COM CM 91908

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 16
subject Words 2510
subject Authors Jeanne Marquardt Elmhorst, Kristen Lucas, Ronald Adler

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According to the textbook, what is the maximum number of main points that should be
included in the body of a presentation?
A. three
B. five
C. seven
D. ten
Speakers of nonstandard dialects of English
A. are perceived as more competent than speakers of standard English.
B. are recommended for higher-level jobs than speakers of standard English.
C. are recommended for lower-level jobs than speakers of standard English.
D. are judged to have messages with more significant content than speakers of standard
After years of experience, Raylene has come to believe that the most effective way to
determine a person's true personality during a job interview is to allow the conversation
to go in any direction the interview may lead. Which type of interview schedule does
Raylene prefer?
A. structured
B. extemporaneous
C. unstructured
D. moderately structured
The text suggests all of the following as ways to gain recognition from your boss
A. tell the boss that you deserve most of the credit when the project was actually a team
B. have your ideas printed in the company newsletter.
C. thank coworkers who help you with projects.
D. present creative proposals to your boss.
Corinne is planning to give a presentation to a group of investors concerning her
company's new line of paper products. She wants to carefully control the order in which
she reveals information during her presentation. When would the best time be for her to
answer questions from the audience?
A. during the presentation
B. after the presentation
C. before the presentation
D. in the form of a handout
Duane has been selected by his company to present an after-dinner speech at the
company's annual summer party. The general purpose of Duane's presentation is
A. to inform
B. to persuade
C. to evaluate
D. to entertain
All of the following represent good advice for an interviewee involved in an
employment interview except:
A. Before the interview, write out some potential interview questions, and rehearse your
answers out loud.
B. Give answers that last more than five minutes each, so you can impress the
interviewer with your knowledge.
C. Avoid asking questions about salary, benefits, or vacation time.
D. After the interview, send a thank-you letter to your interviewer, whether or not you
expect to get the job offer.
Cultures that rely heavily on subtle nonverbal cues to convey meaning have a
________________ orientation.
A. low-context
B. high-context
C. parallel-context
D. sign language
According to the text, which of the following statements is TRUE?
A. You cannot not communicate.
B. Most communicators at work send more messages than they receive.
C. It is possible to take back a message after another person has received it.
D. Chronological context has little to do with successful communication.
It is generally not effective to __________ while presenting your speech.
A. hold your head upright, turning slightly as you look at audience members in various
parts of the room.
B. use a relaxed but firm stance.
C. occasionally, walk purposefully away from and then return to your original position.
D. constantly pace back and forth.
Which of the following is appropriate behavior for communicating with a person with
a disability?
A. If you offer assistance, don't start helping the person until he or she accepts your
B. Do not attempt to shake hands with a person who has an artificial limb.
C. Place your hand on the shoulder of a person in a wheelchair when you are speaking
to him or her.
D. If a person uses a sign language interpreter, look at the interpreter while you are
talking to the person who is hearing impaired.
Groupthink refers to
A. a desirable condition in which each member of the group engages in critical
B. a desirable condition, because the group is able to make decisions quickly, guided by
the members with the most expertise.
C. an undesirable condition, because members feel too intimidated to express the
dissent they feel about proposals.
D. an undesirable condition, because groups that spend too much time listening to
members' various ideas are too slow to take action.
Which is NOT true about risky shift?
A. Highly cohesive groups tend to make decisions that are more extreme than the
members would choose on their own.
B. Risky shift refers to a strategy for asking hard-hitting questions, thereby preventing
C. When risky shift occurs, teams may take unsafe risks that aren't justified.
D. When risky shift occurs, teams may make an extremely cautious decision.
A member can help improve the group's performance during the norming phase of
group problem solving by
A. trying to gain a lot of influence in the group.
B. clarifying members' tasks, roles, and responsibilities.
C. challenging the designated leader.
D. save time by discussing issues superficially.
An effective team exhibits all of the following except
A. shared goals.
B. directive leadership.
C. a results-driven structure.
D. competent team members.
Juan is preparing a speech to a prospective client who has been using the services of a
different advertising firm for the past 10 years. Juan's goal is to influence the client to
switch firms and begin working with his company. What is the general purpose of
