COMM 16533

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 25
subject Words 2678
subject Authors Ronald B. Adler, Russell F. Proctor II

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All of the men in one study ranked themselves in the top half of the population in terms
of their ability to get along with others.
Men and women report using language for different purposes.
Nonverbal behavior has a powerful effect in defining the status of a relationship.
A full-fledged conflict will not occur unless the individuals involved try to prevent one
another from achieving their goals.
All relationships begin, progress, decline, and end in the same linear fashion based on
Knapp's developmental stages.
The most intimate relationships are those in which disclosure is great in both breadth
and depth.
When considering what listening response style to choose, the best choice will always
be your personal style.
There is no single "best" listening style to use in all situations.
There are two types of relational control: decision control and conversation control.
A supportive climate usually results from the expression of empathy.
Listening is easier to do than speaking.
Counterfeit questions are aimed at understanding others.
Almost all verbal messages have a content dimension as well as convey relational
By definition, an intimate relationship must exhibit all four intimacy dimensions.
Smiles and laughter have the same meanings to both Americans and Latinos.
Defensiveness can become a problem for someone who is presented with information
that contradicts his/her self-perception.
Chapter One indicates that effective interpersonal communication is strongly linked to
social happiness and career success.
Nonverbal cues are especially likely to carry a lot of weight when they contradict a
speaker's words.
Your text promises that if you communicate skillfully enough, you should be able to
solve every problem you encounter.
Factual information paraphrasing focuses on the ideas a speaker has expressed.
The text says that "counting to ten" applies to win-win problem solving.
Listening is a natural ability and can't be improved through training.
A counterfeit tag question is one where the asker is looking for agreement, not
Although avoidance of conflict is tempting, your partner is likely to experience more
frustration and discomfort than he/she would if you were to face your conflicts in a
constructive way.
According to your text, being a high self-monitor is preferable to being a low
The self-concept is a relatively stable set of perceptions you hold of yourself.
Lies may help us avoid embarrassment.
Incongruous responses contain two messages that seem to deny or contradict each
Most researchers agree that we are born with many of our personality traits.
Perception makes little difference in determining whether a message is disconfirming.
An example of divergence is when people feel more connected on the job because their
swearing patterns match those of their bosses.
Your instructor tells you how poor your writing ability is and how wrong it is for you
not to work harder on it. That instructor used the Gibb category of
A. description.
B. evaluation.
C. problem orientation.
D. equality.
E. provisionalism.
If you take an "easy" class your friend recommended and find it "hard," you have had
semantic problems due to
A. euphemistic language.
B. relative words.
C. equivocal words.
D. fiction terms.
E. semantic distracters.
"From what you've said, it sounds like you're mad at your boss for expecting you to
drop your personal plans whenever he wants you to work. Is that right?" This statement
is what type of response?
A. supporting
B. judging
C. questioning
D. paraphrasing
E. analyzing
Making an inference is a reasonable thing to do relationally as long as
A. you make a number of them.
B. you wait for the other to infer also.
C. the other person understands you.
D. you identify the inference to the other person.
E. you first describe the fact that led to the inference.
Which of the following nonverbal behaviors is least important in a job interview?
A. smiling
B. handshaking
C. clothing
D. eye contact
E. Any of these behaviors may be equally important.
A person who buys a piece of new furniture, finds it damaged, and says nothing
because he doesn't want to confront the retailer, is engaging in the personal conflict
style of
A. avoiding.
B. accommodating.
C. indirect communication.
D. compromising.
E. None of these answers are correct
Donna complains to Jim that the volume on the TV is too loud; Jim claims he can't hear
the TV if he turns it down. What type of perceptual influence does this example
A. psychological
B. cultural
C. gender
D. social
E. physiological
All of the following are examples of social comparison except
A. being judged for a test based on other student's grades.
B. thinking over how you have added muscle mass in the last four months.
C. deciding to go on a diet after looking at models in a magazine.
D. judging your fitness level in contrast to others in the gym.
E. all of the above are examples of social comparison.
The authors describe some of the social needs we strive to fulfill by communicating as
A. encoding and decoding.
B. control and affection.
C. empathy and sympathy.
D. talking and listening.
E. communicating both verbally and nonverbally.
Which element is not included in this "I" language statement? "When you hung up
without saying where we'd meet, I felt confused and so I went to the wrong place."
A. It doesn't describe the other person's behavior.
B. It doesn't describe the speaker's feelings.
C. It doesn't describe the consequences the other's behavior has for the speaker.
D. It doesn't describe the speaker's interpretation of the behavior.
E. This "I" language statement is fine just the way it is.
Research described in your text about mediated communication suggests that
A. it may be an advantage for creating a desired impression.
B. it permits a responder to ignore a message rather than be unpleasant.
C. it lacks the "richness" of many nonverbal channels.
D. all of the above are supported by research.
E. none of the above are supported by research.
The "amygdala" refers to
A. the threat alarm system in the brain.
B. a type of emotional contagion.
C. a reservoir of emotional memories
D. nonverbal reactions expressed on the face.
E. none of the above.
Robin asks her boss if she can take Friday afternoon off to clear up some legal
problems. Her boss replies, "Seems like everybody has problems these days." The
boss's reply is an example of a(n)
A. impervious response.
B. interrupting response.
C. irrelevant response.
D. tangential response.
