COM CM 71075

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 15
subject Words 1875
subject Authors Bettina Fabos, Christopher R. Martin, Richard Campbell

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Which of the following does not fall into the category of pop music?
A) Rock
B) Country
C) Classical
D) Hip-hop
E) Blues
Specialized magazines were published in America throughout the nineteenth century.
A) True
B) False
Which radio program panicked listeners on Halloween eve in 1938?
A) The Shadow
B) The Green Hornet
C) Amos 'n' Andy
D) War of the Worlds
E) None of the above options is correct.
Which one of the following statements about media convergence is not true?
A) Consumers can now access television shows, newspapers, and books on their
B) Convergence took off at the same time as the rise of the personal computer industry
in the 1970s.
C) Consumers now have the ability to access Internet-distributed content through their
television sets.
D) Consumers often use more than one device to access media content.
E) All of the options are correct.
The ______ extended privacy protection to computer-stored data and the Internet.
A) Privacy Act of 1974
B) Miller v. California case of 1973
C) USA PATRIOT Act of 2001
D) Electronic Communications Privacy Act of 1986
E) All of the options are correct.
In scriptwriting terminology, the discourse is how the story is told.
A) True
B) False
An airing of the television show Friends on Fox at 6:30 P.M. is an example of ______.
A) off-network syndication
B) first-run syndication
C) video-on-demand
D) an O & O
E) hybrid syndication
Until 2009, the best-selling video game of all time was Super Mario Bros.
A) True
B) False
All five digital media conglomerates are weak in the area of ______.
A) e-commerce
B) search consoles
C) hardware devices
D) media narratives
E) social media
The disassociation corollary in advertising plays off the public's skepticism regarding
large, impersonal corporations.
A) True
B) False
By 2014, about how many apps were available for Apple devices?
A) 35,000
B) 100,000
C) 375,000
D) 750,000
E) 1,100,000
The Singing Fool was a big commercial disappointment, and demonstrated that movie
fans were not ready for talking pictures.
A) True
B) False
Online advertising has taken the form of ______.
A) banner ads that lead across the top or side of a Web page
B) pop-under ads
C) interstitials and flash multimedia
D) paid search engine advertising
E) All of the options are correct.
Media historian James Carey defined communication as ______.
A) "an exchange of verbal or nonverbal symbols between individuals or groups"
B) "a symbolic process whereby reality is produced, maintained, repaired, and
C) "the gathering of a middle class to critically discuss the world around them"
D) "a strict set of rules governing how different social classes interact"
E) All of the options are correct.
Most of the money earned from the sale of a CD goes to the royalties paid to the artist.
A) True
B) False
The best example of enduring games is the ______ series created by Nintendo mainstay
Shigeru Miyamoto in 1983.
A) Pong
B) Super Mario Bros.
C) Pac-Man
D) Just Dance
E) Halo
Which of the following would be okay for a journalist to accept from a news source and
still avoid a conflict of interest?
A) A train ride
B) A meal
C) Box seats for a baseball game
D) A promise of greater access to an important figure in exchange for positive stories
E) None of the options is correct.
Which of the following is not one of the original five major studios that once dominated
the film business?
B) Warner Brothers
C) Paramount
D) Disney
E) Twentieth Century Fox
The Top 40 format refers to the forty most popular hits in a given week as measured by
record sales.
A) True
B) False
From the perspective of myth analysis, the primary purpose of most contemporary
consumer advertising is to ______.
A) provide price information
B) compare the product with its competitors
C) describe the product's ingredients
D) reassure buyers that using brand-name products will help them deal with their
tensions and problems
E) None of the above options is correct.
Which of the following is a benefit of placing press releases, social media releases,
VNRs, images, executive bios, and other information on a company Web site?
A) It prevents the public from getting too interested in a company.
B) It helps the company keep its information private.
C) It removes some of the barriers between an organization and the groups that PR
professionals ultimately want to reach.
D) It leads to less press coverage in the event of a company PR crisis.
E) All of the options are correct.
For each number under General Questions, fill in a letter.
A. Income
B. Divides consumers into types
C. Propaganda Technique in the World War
