COM CM 33195

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 23
subject Words 2518
subject Authors Ronald B. Adler, Russell F. Proctor II

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Some lies are designed to make the relationship grow.
Judging others because of cultural differences may negatively effect our
communication with them.
Self-disclosure must be frequent to be effective.
Suppressing your emotions is never appropriate or constructive.
Managing your identity can be useful when you are meeting someone at a party for the
first time.
Scientists use the term paralanguage to describe nonverbal messages conveyed by the
According to your text, some researchers claim that over 90 percent of the emotional
impact of a message comes from nonverbal sources.
After using the "Pillow Method" you should typically conclude that the issue being
considered is not important enough to worry about.
New employees tend to be more satisfied with and committed to their jobs when
helpful information is plentiful.
Your text claims that there is nothing wrong with the generalizations we make, using
our organization constructs, as long as they are accurate.
Since collectivist cultures pay more attention to nonverbal behaviors, they are better at
expressing both positive and negative emotions.
Signals of deception are called leakage.
Partners make fewer straightforward requests in the integrating stage than they did in
earlier relational stages.
In an intimate-nonaggressive pattern, the parties avoid conflicts and each other instead
of facing issues head-on.
Analyzing can be one way to help a speaker consider alternative meanings.
Most Western cultures have what is called a collective identity.
As the text points out, your goal should be to become a perfect communicator.
Emblems are nonverbal behaviors that have the same meaning to all members of a
particular culture or co-culture.
The text approach to minimizing debilitative emotions is a form of reappraisal.
In many instances, the use of touch increases liking and boosts compliance.
It rarely matters what channel to use when expressing an emotion (phone, e-mail, etc.)
as long as you express yourself clearly and honestly.
Asking for more information from your critics as a way to respond nondefensively
means you need to be prepared to accept the comments.
Listening fidelity refers to the degree of congruence between what a listener
understands and what the message-sender was attempting to communicate.
Paralanguage can influence the way a speaker is perceived by others.
Low-level abstract language can lead to blanket judgments and stereotyping.
The social penetration model represents both the breadth and the depth of your
self-disclosure with another person.
According to your text, unhappy spouses are more likely than happy ones to make
negative interpretations of their mates' behavior.
Accenting nonverbal behaviors match the thoughts and emotions the communicator is
expressing verbally.
It is possible to recognize paralinguistic messages, even if you don't understand the
language being spoken.
Messages about status can be conveyed through clothing and chronemics.
Too much communication can have negative outcomes.
People with especially high or low self-esteem find "perfect" people more attractive
than people who are competent but flawed.
Of the following, what is not considered a benefit of self-disclosure?
A. self-validation
B. catharsis
C. identity management
D. reciprocity
E. increased likeability
Which is the best helping paraphrase response to the following statement? "My boss
keeps kidding me about how we should have an affair. I don't know what to do.
Sometimes I think he's just joking, and sometimes I think it's a real proposition."
A. "Either way it's sexual harassment, which is illegal. You shouldn't let him get away
with it!"
B. "So you can't figure out his motives, is that it?"
C. "You sound upset by this."
D. "You sound worried and confused because you're not sure if he's coming on to you
or not?"
E. "That's a common problem these days. I can see why you're upset, and I don't blame
Your text tells you that you should
A. express all your emotions to your friends.
B. try to recognize your emotions.
C. be glad you have debilitative emotions.
D. express only positive emotions.
E. stop being so emotional.
If a female employee is unsure how to interpret her older male boss's statement, "You
look very nice in that sweater," it would be because of
A. semantic rules.
B. syntactic rules.
C. pragmatic rules.
D. abstract language.
E. relative words.
"Why don't you go ahead and visit your friends without me this weekend. I'll stick
around and catch up on my studies." This statement typifies which relational stage?
A. integrating
B. differentiating
C. bonding
D. terminating
E. intensifying
One experiment determined that the average lie rate was
A. 3 fibs for every 10 minutes of conversation.
B. 5 fibs for every 10 minutes of conversation.
C. 7 fibs for every 10 minutes of conversation.
D. 1 fib for every 5 minutes of conversation.
E. 10 fibs for every 15 minutes of conversation.
What health threats can result from a lack of close relationships?
A. more likely to experience a higher rate of accidents
B. more susceptible to the common cold
C. more likely to die prematurely
D. b and c
E. All of the above
A cognitively complex communicator
A. considers an issue from several angles.
B. feels and experiences another's situation.
C. usually has a high IQ.
D. observes behavior with detachment.
E. thinks and reacts quickly.
Giving only the appearance of being attentive is termed
A. pseudolistening.
B. selective listening.
C. defensive listening.
D. insensitive listening.
E. fake listening.
Members of an individualistic culture like the United States
A. disclose the same no matter what group is being disclosed to.
B. rarely show emotions.
C. are not considered very romantic.
D. act more familiar with strangers and disclose more personal information.
E. shy away from public displays of affection.
People who are high self-monitors
A. are much more aware of their impression management behavior than others.
B. express what they feel without paying much attention to the impression their
behavior creates.
