COM CM 79082

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 17
subject Words 3516
subject Authors Dan O'Hair, Dorothy Imrich Mullin, Mary Wiemann

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Proximity is a less important element of interpersonal attraction today than it was in the
A) True
B) False
The use of politically correct language is unanimously accepted in the discipline of
communication as a positive thing because it removes bias from language and helps
people communicate more clearly.
A) True
B) False
Process speeches require the speaker to demonstrate how to do or make something.
A) True
B) False
Telling your new coworker that you prefer the color blue to red would count as
self-disclosure but is not going to create much intimacy because it has so little depth.
A) True
B) False
It is ethical to use coercion to persuade an audience if the speaker's goal is in the
audience's best interest.
A) True
B) False
Conflict is a sign of an unhealthy relationship.
A) True
B) False
A speaker who plans the content, organization, and delivery of the speech in advance,
but does not write the speech out word for word, uses which speech delivery method?
A) manuscripted
B) memorized
C) impromptu
D) extemporaneous
The use of "we" talk is a sign that a relationship has entered the stable stage.
A) True
B) False
The tunnel sequence begins with broad, open-ended questions and then moves to
narrower, specific questions.
A) True
B) False
What is commonly referred to as "body language" is actually the observation of
_____________, or the way gestures and body movements send nonverbal messages.
A) kinesics
B) proxemics
C) oculesics
D) chronemics
Bill grew up in a small rural town where he and most of his classmates shared similar
ethnic, religious, and socioeconomic backgrounds. However, since he has gone away to
college, he has noticed that he is surrounded by people from many different
backgrounds. We would describe Bill's college environment as more _____ than the
town where he grew up.
A) cultural
B) diverse
C) ethnic
D) urban
Less cohesive groups are usually more effective than more cohesive groups because
there is less social loafing.
A) True
B) False
Emotional appeals can put an audience in a frame of mind in which they are more
receptive to logical and practical ways of dealing with the issue that has created the
A) True
B) False
The imagining functional competency refers to our ability to use language to play as
well as our ability to think ahead and anticipate what someone else might say.
A) True
B) False
It is a cultural myth that physical attraction plays an important role in interpersonal
A) True
B) False
The Elaboration Likelihood Model suggests that a persuasive speaker should ensure
that the way issues are presented to an audience is appropriate to their level of
A) True
B) False
Making direct eye contact with another person is considered to be a sign of interest and
respect throughout the world.
A) True
B) False
Stereotypes by definition are negative and unflattering.
A) True
B) False
The FCC has the authority to regulate all television content.
A) True
B) False
Andrew met his roommate Danny when they both joined the Independent Filmmakers
Club as freshmen, and they have a large group of mutual friends through that group.
More recently, Danny has joined a fraternity and has been inviting Andrew to join him
at the frat's parties and other events. Andrew has accepted a few invitations but feels
awkward at the fraternity events because he just doesn't identify with the other people
who attend. We would describe the filmmakers' club as Andrew's __________ and the
fraternity as a(n) _____________.
A) ingroup; outgroup
B) outgroup; ingroup
C) a-group; b-group
D) social group; antisocial group
When an interviewer begins with closed questions and then moves on to broad,
open-ended questions, he or she is using which organizational format?
A) funnel sequence
B) inverted funnel sequence
C) tunnel sequence
D) standard format
Reduced cognitive activity, inaccurate recall, and uncritical evaluation are all signs that
a state of _________ is challenging one's perception.
A) selective attention
B) undue influence
C) narrow perspective
D) mindlessness
The ability of one person, group, or organization to influence others and the manner in
which their relationships are conducted is called
A) control.
B) affiliation.
C) interdependence.
D) goal achievement.
Legitimate power comes from the information or knowledge that a leader possesses.
A) True
B) False
Which of the following would be considered mediated communication?
A) a telephone conversation
B) a text message
C) a television news broadcast
D) All of the options are correct.
Each main point should focus on two or three different ideas.
A) True
B) False
The opinion of a licensed clinical social worker on the top reasons that people in your
community become homeless would count as lay testimony.
A) True
B) False
Explanatory speeches usually delve deeper into a subject than a speech of description
A) True
B) False
According to the textbook, ethical speaking is usually characterized by all but one of
