advance notice to arrange my schedule to attend the meeting,
because the notice was posted only yesterday. Can you find a way to send out the
meeting date at least two weeks ahead of time?"
B. "If you're going to be inconsiderate enough to wait five days before you return my
call, don't bother. I'll go ask someone else."
C. "You sure blew it when you fouled up your presentation, right in front of our best
D. "You never help me when I need it."
On the job, Millennials tend to
A. be technologically inept
B. dislike receiving feedback regarding their job performance
C. have a strong need for affirming feedback regarding their job performance
D. fear working in a diverse workplace
In Fisher's stages of group problem solving, the phase during which members end
disagreement and solve the problem is called the _________ phase.
A. orientation
B. conflict
C. emergence
D. reinforcement
Which the following is true about using examples as supporting evidence for a main
A. Examples should be typical, not isolated instances.
B. One example provides sufficient evidence to prove a point.
C. Avoid using examples from your own experience.
D. For the sake of brevity, don't use more than one example.

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