COMM 35612

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 27
subject Words 3135
subject Authors Ronald B. Adler, Russell F. Proctor II

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It is impossible to like someone without being immediate with them.
Stereotyping occurs when generalizations lose touch with reality.
People sometimes self-disclose to create a good impression.
All inaccurate self-concepts are overly negative.
Insulated listeners respond only to the parts of your remarks that interest them.
Whether you are happy or unhappy with a partner will affect how you interpret that
partner's behavior.
Affinity messages can be either positive or negative.
It is never appropriate to make a generalization.
Flaming is an example of one of the challenges presented by mediated
You should rotate your styles of listening after one or two responses so that you don't
become bored by any one style.
Messages shaping the communication climate of a relationship can be both verbal and
It's okay to reword the assertive message format to suit your own particular style of
The most appropriate response to someone's grief is to point out the silver lining.
A good listener will always state her own judgment of the situation so the other person
knows where she stands on the issue.
The process of identity management can result in dishonest behavior.
Research reveals that increased use of manipulators is often a sign of discomfort.
Some couples never experience distance in their relationship.
It's impossible to listen effectively all of the time.
Asking questions may be a linguistic way to avoid making a declaration.
IM-ing, blogging and Facebooking do not enhance intimacy in interpersonal
Opinions of family members or teachers early in your life have little impact on the
formation of your self-concept.
Communication researchers call the process of adapting one's speech style to match
that of others convergence.
The self-concept is a constantly changing set of perceptions that others have of you.
Pragmatic rules are stated rules that help us make sense of another's messages.
Verbal metacommunication is a necessary ingredient in successful relationships.
Your text suggests that to feel better you should first talk about how you feel and then
act on that feeling.
Research shows that people raised in collectivistic cultures are more adept at
perspective-taking than those from individualistic cultures.
If faced with a choice to tell a face-saving lie or deliver an equivocal message, most
people will tell the lie.
No two people perceive a given set of sense data identically.
We tend to resist revising our own self-concept even if the new self image is more
Awareness of the differences in nonverbal behavior between cultures has little affect on
cultural tolerance and respect.
Privacy management means
A. the choices we make to reveal or conceal information about ourselves
B. weighing the pros and cons of self-disclosing
C. making a conscious and deliberate decision to self-disclose
D. All of the above
E. None of the above
All of the following elements are included in the transactional communication model
introduced in Chapter One except
A. message.
B. environment.
C. channel.
D. sender.
E. noise.
Convergent speech patterns
A. demonstrate superiority over others.
B. express power and a sense of formality.
C. demonstrate affiliation with one another.
D. always utilize "I" statements instead of "you" statements.
E. None of these choices are correct.
"I'd love to go out with you, but I can't; I have so much going on in my life right now,"
is an example of
A. regression.
B. apathy.
C. compensation.
D. rationalization.
E. avoidance.
The tendency to seek and attend to information that conforms to an existing
self-concept has been labeled
A. reflected appraisal.
B. significance posturing.
C. the stability hypothesis.
D. cognitive conservatism.
E. the weak spine phenomenon.
Which of the following strategies are recommended when leaving your job?
A. Leave before you lose your cool.
B. Tell your boss first.
C. Don't trash the company.
D. Finish on a strong note.
E. All of the above are recommended.
Your text says we don't express our emotions very well or very frequently because
A. of social rules and roles.
B. others put us down.
C. we recognize so many emotions.
D. self-disclosure is already high enough.
E. of inadequate self-concepts.
"Cipher in the Snow" is included in your text to illustrate
A. the importance of honest self-appraisal.
B. the impact of dishonest identity management.
C. the way people construct multiple identities.
D. the impact of significant others on self-concept
E. all of the above.
One type of relational transgression is
A. unfaithfulness.
B. verbal hostility.
C. rage.
D. criticism in front of others.
E. All of these choices are types of relational transgressions.
The Star Wars character, Yoda, is following a different set of ____ rules when he says
things like "the dark side are they."
A. pragmatic
B. semantic
C. syntactic
D. all of the above
E. none of the above
"I know that isn't going to work under any circumstances" is an example of the Gibb
defensive category of
A. evaluation.
B. control.
C. superiority.
D. certainty.
E. strategy.
The elements of an assertive message are
A. feeling, interpretation, assertion, and consequence.
B. behavior, interpretation, feeling, assertion, and intention.
C. behavior, assertion, aggression, and interpretation.
D. behavior, interpretation, feeling, consequence, and intention.
E. assertion, aggression, negotiation, interpretation, and intention.
The benefit of forgiveness is
A. less emotional distress.
B. less aggression.
C. improvement of cardiovascular functioning.
D. restoration of the damaged relationship.
E. All of these choices are beneficial.
An uncontrolled, spontaneous "explosion," a "Vesuvius," is
A. encouraged by your text as a first step to solving conflict.
B. therapeutic when you feel it's impossible to be relational and your partner
understands what you're doing.
