COMM 32445

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 13
subject Words 1833
subject Authors Bettina Fabos, Christopher R. Martin, Richard Campbell

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Commercial U.S. films function as ______ by providing shared cultural experiences.
A) consensus narratives
B) patent pools
C) cinema verit
D) vertical integration
E) star vehicles
Which statement about the business model of Google is true?
A) Google makes the majority of its money from subscription fees.
B) Google makes the majority of its money from pay-per-click advertisements.
C) Google is a nonprofit organization dedicated to universal access to information.
D) The majority of Google's revenue comes from selling its cloud-based word
processing program.
E) None of the above options is correct.
Temporary gaming teams usually assembled by matchmaking programs integrated into
the game are called ______.
B) ninjas
D) noobs
E) clans
For each number under General Questions, fill in a letter.
A. Child Online Protection Act
B. Maxwell theorized existence of radio waves
C. Amos 'n' Andy started on Chicago radio
D. Developed the Audion, or triode, vacuum tube
E. Adolph Ochs bought the New York Times
F. The Life of an American Fireman
G. Frank Conrad's station became KDKA
H. Developed FM radio
I. Sued news organizations for libel
J. ABC, CBS, NBC broadcast evening lineups in color
K. Hollywood Ten
L. Saturday Evening Post folded
Tweeting and blogging are ______.
A) considered a waste of time by almost all news organizations
B) mostly ignored by news media audiences
C) a journalism fad that has passed
D) becoming required duties for journalists
E) done only by journalists of small local papers
The idea of absolute privilege refers to the ______.
A) ability of reporters to print or broadcast anything they want
B) ability of the very rich to hire lawyers to sue anybody who libels them
C) ability of prosecutors to accuse defendants of crimes in court without risking libel
D) the federal shield laws that allow a reporter to keep a source confidential
E) way in which college students and professors can use small portions of a written
work, as long as they use the proper citation
The Atari 2600, released in 1977, used a(n) ______ processer.
A) 8-bit
B) 32-bit
C) 64-bit
D) 128-bit
E) 256-bit
Game developer King specializes in casual games such as ______.
A) Candy Crush Saga
B) Draw Something
C) Bubble Island
D) FarmVille
E) Angry Birds
The movement toward business deregulation started during the presidency of Ronald
Reagan (1981"1989).
A) True
B) False
Which model of expression tolerates all forms of speech, including pornography?
A) Authoritarian
B) State model
C) Libertarian
D) Social responsibility
E) Communitarian
Flack is the informal term some journalists use to describe PR people who interject
themselves between their clients and the press.
A) True
B) False
Most forms of culture demonstrate multiple tendencies; for example, a film could be
both conventional and innovative.
A) True
B) False
In the 1920s, CBS operated two radio networks, CBS-Red and CBS-Blue.
A) True
B) False
Which of the following is not characteristic of the libertarian model for expression and
A) Tolerance for the expression of everything, from pornography to advocacy of
B) Encouraging vigorous government criticism
C) A great deal of trust in citizens' ability to distinguish truth from falsehood
D) Arguing that the mass media have grown too powerful and need to become more
socially responsible or face some sort of government regulation
E) All of the options are characteristics of the libertarian model.
According to your textbook, what is a main reason that Hollywood tends to make films
that belong in certain genres?
A) It makes it easier for studios to find good scripts.
B) It is easier for studios to promote a film that fits into a preexisting category.
C) Filmmakers don't like to be challenged and would rather be told by studios what
kind of film to make.
D) It costs less money to make films that fit into a specific formula.
E) All of the options are correct.
The 1996 Telecommunications Act allows cable companies to offer telephone service,
but the phone companies are not permitted to enter the cable TV business.
A) True
B) False
For public figures to successfully sue for libel, they must prove "actual malice," which
means the news medium ______.
A) knew the statement was false but published it anyway
B) published a true statement with the intention of hurting the public figure
C) was reckless with the public figure's privacy rights
D) had long harbored ill will toward and dislike for the public figure
E) has a reputation for being mean-spirited
Congress passed the Radio Act of 1912 in response to the sinking of the British ocean
liner Titanic.
A) True
B) False
