COMM Being Ignored Is Less Disconfirming Than Being Dismissed Or Attacked

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 23
subject Words 2475
subject Authors Ronald B. Adler, Russell F. Proctor II

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Being ignored is less disconfirming than being dismissed or attacked.
According to cognitive psychologists, it is not events that cause people to feel bad, but
rather the beliefs they hold about the events.
Feelings are often recognized by nonverbal changes, such as blushing.
You should do more paraphrasing than any other type of listening.
Nonverbal communication can be very revealing, but it can have so many possible
meanings that it's foolish to think your interpretation will always be correct.
According to your text, your goal should be to have as many interpersonal
communication experiences as possible.
The most confirming type of message is acknowledgement.
The use of vague, indirect language is really not useful or effective in low-context
cultures like the United States.
Telling someone "You can count on me" will usually guarantee loyalty because it's a
measure of surefire commitment.
According to Chapter Eight, we are usually attracted to people who are similar to us.
Reciprocal liking builds attractiveness.
Studies suggest that cognitive complexity actually increases one's chance of having
satisfying communication in a variety of contexts.
Focusing on having intimate communication daily will lead to extremely satisfying
It is important to express all your emotions to all the important people in your life as
soon as you experience those emotions.
Since they are honest and true, comments to another, like "I've always thought you
were a bit flaky," have constructive effects in self-disclosure.
Historically, people were discouraged from expressing the level of anger that is
currently tolerated by contemporary society.
Generally, facing someone directly signals your interest in that person.
Just as judges instruct juries to disregard some statements made in court, we can
reverse or erase the effects of communication interactions in everyday life.
Some people fail to communicate their emotions clearly because they understate or
downplay them.
Whereas hearing is a physiological process, attending is a psychological one.
Studies show that good listeners keep eye contact and react with appropriate facial
Compensation is the invention of logical but untrue explanations of behavior that are
unacceptable to the self.
Emotive words are words that sound as if they're describing something, but are really
announcing the speaker's attitude toward it.
Shared understanding and clarity are the most important goals in achieving successful
Clichés, the outer circle of the self-disclosure model in your text, are the most
revealing type of communication.
Linguistic relativism is a notion that holds that our cultural worldview is shaped and
reflected by the language spoken by its members.
"No" is so clear and short that it is one of the few words that is never misinterpreted.
Writing out your feelings will not have the same benefit as expressing them verbally.
Your text defines nonverbal communication as any type of communication that isn't
expressed by words.
Silence is valued over talk in most Asian cultures.
Small talk typically occurs during the initiating stage of an interpersonal relationship.
There is no such thing as the 'same" message; words and behaviors are different each
time they are spoken or performed.
Research suggests that attraction to partners who have complementary temperaments
might be rooted in biology.
Communication competence is a trait that people either possess or lack.
Socially isolated people are much more likely to die prematurely than those with strong
social ties.
Metacommunication is communication about communication.
Immediacy only occurs through nonverbal behavior such as eye contact and facial
You meet a friend at the supermarket and ask how he is doing. He replies, "I'm OK for
the most part, just stressed with all these finals." Which of the following is the best
helping paraphrase response?
A. "Yeah, I know what you mean."
B. "So, you're stressed, huh?"
C. "You'll be fine; you always get good grades."
D. "Bet you're wishing you hadn't taken 18 units, huh?"
E. "So, you're managing most things just fine, but will be relieved when finals are
An effective perception checking statement
A. tends to have a better chance of working in a low-context culture.
B. requires that your words match your behavior.
C. doesn't always require 3 parts.
D. all of the above
E. none of the above
All of the following statements about gender and language are true except:
A. Men's speech is more direct and task-oriented.
B. Women's speech is more indirect and elaborate.
C. Female speech often contains statements of sympathy and empathy.
D. Women interrupt men more in mixed-sex conversations.
E. Women are more likely to use more intensive adverbs than men.
Ambiguous responses
A. are conversational "take aways."
B. are unrelated to what the other person has just said.
C. ignore the other person's attempt to communicate.
D. contain messages with more than one meaning.
E. interrupt the other person.
Psyching yourself up before a soccer game is an example of
A. positive prediction.
B. a self-imposed prophecy.
C. other-imposed prophecy.
D. anxiety reduction.
E. none of the above.
All of the following statements are true about nonverbal gender differences except
A. Women use more facial expressions than do men.
B. Women stand closer to others.
C. Women make more eye contact than do men with conversational partners.
D. Women are more likely to lean forward in conversations than men.
E. Women use more head, hand and arm gestures than men.
Win-win problem solving is seldom used because
A. there is a lack of awareness of it.
B. emotional reflexes prevent constructive solutions.
C. it requires both persons' cooperation.
D. win-win problem solving is actually the most used problem-solving style of all.
E. a, b, and c are correct
The sensory data we receive are the same for all of us; perceptual differences occur
only after we begin to process those data.
Which of the following is an interpretation?
A. "I got an A on my history paper."
B. "Sue only cares about herself."
