COM CM 79457

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 16
subject Words 2563
subject Authors Christopher R. Martin, Richard Campbell

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Which kind of research method reveals correlations between two variables?
A. Content analysis
B. Experiment
C. Political economy
D. Focus group interviews
E. Survey
In 1912, in the first type of national action limiting the film industry, the U.S.
government banned the interstate commerce of which kinds of films?
A. Pornographic films
B. Boxing films
C. German films
D. Films endorsing anarchy
E. Films about labor unions
1) Nellie Bly
2) Ivy Lee
3) William Randolph Hearst
4) Mary Pickford
5) C Edward Bernays
A. Yellow journalism
B. Ludlow miners' strike
C. Torches of freedom
D. United Artists
E. Stunt or investigative journalism
The major research in the area of cultivation effect grew from the attempts of
to make generalizations about the impact of televised violence.
A. social learning theorists
B. GeorgeGerbner and hiscolleagues
C. Walter Lippman
D. Elisabeth Noelle-Neumann
E. None of the above options is correct.
Which of the following statements about the FCC and "fleeting expletives'" in live TV
shows is not true?
A. The FCC fining flurry was partially in response to campaigns against Howard Stern's
vulgarity and the Janet Jackson exposed-breast incident.
B. In 2006, Congress increased the FCC's maximum allowable fine to $325,000 per
C. In 2010, a federal appeals court rejected the FCC's policy on the basis that it was too
D. In 2010, a federal appeals court rejected Congress's increase of the FCC's maximum
allowable fine.
E. All of the options are true.
1) Demographics
2) Harold Lasswell
4) David Sarnoff
5) Daniel Boorstin
7) Nellie Bly
8) Hill & Knowlton
9) Burson-Marsteller
10) Walter Lippmann
11) John D. Rockefeller
12) Edward Bernays
13) Payne Fund Studies
A. Income
B. Divides consumers into types
C. PropagandaTechnique inthe World War
D. "The real thing"
E. Investigative journalism pioneer
F.Public Opinion
G. Former president Richard Nixon
H. Ivy Ledbetter Lee
I. United Arab Emirates
K. Pseudo-event
L. Crystallizing Public Opinion
M. Galvanometers
According to your textbook, a major concern of critics of contemporary culture
A. dull and boring television
B. making sure networks have enough money to continue making programs
C. overly restrained talk shows that are too polite to discuss difficult topics
D. children being bombarded by too many television commercials
E. the lack of information available to consumers
In 1965, the FCC established must-carry rules, which __________
A. required cable operators to carry local TV broadcasts
B. established technical standards for cable broadcasts, regulating the signals carried by
cable systems
C. blocked cable systems from bringing distant television stations into cities with
local stations
D. blocked cable operators from carrying local TV broadcasts
E. None of the above options is correct.
If someone has never been the victim of a violent crime and lives in an area that has
very low rates of violent crime, yet still feels he or she is at a high level or risk for such
crimes after watching a lot of Law &Order, this might be an example of .
A. the cultivation effect
B. agenda-setting
C. political economy
D. textual analysis
E. audience studies
was a result of the Justice Department's attempts to break up monopolies
within the film industry.
A. Fin-syn
B. The Paramount decision
C. The Telecommunications Act of 1996
The album that broke grunge music into the American mainstream was __________.
A. Nevermind by Nirvana
B. Thug Life by Tupac Shakur
C. Ten by Pearl Jam
D. Never Mind the Bollocks by The Sex Pistols
E. Dookie by Green Day
From the perspective of myth analysis, the primary purpose of most contemporary
consumer advertising is to .
A. provide price information
B. compare the product with its competitors
C. describe the product's ingredients
D. reassure buyers that using brand-name products will help them deal with their
tensions and problems
E. None of the above options is correct.
Who wrote History of the StandardOil Company, first serialized in McClure's
A. Ida Tarbell
B. Upton Sinclair
C. Joseph Pulitzer
D. Nellie Bly
E. Frederick Douglass
The practice of interpretive journalism in the twentieth century got its first significant
boost from .
A. print journalism, which then passed the practice along to radio
B. radio broadcasters who started developing commentary as part of their news in
the 1930s
C. the introduction of television
D. a push for probing analysis in print journalism in the 1920s and 1930s
E. None of the above options is correct.
The high price of such consumer products as designer jeans and breakfast cereal can be
attributed primarily to .
A. the cost of raw materials
B. manufacturing costs
C. distribution expenses
D. advertising
E. a dramatic improvement in quality of materials and manufacturing
One way to understand net neutrality is as a debate between which of the following
A. Those who think the government needs to guarantee equal speed and access for all
Internet services and content, and those who think the government should let companies
charge whatever they want
B. Those who think the Internet is an essential utility like water or electricity (and needs
more regulation), and those who think of it as an information service like cable TV (and
needs less regulation)
C. Those who want to see the FCC continue to push for strong net neutrality rules, and
those who want to overturn the regulations that do exist
D. Those who want the same rules for broadband and wireless connections, and those
who think wireless connections should be exempt from certain rules
E. All of the options are correct.
The concept of synergy can best be described as .
A. the power of a new media development as it displaces old, less technologically
advanced media
B. several media subsidiaries working under one corporate umbrella to promote
different versions of a media product
C. the development of shopping-mall bookstores to boost book sales
D. the development of more multimediated ways to distribute books
E. the ability of one culture to dominate another
Which of the following is not one of the four steps identified as part of the social
learning theory process?
A. Retention
B. Motivation
C. Attention
D. Motor reproduction
E. Cultivation
Which of the following demonstrates why the 1982 tragedy involving someone
tampering with Tylenol packages and lacing them with poison is often given as an
example of the correct way to handle public relations during a crisis?
A. Tylenol successfully shifted blame by telling lies to cast suspicion on competitors.
B. Tylenol changed its name in order to avoid any lingering negative publicity.