C. a great way of eliminating defensive behaviors by "clearing the air."
D. one way to make sure your partner will listen to you.
E. All of these answers are correct.
The strongest factor in why we disclose is
A. how much control we might have over the other person.
B. how well we know the other person.
C. how strong our need is to get something off our chest.
D. how strong our need is for validation.
E. the likelihood there will be reciprocity.
When you pay attention to your behavior in relationships, you are
A. unlikely to pay attention to others.
B. too uptight.
C. probably ego-driven.
D. self-monitoring.
E. intrinsic.
All of the following are reasons why it is difficult to listen all the time except:
A. We hear so many verbal messages.
B. We are often wrapped up in personal concerns.
C. We comprehend words at a slower rate than people speak them.
D. We have many physical distractions.
E. We think speaking has more advantages than listening.
Which of the following is most likely to account for your tendency to overlook the
faults of your new romantic partner?
A. gender roles
B. occupational roles
C. relational roles
D. cultural roles
E. none of the above
The process whereby people influence each other's perceptions and attempt to achieve
a shared perspective is called
A. negotiation.
B. narration.
C. differentiation.
D. relationship building.
E. organization.
In any relationship, the power to determine what will happen in the relationship is a
type of relational control called
A. decision control.
B. conversation control.
C. distributional control.
D. powerful control.
E. context control.
Conflict rituals are
A. inherently wrong.
B. the best way to solve the variety of conflicts that are part of any relationship.
C. almost always positive.
D. unacknowledged but repeating patterns of dealing with conflict.
E. All of these answers are correct.
Research on the effects of mediated communication indicates that
A. time online has lessened time spent with family members.
B. the quality and quantity of interpersonal communication has increased.
C. mediated communication is more complex than personal contact.
D. computer-based communication is reducing interpersonal communication
E. All of the above.
When you give careful and thoughtful attention and responses to the messages you
receive you are listening
A. selectively.
B. purposefully.
C. mindfully.
D. for factual information.
E. for personal information.
Proxemics is the study of
A. the way people and animals use space.
B. the way people use words to transmit messages.
C. the way people use facial expressions.
D. the way people use silence.
E. the way people use vocal cues.
Another term which describes the Gibb defensive category of neutrality would be
A. understanding.
B. aggressive perception.
C. positive/negative balance.
D. displaced loyalty.
E. indifference.
What's missing from this perception check? "When I saw you having lunch with Emily,
I figured you liked her more than me. What's going on?"
A. It doesn't describe behavior.
B. It has only one interpretation.
C. It doesn't request clarification.
D. It is too wordy.
E. Nothing is missing from this perception check.
Effective communicators have been found to
A. have a consistent set of five behaviors they can call up at will.
B. have a wide range of behaviors from which to choose.
C. exhibit behaviors that are predictable by their partners.
D. exhibit unique behaviors more often than less effective communicators.
E. frequently rehearse about 20 behaviors until they get them right for any interaction.
Saying to your partner, "I wish you didn't use that tone of voice with me" is an example
A. metadata.
B. relational transgression.
C. the connection-autonomy dialectic.
D. metacommunication.
E. None of these choices are correct
When Lynn got caught speeding, Amy said she should have been more careful; later
when Amy got caught speeding, she denied she was driving too fast. This is an example
of what tendency in perception?
A. We are influenced by the obvious.
B. The self-serving bias
C. We pay attention to others' negative characteristics.
D. The halo effect.
E. We assume others are similar to us.
Someone who is a 'significant other" is
A. 'socially" conscious.
B. a person whose opinion we especially value.
C. always a supportive person.
D. a person with significant goals.
Curt made a poor first impression on Carol as he first arrived, so throughout their
evening date, despite his pleasant behavior, Carol continued to see him in an
unfavorable light due to
A. her feelings of empathy.
B. the halo effect.
C. her punctuation of the events of the evening.
D. the narrative of the date.
E. physiological factors influencing Carol's perception.
INSTRUCTIONS: Match each description below with the appropriate defense
1/ Offering a logical but untrue explanation of your behavior
2/ Stressing a strength in one area to cover up a perceived shortcoming in another area
3/ Playing helpless to avoid facing attack
4/ Venting hostile feelings against someone other than the critic
5/ Mentally blocking out criticism
A/ compensation
B/ repression
C/ displacement
D/ rationalization
E/ regression
INSTRUCTIONS: Match each of the statements below with the element of the
communication model it illustrates most clearly.