the following principles. Which one does not belong?
A) trustworthiness
B) respectfulness
C) enjoyment
D) responsibility
The cognitive language you use about someone or something else affects your
experiences with them.
A) True
B) False
Brad is thought of as a valuable member of his presentation group. During their
meetings, he is usually the one who keeps the group members focused on the task they
are trying to accomplish rather than becoming sidetracked by gossip or irrelevant
details. We would describe Brad as which type of listener?
A) people-oriented
B) action-oriented
C) management-oriented
D) time-oriented
Which argumentative fallacy involves the speaker providing a bit of irrelevant evidence
to support his or her argument, thereby diverting the direction of the argument?
A) begging the question
B) red herring
C) bandwagoning
D) slippery slope
Including jargon and other technical language the audience doesn't understand in a
speech is an effective way of building credibility on the subject and usually inspires an
audience to want to learn more about the subject.
A) True
B) False
A speaker who omits certain sounds in a word, runs words together, and speaks so
softly that a listener can hardly hear what he or she is saying is guilty of what
articulation problem?
List four strategies for grabbing an audience's attention at the beginning of a speech.
In your own words, what is the difference between a masculine and a feminine culture?
Describe the five steps in the cognitive and behavioral components of the listening
process. Using a detailed narrative example, illustrate what a communicator would be
doing at each of the five stages.
Briefly describe a time when your unintentional behavior contradicted your intentional
How does listening differ in mediated contexts versus face-to-face interactions?
Synthesizing what you learned about how to listen well to accomplish each of the four
listening goals, as well as how to overcome various listening barriers, what advice
would you give to someone who wants to improve his or her listening ability when
talking on the phone or using other communication technology?
Define communication apprehension.
Describe the organizational patterns that work well for persuasive speeches. What
advice would you give to a speaker to help determine whether each particular pattern
would work well for his or her speech?
How does culture influence the ways in which people approach conflict management?
Using a brief narrative example, illustrate how your culture has shaped the way conflict
is managed within your family.
Imagine you find yourself frustrated by your roommate, who has a markedly lower
standard of cleanliness than you do. You're frustrated lately that the kitchen and
bathroom are disgustingly dirty, and you have decided to sit down for a
problem-solving interview with your roommate. Provide an example of a loaded
question you would not want to ask during this interview.
When communicating with another person about a conflict, it is best to focus on the
______ and try to find a ___________.
Define bonding as it is discussed as a part of the stable stage of relationship
development, and provide an example of how you have communicated bonding with
one of your friends or with a romantic partner.
Using one of your experiences, provide a brief example of a time when someone's
nonverbal behavior contradicted his or her verbal message, and you found the
nonverbal message to be more believable.
When it has no bearing on job performance and is not a legitimate criterion for ethical
decision making, it is unethical to ask questions about certain kinds of information.
What are three of the criteria it would be discriminatory to base a hiring decision upon
in the United States?
Define oculesics and provide an example of how someone would use it to
Describe the fundamental attribution error.
Why is the use of abstract language described as a language problem? Why and how
would someone intentionally use abstract language to accomplish his or her
communication goals?
Shawna grew up in a poor inner-city neighborhood but has recently moved to pursue
her undergraduate degree at a prestigious university. She's an intelligent woman and
works very hard to earn good grades in all of her classesshe was a star among her high
school peers. Unfortunately, she finds that many of her professors at the university
dismiss her questions and comments in class because of her language usethey just don't
seem to understand what she's saying or to recognize the intelligence and insight behind
what she offers. Synthesizing what you have learned throughout this chapter, what
would you say to Shawna to help her understand the linguistic challenge she has
encountered? What can Shawna do to manage this communication problem?
Reflecting on your own experiences, explain and illustrate how interacting with others
from different ethnic, racial, religious, or cultural backgrounds has helped you to
understand your own culture more clearly and be a more competent intercultural

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