C. Tylenol underestimated the number of contaminated bottles and still managed to get
the public to sympathize with the company.
D. Tylenol offered full disclosure of the problem to the press, recalled its products
nationwide, and set up emergency phone lines to take calls from consumers and health
care providers.
E. None of the above options is correct.
Along with patent medicine companies, what was another prominent newspaper
advertiser in the 1890s?
A. Auto manufacturers
B. Travel agents
C. Department stores
D. Movie theaters
E. Labor unions
Which of the following is not a reason Life and Look magazines went out of business in
the early 1970s?
A. Their paid circulation had plummeted, with the magazines falling out of the Top
10 magazines in the nation.
B. Advertisers were shifting their money toward television.
C. Postage rates had increased for oversized magazines.
D. They had relatively small supermarket sales.
E. They were being sold for far less than the cost of production.
Which of the following best describes limited competition?
A. A single firm that dominates an industry
B. A market that has many producers and sellers, but only a few products
C. A few firms that dominate an industry
D. Customers that pay directly for media goods, such as a cable TV or a magazine
E. A company that is limited in the way it can compete with its rivals, as in the case of
price fixing
Edward Bernays, who authored the first PR textbook, is more generally known for
which of the following?
A. Being the first to send exaggerated stories to the press about his clients and to use
and rumor as part of his campaigns
B. Staging the Boston Tea Party as the first PR event, using costumed protesters to add
controversy to the political statement
C. Being the first to use social science research and psychology to stage events that
associated a product with a particular attitude
D. Arguing that PR is about coercion, not consent
E. Being the first to warn the public about the dangers of smoking tobacco
What service was launched in 2011 to compete against Facebook?
A. Google+
B. Yahoo@
C. Hotmail Friends
D. MySpace
E. Twitter
In advertising, association (or the association principle) is .
A. a method of persuasion that links the product with a setting, a person, a cultural
concept, or a positive feeling
B. a theory that argues that people associate a product with the feeling they had the
first time they used it
C. the principle that higher-up associates in the advertising agency make fewer daily
D. the antipersuasion model of linear causality
E. the idea that advertisers need to downplay or hide their corporate identity behind a
Which of the following is true about HD radio?
A. It allows a radio station to broadcast several different formats simultaneously on the
same frequency it already uses.
B. It is the same thing as satellite radio.
C. It has been exploding in popularity, and consumer demand is outstripping the ability
of radio stations to keep up.
D. HD radio is an analog technology.
E. It was developed in the 1950s but kept from the public for decades by business
The term flack .
A. is a derogatory term coined by journalists to describe PR agents
B. is a derogatory term coined by PR professionals to describe their clients
C. is a derogatory term coined by PR professionals to describe journalists
D. is a derogatory term coined by journalists to describe the people that PR agents
E. None of the options is correct.
The most popular MMORPG is__________ .
A. Club Penguin
B. World of Warcraft
C. Second Life
D. Webkinz
E. Rock Band
Elvis Presley was filmed only from the waist up in his third appearance on the Ed
Sullivan Show because__________.
A. his left leg was in a cast
B. some critics considered his hip movements lascivious
C. another singer complained that Presley had stolen his dance routine
D. the public demanded to see Presley's face close up
E. None of the above options is correct.
Which of the following is true about early major Hollywood studio heads like Adolph
A. They allowed independent, smaller filmmakers to thrive because of their own
experiences fighting the opposition and control of Thomas Edison and the Trust.
B. They struggled because of stiff competition from European filmmakers following
World War I.
C. They tried to give actors and directors a great deal of choice about the kinds and
numbers of films to make.
D. They believed that the three main areas of the movie businessproduction,
distribution, and exhibitionshould be handled by separate companies.
E. None of the above options is correct.
Which of the following is one of the WPP Group's top competitors?
A. Omnicom
B. Ogilvy & Mather
C. Wieden & Kennedy
D. Peterson Milla Hooks
E. None of the above options is correct.
_________is the second step in the critical process. It involves discovering significant
patterns that emerge from the description stage.
The average magazine contains about 45 percent ad copy and 55 percent editorial
is the legal right of authors and producers to own and control the use of their
published or unpublished writing, music, and lyrics; TV programs and movies; or
graphic art designs.
No media existed prior to the coming of the electronic era in the nineteenth century.
In advertising and public relations, is a communication strategy that tries
to manipulate public opinion to gain support for a special issue, program, or policy,
such as a nation's war effort.
Throughout radio's early historyfrom the 1920s through the 1940sadvertisers exercised
very little control over program content.
RCA delayed the deployment of FM radio for many decades because it was more
concerned with the development of television.
Ivy Ledbetter Lee, one of the founders of public relations and often dubbed "Poison
Ivy," actually believed that honesty and directness were better than deception in public
In libel law, refers to a reckless disregard for the truth, such as when a
reporter or an editor knows that a statement is false and prints or airs it anyway.
Movie attendance began a sharp decline in the 1940s mostly because of television.
Audience measurement isn"t particularly useful to advertisers because it only tells them
how many people are watching a particular program, not what kind of people.
Amazon is the world's largest e-commerce store.
ISP stands for Internet __________ provider.
The model for journalism and speech places control in the hands of an
enlightened government, which speaks for ordinary citizens and workers in order to
serve the common goals of the state.
Bookstore sales are dominated by one chain, .
Sometimes called the first integrationist music, rock and roll blurred all sorts of
cultural, class, and geographic boundaries.
HTML stands for "hypertext __________ language."

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