D. "The real thing"
E. Investigative journalism pioneer
F. Public Opinion
G. Former president Richard Nixon
H. Ivy Ledbetter Lee
I. United Arab Emirates
K. Pseudo-event
L. Crystallizing Public Opinion
M. Galvanometers
Daniel Boorstin
The Birth of a Nation (1915) was very controversial when it premiered because of its
glorification of the Ku Klux Klan.
A) True
B) False
What is an example of earned mediaon the Internet?
A) The money advertisers earn from selling online ads
B) A paid advertisement on Facebook
C) A click-through advertisement
D) A Facebook user endorsing a product or company by clicking "Like"
E) A blogger who earns pay and gifts for endorsing a product
Pinball gained mainstream acceptance and popularity after World War II with the
addition of the ______.
A) cathode ray tube
B) Kinetoscope
C) television
D) flipper bumper
E) penny arcade
Today, online encyclopedias are struggling because people prefer to use search engines
such as Google or sources like Wikipedia to find information.
A) True
B) False
Guglielmo Marconi envisioned wireless telegraphy only as point-to-point
communication and not as a one-to-many mass medium.
A) True
B) False
Compared with most other nations, the United States has ______ freedom of speech,
religious tolerance, and press freedom.
A) a little less
B) a little more
C) a lot more
D) a lot less
E) about the same
The notion of the press working as the Fourth Estate, or as watchdog over the
government, is contained in which model of speech and expression?
A) Authoritarian
B) Communist (or state)
C) Libertarian
D) Social responsibility
E) Antiquarian
Which of the following is true about the magazine Sports Illustrated?
A) It is an example of a general-interest magazine.
B) It is never criticized for its annual swimsuit edition.
C) It is never credited with major investigative reporting.
D) It was originally aimed at well educated, middle-class men.
E) It originally promoted its content as "humanized geography."
According to the textbook, the high-low model of culture limits the way we look at and
discuss culture today.
A) True
B) False
A. Attitudes, beliefs, interests, motivations
B. Age, gender, occupation, ethnicity, education, income
C. Small-group interviews about a product or issue
1) Demographics
2) Psychographics
3) Focus groups
The first home television game, called Odyssey, was developed by ______.
A) Ralph Baer
B) Nolan Bushnell
C) Magnavox
D) Thomas T. Goldsmith and Estle Ray Mann
E) Shigeru Miyamoto
The purpose of antitrust laws is to encourage diversity and competition in the
A) True
B) False
A war among vinyl recording disk formats in the late 1940s and early 1950s resulted in
the 45-rpm record format being used exclusively for the release of album music
A) True
B) False
_______________________ attempts to make the news more scientifically accurate by
using poll surveys and questionnaires.
The _________________________ set the stage for the coming wonders of the movies.
An underlying value held by many U.S. journalists and citizens,
_________________________ pastoralism favors the small over the large and the rural
over the urban.
O & Os refer to TV stations that are ______________________ by networks.
The hypodermic-needle model is sometimes also called the magic
_______________________ theory.
In media research, the ________________________ is the idea that heavy television
viewing leads individuals to perceive reality in ways that are consistent with the
portrayals they see on television.
The nine screenwriters and one film director subpoenaed by the House Un-American
Activities Committee (HUAC), known as the ______________________, were sent to
prison in the late 1940s.
The _________________________ is a private, nonprofit corporation created by
Congress in 1967.
The telegraph was the first media development to break the connection between
transportation and ____________________.
________________________ is the kind of research method used in the Bobo doll
The increasingly social nature of video games has made them a natural fit for
The Kindle Fire and iPad are examples of touchscreen _________________________.
A graphic interactive "character" situated within the world of a game is called a(n)
By the 1920s, Paramount, MGM, Warner Brothers, Twentieth Century Fox, and RKO
were known as the ______________________.
_________________________ refers to the merging of print and broadcast news with
online news.
A persuasive technique that tries to distance the product from a large manufacturer or
parent company is called the ____________________.
The phenomenon whereby audiences seek messages and meanings that correspond to
their preexisting beliefs and values is called ____________________.

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