Demographic editions of national magazines are able to charge higher rates for
A) True
B) False
Which of the following refers to the process of attempting to influence the voting of
lawmakers to support a company's or an organization's best interests?
A) Lobbying
B) Deadheading
C) Outsourcing
D) Cultivation
E) Promotions
Which of the following have instant books been accused of?
A) Shoddy binding and paper quality
B) Giving too much historical perspective on events
C) Being too similar to made-for-TV movies
D) Exploiting tragedies for quick profits
E) None of the above options is correct.
For most journalists, the bottom line is ______.
A) "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you"
B) "Fairness first"
C) the public's right to know
D) "Get the story"
E) managing conflicts of interest
Social psychology studies measure public attitudes.
A) True
B) False
Most U.S. films provide shared cultural experiences that operate across different times
and cultures.
A) True
B) False
Elvis Presley was filmed only from the waist up in his third appearance on the Ed
Sullivan Show because _______.
A) his left leg was in a cast
B) some critics considered his hip movements lascivious
C) another singer complained that Presley had stolen his dance routine
D) the public demanded to see Presley's face close up
E) None of the above options is correct.
For each number under General Questions, fill in a letter.
A. Kinetoscope
B. Iconoscope
C. Electronic television
D. The Jazz Singer
E. CBS news anchor
F. Twenty-One
G. Birth of a Nation
H. Shaft
I. Oldboy
J. Lost in Translation
Katie Couric
Which of the following did the linotype do?
A) Engrave photographs
B) Set type mechanically
C) Power the press by electricity
D) Add color to the printed page
E) Type lines underneath printed words
Which of the following is not a result of muckraking journalism in magazines around
the start of the twentieth century?
A) Antitrust laws for increased government oversight of business
B) The creation of government oversight of food and drugs
C) A progressive income tax
D) The direct election of U.S. senators
E) A drop in attention paid to the plight of immigrants in big cities
For each number under General Questions, fill in a letter.
A. Longer electromagnetic wavelengths
B. Satellites
C. Shorter electromagnetic wavelengths
D. Armstrong commits suicide
E. Real-time computer messages
F. War of the Worlds
H. Government-sanctioned monopoly
J. Algorithmic search engine
K. Online audio files
L. Web browser
M. Printing press
For each number under General Questions, fill in a letter.
A. Longer electromagnetic wavelengths
B. Satellites
C. Shorter electromagnetic wavelengths
D. Armstrong commits suicide
E. Real-time computer messages
F. War of the Worlds
H. Government-sanctioned monopoly
J. Algorithmic search engine
K. Online audio files
L. Web browser
M. Printing press
____________________ is the technological merging of content in different media
In 1903, Edwin S. Porter introduced the ______________________ genre with The
Great Train Robbery.
An early dominant style of American journalism, distinguished by opinion newspapers,
which generally argued the political point of view of the particular party that subsidized
the paper, is called the _______________________.
The one remaining national bookstore retail chain is ______________________.
A relatively recent technology, ______________________ are devices that enable users
to find and record specific television shows (and movies) and store them in computer
memory to be played back at a later time.
A(n) _________________________ recording is made by capturing the fluctuations of
the original sound waves and storing those signals in record grooves or an audiotape's
continuous stream of magnetized particles.
Trying to persuade consumers that only a specific product can offer relief, the
____________________ appeal plays on people's insecurities.
The ____________________ testimonial associates a product with the endorsement of
a well-known person.
Ethical decisions that are made on a case-by-case basis are called
________________________ ethics.
A style of early-twentieth-century investigative journalism, ______________________
refers to reporters crawling around in society's muck to uncover a story.
The space left over in a newspaper for news content after all the ads are placed is called
the _______________________.
_________________________ is made of thin glass bundles that transmit thousands of
messages simultaneously via laser light.
Using ______________________ allows filmmakers to capture additional footage
without concern for the high cost of film stock and processing.
HTML stands for hypertext _________________________ language.
With the current generation of consoles, _________________________ processors are
the standard.

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