E. impersonal response.
Status can be conveyed nonverbally through
A. chronemics.
B. touch.
C. clothing.
D. posture.
E. All of these choices are correct
According to a study of college students and their communication activities, over 20
percent of their communication time was spent
A. writing.
B. speaking.
C. engaging in interpersonal listening.
D. reading.
E. engaging in media listening.
Of the following statements, which is not characteristic of powerful speech?
A. It can help candidates in job interviews.
B. It often results in a favorable impression.
C. It is always preferred over less powerful forms of speech.
D. It gets different results in different cultures.
E. All of these choices are characteristic of powerful speech.
According to Knapp's model of interaction stages, symbolic public gestures that show
the world that a relationship exists usually occur in which stage in interpersonal
A. experimenting
B. intensifying
C. bonding
D. integrating
E. circumscribing
Using the pillow method can
A. enhance cognitive complexity
B. boost empathy
C. lead to valuable insights
D. b & c
E. all of the above
Saying "You're a fantastic person" rather than "You spent your whole weekend helping
me move" is an example of
A. emotive language.
B. static evaluation.
C. abstraction.
D. relative language.
E. pragmatism.
The best predictor of being able to detect and interpret emotional expressions is
A. foreign travel
B. academic background
C. cultural similarity
D. biological sex
E. none of the above
Nonverbal communication plays an important role in
A. conveying emotions.
B. identity management.
C. defining the kinds of relationships we want to have with others.
D. None of these are correct.
E. All of these choices are correct.
According to the Altman and Taylor model, the dimension of self-disclosure where
information shared moves from being impersonal to more personal is called
A. breadth.
B. social penetration.
C. variety.
D. depth.
E. Equivocation.
"Decoding" is the process whereby
A. we put our thoughts into words.
B. we make sense out of the messages sent by others.
C. we engage others in conversation.
D. we choose the appropriate way to send messages.
E. we create new ways of teaching reading and communication to children.
Using the skill of perception checking will help prevent
A. negative self-fulfilling prophecies.
B. physiological noise.
C. inaccurate decoding of messages.
D. excessive feedback.
E. none of the above.
"People from the East Coast are rude." Which of the following abstraction problems is
illustrated by this statement?
A. stereotyping
B. confusing others
C. confusing yourself
D. being too frank
E. bicoastalism
Agreeing with a critic's perception of your behavior involves
A. apologizing to the critic.
B. agreeing with the critic's right to see things his/her way.
C. backing off from your position.
D. All of these answers are correct.
E. None of the above answers are correct.
What type of misunderstanding occurs when people assign different meanings to the
same words?
A. syntactic
B. pragmatic
C. semantic
D. disruptive
E. linguistic relativism
With strangers as the target of self-disclosure, the most common reason people give for
disclosing is
A. defensiveness reduction.
B. manipulation.
C. reciprocity.
D. relationship maintenance.
E. relationship enhancement.
Which of the following is most clearly an example of interpersonal communication?
A. Jim buys a sweater from a sales clerk.
B. Rich invites the team to a party.
C. Royce asks Jane about her sick child.
D. Trent pleads for the class to vote.
E. Sue chats with the mailman.
Facial expressions are
A. the easiest nonverbal messages to decode accurately.
B. often difficult to understand because of their rapid rate of change.
C. rarely genuine and therefore impossible to decode.
D. limited, relatively few emotions are shown in the face.
E. usually more sincere if they last more than 10 seconds.
The text suggested that you may react non-defensively to criticism by
A. asking for a "time-out."
B. guessing about the specifics of a critic's remarks.
C. criticizing yourself.
D. giving the reasons for your behavior.
E. telling the critic to stop.
You and your partner's pattern of managing disagreements that repeats itself over time
is called your
A. relational conflict style.
B. cognitive dissonance pattern.
C. harmony/disharmony pattern.
D. "Vesuvius."
E. assertive message format.
All of the following are schemes by which we classify people except
A. social roles.
B. psychological traits.
C. membership.
D. interaction style.
E. beliefs.
People who hold excessively negative self-evaluations of themselves may do so due to
A. distorted feedback
B. society's emphasis on perfection
C. obsolete information
D. social expectations
E. all of the above
When choosing the best listening style, it is important to consider
A. the situation.
B. the other person.
C. your personal style.
D. both a and b above.
E. a, b, and c above.
INSTRUCTIONS: Match the statement below with the term it best describes.
1/ Model to examine breadth and depth of self-disclosure
2/ "This is my third attempt to finish this race."
3/ "How are you doing? Fine!"
4/ Voluntarily revealing personal information
5/ Model to explore the role that self-disclosure plays in interpersonal communication
A/ Johari Window
B/ social penetration
C/ cliché
D/ self-disclosure
E/ fact
INSTRUCTIONS: Match each of the following crazymakers with its description.
1/ Instead of expressing her feelings honestly, this person explains what her partner
"really" means or what's "really wrong."
2/ This person pretends to give in and then continues to act in the same way.
3/ This person handles conflict by trying to make her partner feel responsible for
causing her discomfort.
4/ When this person's partner brings up a problem, she pretends to be busy with the
5/ This person almost brings what's bothering him to the surface, but never quite comes
out and expresses himself.
A/ avoider
B/ pseudo accommodator
C/ guilt maker
D/ crisis tickler
E/ mind reader
INSTRUCTIONS: Match the type of disconfirming response with its behavioral
1/ "I wish you wouldn't be such a slob."
2/ Vince says, "I'm so tired," and you reply, "Boy, everybody's got problems today."
3/ You see Denise smile at you, but you walk past without smiling back.
4/ Shelley says, "Let's decide what we're doing this weekend after I get paid tomorrow,"
and you reply, " I'm really excited about getting an A on my test."
5/ Gail asks how your roommate is feeling; you tell her about your own health.
A/ irrelevant
B/ impersonal
C/ impervious
D/ personalized complaining
E/ tangential

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