Juan's presentation?
A. to inform
B. to persuade
C. to manipulate
D. to entertain
During the introduction to her presentation about ergonomics, Jenna remarks: "I've
completed two college courses that focus on ergonomic principles." Which function of
an introduction does this statement help Jenna achieve?
A. capturing the audience's attention
B. giving the audience a reason to listen
C. establishing the speaker's qualifications
D. introducing the thesis and previewing the presentation
Kristel has two free movie passes. She and Misha are involved in a heated negotiation
over which movie they will go to see. Kristel gets angry and tears up the passes to teach
Misha a lesson. Which of the following orientations toward conflict has Kristel
A. win-lose
B. lose-lose
C. compromise
D. win-win
Employees who feel free to express dissenting ideas to their bosses without fear of
reprimand are often more _________________ than those who do not feel free to
express dissent.
A. satisfied
B. dissatisfied
C. ornery
D. complacent
All of the following are characteristics of effective notes for extemporaneous
presentations EXCEPT:
A. large enough to read at a glance.
B. detailed.
C. unobtrusive.
D. legible.
One good reason to take an avoidant approach to conflict is:
A. You realize the goal you originally wanted isn't a good idea after all.
B. To let others cool down temporarily before tackling the issue.
C. Harmony and stability are worth working for.
D. Both sides want a fair solution, but time is short.
The owner of a small car dealership wanted to find a way to discourage the amount of
horizontal communication that was occurring among salesmen because he (mistakenly)
thought their conversations were reducing the company's sales levels. He implemented
a bonus plan that required sales personnel to compete against one another to keep their
jobs. In the above example, which of the following forms of discouragement is the
owner using to limit horizontal communication at his company?
A. rivalry
B. specialization
C. information overload
D. physical barriers
A recommended order for presenting cited material is (a) state the point; (b) cite the
source; (c) explain the material from the source; and (d) interpret how this material
impacts the audience members.
Structured interviews
A. allow for an unlimited range of questions and answers.
B. should be used only by skilled interviewers.
C. obtain answers to standardized responses from a large number of people (commonly
used in market research and opinion polls).
D. use open-ended questions to provide in-depth examination of the interviewee.
One constructive, non-defensive way to effectively respond to criticism directed at you
is to
A. avoid the person who is criticizing.
B. be sharp enough to verbally counterattack.
C. seek more information.
D. disagree with the criticism whether the critique is true or not.
"Our purpose for this interview is to find out what features you'd like in the new office
design so we can try to make everyone as comfortable as possible." In which part of the
interview does this question belong?
A. rapport
B. orientation
C. disclosure
D. norming
Which of the following is NOT an equivocal phrase for expressing time?
A. very soon
B. every time I see you
C. in two minutes
D. after a long break
Chronological patterns are useful for
A. explaining the steps in a process.
B. organizing material according to its location.
C. grouping ideas into categories or logical themes.
D. showing how certain events result from certain circumstances.
Which of the following should NOT be included in the cover letter you send to an
organization along with your résumé?
A. a description of your ability to meet the needs of the company
B. highlights about one or two of your accomplishments relevant to the specific job
you're applying for
C. a request for an interview
D. a list of all your major accomplishments
During an interview for a new marketing position in the company that she worked for,
Sharon's boss asked her a number of questions such as "If you were in the following
situation, what would your reaction be?" Which of the following types of question is
her boss asking?
A. factual
B. hypothetical
C. leading
D. indirect
Employees can increase their chances of having a high-quality relationship with their
superiors by all of the following EXCEPT
A. showing initiative.
B. using a competitive language style.
C. going beyond the official job description.
D. taking responsibility.
All of the following are true statements about eye contact except
A. In mainstream U.S. culture, a person who avoids eye contact during a conversation
is likely to be perceived as uninterested.
B. In a two-person conversation, the speaker typically looks at the listener 90% of the
C. A skilled communicator can reduce the chance they will be interrupted by avoiding
eye contact with others.
D. Lack of eye contact demonstrates respect in some cultures.
A feminine communication style is characterized by which of the following elements?
A. focusing on facts
B. attempting to dominate conversations
C. listening supportively
D. offering advice
A "high-level abstraction" is
A. a specific, concrete statement that refers to observable objects or events.
B. Broussard's Law of Physics.
C. a broad, general statement.
D. an unequivocal message.

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