C. "I sure appreciate your help."
D. "Would you tell me what you mean by that?"
E. All of these answers are interpretations.
You tell a friend "I wish you'd be direct instead of hinting around," but your friend
responds by denying that she/he hints. One way to help resolve the issue is to
A. describe the hinting according to the dictionary.
B. give a behavioral description of how your mother hints so your friend gets the idea.
C. specifically describe the friend's hinting when it occurs.
D. describe all at once the many times that the troublesome behavior occurs.
E. None of these choices are correct will help resolve the issue.
Research reveals that increased use of manipulators is often a sign of
A. discomfort.
B. power.
C. shyness.
D. dogmatism.
E. inferiority.
One of the best methods to use to describe your problem and needs to a partner during
conflict resolution is
A. paraphrasing.
B. perception checking.
C. the assertive message format
D. high-level abstractions.
E. emotional description.
When Susan realizes during an office meeting that she's interrupted a co-worker twice,
she demonstrates the skill of
A. empathy.
B. self-monitoring.
C. cognitive complexity
D. affinity
E. metacommunication
The statement "Bob never has a good word to say about anyone" is an example of the
fallacy of
A. shoulds.
B. approval.
C. overgeneralization.
D. causation.
E. all of the above.
Strategies you can use to develop a more mindful and competent style of intercultural
communication include
A. reading.
B. passive observation.
C. self-disclosure.
D. talking to experts.
E. All of the above.
The degree to which the partners in an interpersonal relationship like or appreciate one
another is called
A. appreciation.
B. self-respect.
C. the communication of honesty.
D. affinity.
E. the like-love phenomenon.
While on vacation with her family in Germany, Abigail criticized how Germans drove
on the Autobahn compared to American freeway driving. According to the text,
Abigail's attitude is considered
A. prejudice.
B. ethnocentrism.
C. ethnicity.
D. punctuation.
E. self-serving bias.
Nonverbal regulators can signal
A. turn-taking.
B. the desire to end a conversation.
C. an invitation to respond.
D. All of these choices are correct.
E. None of these are correct.
Vocal intonation patterns, audible breaths, eye contact patterns, and nodding in a
conversation are nonverbal behaviors that illustrate the nonverbal function of
A. substituting.
B. regulating.
C. accenting.
D. repeating.
E. complementing.
Which of the following statements summarizes Lexie Lopez-Mayo's thoughts in the
"Looking At Diversity" reading?
A. Culture plays a role in self-disclosure and communication.
B. Gender plays a role in self-disclosure and communication.
C. Personality plays a role in self-disclosure and communication.
D. All of the above are true statements.
E. None of the above are true statements.
A defense mechanism that is characterized by a pretense of not caring is called
A. repression.
B. displacement.
C. compensation.
D. apathy.
E. None of the above answers are correct.
Constructive criticism is a kind of listening response that falls into the category termed
A. advising.
B. judging.
C. analyzing.
D. supporting.
E. questioning.
The nonverbal researchers cited in your text claim that, when we consider the actual
meaning involved in communication situations, verbal messages
A. carry less meaning than nonverbal ones.
B. carry more meaning than nonverbal ones.
C. aren't really listened to.
D. are too full of nonverbal signals.
E. define the communication situation.
All of the following are factors to consider before you decide to paraphrase except
A. whether the issue is complex enough.
B. whether you have the necessary time and concern.
C. whether you can withhold judgment.
D. whether the other person's feelings might be hurt.
E. whether your paraphrase is in proportion to other responses.
The most visible way disconfirming messages reinforce one another, as when one
attack leads to another and another, is termed a(n)
A. escalatory conflict spiral.
B. de-escalatory conflict spiral.
C. cognitive dissonance reaction.
D. impervious dyad.
E. pillow-talk incident.
When you believe that others cause your emotions rather than your own self-talk, you
are falling for the fallacy of
A. perfection.
B. causation.
C. approval.
D. shoulds.
E. overgeneralization.
The listening program described in Chapter Seven, "They Aid Customers by Becoming
Good Listeners," cosmetologists were trained listening skills to
A. help customers clarify their thinking.
B. provide appropriate advice to their customers.
C. frame questions that help sell products.
D. constructively criticize customer's hair style choices.
E. All of these answers are correct
Which of the following is not true about the effect of gender on emotions?
A. Women are more attuned to emotions than men, both within and across cultures.
B. Men are more likely to express feelings with men than with women.
C. Women are more likely to express both positive emotions and feelings of
vulnerability than men.
D. Men are more likely to express their strengths than women.
E. All of the above are true about the effect of gender on emotions.
If you emphasize how good you are in sports when someone criticizes your academic
performance, you've used the defensive reaction called
A. displacement.
B. rationalization.
C. repression.
D. regression.
E. compensation.
All of the following are ways that can help in changing your self-concept except
A. seeking advice from books and others.
B. being realistic in how you perceive yourself.
C. determining what may be inaccurate feedback from others.
D. being willing to change.
E. comparing yourself against others.
All of the following are alternatives to self-disclosure except
A. lying
B. silence
C. reciprocity
D. equivocation
E. hinting
One of the key differences between marriages that end in separation and those that are
restored to their former intimacy is
A. how long the couple remained in the integration stage.
B. how much metacommunication occurs.
C. the types of relational transgressions that happened.
D. the communication that occurs when the partners are unsatisfied.
E. None of these choices are correct.

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