1) You are worried about how your child is doing at school while your boss is giving
the quarterly report.
2) Alex decides what Dana meant by that frown.
3) You decide to schedule a face-to-face meeting with your professor instead of
e-mailing him.
4) Your friend's religion is different from yours, but you went to the same high school
and college.
5) A person behind you in the theater fiddles with a crackling cellophane candy
A) channel
B) decoding
C) environment
D) psychological noise
E) external noise
INSTRUCTIONS: Match each of the descriptions below with the term it best
describes. 1/ You believe that most of the elderly are slow drivers.
2/ You tell your friend you're sorry that he was robbed.
3/ You notice car advertisements more when you need a new car.
4/ Your interaction with your coworkers creates a shared perspective of your boss.
5/ You claim your roommates are lazy when they don't clean up, but when you fail to
clean, it's because of your many commitments.
A/ stereotyping
B/ selection
C/ sympathy
D/ self-serving bias
E/ narrative
INSTRUCTIONS: Match each of the following crazymakers with its description.
1/ James tells Sarah he wants her advice, and when she offers it, he becomes very
angry and accuses her of trying to tell him what to do.
2/ Thomas laughed off his business partner's comments that he was shirking some of his
work responsibilities by saying, "And who got out of the wrong side of the bed today?"
3/ Renee refused to speak to Henry for two days.
4/ Jeffrey kept all his frustrations to himself and then when his sister asked him to run
an errand for him he erupted, telling her all the ways he felt she had imposed upon him
in the past two weeks.
5/ Elaine deliberately cranks up the volume on her music, knowing that it irritates her
A/ trapper
B/ trivial tyrannizer
C/ gunnysacker
D/ withholder
E/ joker
INSTRUCTIONS: Match each description below with the most accurate term.
1. Process of judging ourselves by the evaluations of others
2. The tendency to cling to an existing self-concept
3. The private self you honestly believe you are.
4. The "face" you show to others
5. A person whose opinion we especially value
A/ perceived self
B/ cognitive conservatism
C/ significant other
D/ reflected appraisal
E/ presenting self
INSTRUCTIONS: Match each of the descriptions below with the term it best
1/ A student decides her instructor is "mean" when he answered her question a bit
abruptly in class.
2/ She says she's forced to tell him over and over to pick up his things because he never
listens to her. He says he has to "tune her out" because she is always complaining about
3/ Your friend comes into the room and slams the door, so you assume he is angry with
4/ You think all Japanese are hard workers after doing an internship in a Japanese
5/ As you listen to a classmate give a speech you notice her saying "you know" and
"um" many times.
A/ organization
B/ interpretation
C/ selection
D/ punctuation
E/ stereotyping
INSTRUCTIONS: Match the statement below with the relational stage it best
1/ Relational partners attempt to reduce uncertainty and to decide if the relationship is
worth pursuing.
2/ Relational partners begin to withdraw from one another to avoid disagreement
3/ Relational partners create physical distance between one another and make excuses
to reduce contact.
4/ Relational partners begin to share identities and their social circles merge.
5/ Relational partners shift from "we" orientation and use more "me" messages.
A/ experimenting
B/ integrating
C/ circumscribing
D/ avoiding
E/ differentiating
INSTRUCTIONS: Match each of the descriptions below with the term it best
1/ You exhibit both sensitivity and strength when faced with a difficult decision.
2/ You feel sadness when your friend tells you his cat died.
3/ You think that when your coworker uses profanity it's due to a flaw in her character,
but when you use profanity it's because the situation demands it.
4/ You figure your friend's smile means she's happy.
5/ You say you're late because your partner is never ready on time; your partner says
she takes her time getting ready because you're always late.
A/ empathy
B/ androgynous behavior
C/ punctuation
D/ attribution error
E/ interpretation
INSTRUCTIONS: Match each defense mechanism with its description.
1/ Steering clear of someone who points out your flaws
2/ Blaming your lack of exercise on a desire to conserve your energy
3/ Acting like you don't care that you didn't get the lead in the play
4/ Claiming you "can't" improve your essay because you don't understand how
5/ Snapping at your roommate after being criticized by your boss
A/ regression
B/ apathy
C/ displacement
D/ rationalization
E/ physical avoidance

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