C. are usually bad actors.
D. are not usually good "people readers."
E. are easier to "read" than low self-monitors.
A 'significant other" is best defined as
A. a powerful adult.
B. a person who has affected one's self-concept.
C. a totally supportive person.
D. an extremely negative influence.
E. all of the above.
You've just delivered a speech to your classmates which none of them liked very much.
According to your text, which of the following is the response you are most likely to
hear when you ask them how you did?
A. "You did a great job."
B. "I'm nervous about my speech tomorrow."
C. "I don't think it was a very good speech."
D. "You made some interesting points."
E. None of these answers are correct.
A couple on their second marriage each share many feelings with each other, but they
keep most details of their previous marriages private. They are managing the
openness-privacy dialectic with the strategy of
A. denial
B. alternation
C. segmentation
D. balance
E. recalibration
"I don't think you're telling the truth" is an example of self-disclosure at which of the
following levels?
A. cliché
B. fact
C. opinion
D. feeling
E. interpretation
The Johari Window is an important device to help explore the role
A. coding plays in communication.
B. interpretation plays in clarifying understanding.
C. feedback plays in negative relationships.
D. self-disclosure plays in communication.
E. affection needs play in strong relationships.
We are often attracted to people who
A. we find physically attractive
B. are different but can satisfy our needs.
C. are similar to us.
D. we interact with frequently.
E. All of these choices are true.
Of the following statements, which most accurately describes the part gender plays in
conflict style?
A. Gender is less important in determining conflict style than the behavior of the other
person in the conflict.
B. Research indicates that the stereotype of women as passive is nearly 90% accurate.
C. There are virtually no discernible differences between the conflict styles of men and
D. When actual behaviors are observed, women are more likely to withdraw from
discussion issues than men are.
E. All of these answers are correct.
One study of 195 critical incidents in banking and medical settings showed that a major
difference between effective and ineffective listening was
A. how well the message was understood.
B. how easy it was to remember the message.
C. whether the message was of importance to the listener.
D. whether the message could be remembered.
E. the kind of feedback offered.
"The Look of a Victim" story in this chapter points out that victims of assault may set
themselves up as easy targets because of
A. their friendly facial expressions.
B. the way they walk.
C. their hairstyles.
D. eye contact with the attacker.
E. All of these choices are correct
Which of the following would not be considered a co-culture?
A. senior citizen
B. a person who uses a wheel chair
C. construction worker
D. Muslim
E. All of the above are considered co-cultures.
All of the following are true about nonverbal communication except:
A. Nonverbal communication is universal for all cultures.
B. Nonverbal communication may function to contradict verbal messages.
C. Nonverbal communication is more ambiguous than verbal communication.
D. Nonverbal signals are much more powerful than verbal messages when they are
delivered at the same time.
E. Nonverbal messages aren't as deliberate as verbal messages.
"We" language
A. may accomplish the goals of "I" language and sound less egotistical.
B. should be avoided when expressing personal feelings and thoughts.
C. can signal closeness and cohesiveness with others.
D. can offend another person in some circumstances.
E. All of these choices are correct
Norman and Fredrick seem to argue all the time. Coworkers describe the two as
hotheads, but recognize that the two men seem to like sparring and are very close
friends. Their conflict style is best described as
A. nonintimate-aggressive.
B. nonintimate-nonaggressive.
C. intimate-aggressive.
D. intimate-nonaggressive.
All of the following are major indicators of a committed romantic relationship except
A. providing affection
B. maintaining integrity
C. create a relational future
D. making an effort to not over-communicate
E. creating a positive relational atmosphere
Communicators who want to show affiliation with one another adapt their speech
A. rate of talking.
B. choice of vocabulary.
C. number of pauses.
D. level of politeness.
E. All of these choices are correct.
When Mary meets Ted at a party, she asks him what he does for a living. This is an
example of classifying people by
A. appearance.
B. psychological traits.
C. membership.
D. social role.
E. interaction style.
The process of using questioning and paraphrasing messages is a type of
A. linear communication.
B. insensitive listening.
C. selective perception.
D. defensive behavior.
E. perception checking.
Sue listens carefully to her instructor as he discusses the upcoming exam since she
hopes to get an A. This illustrates what step in the listening process?
A. hearing
B. attending
C. understanding
D. responding
E. remembering
Psychological devices that resolve dissonance by maintaining a positive presenting
image are called
A. reaction formations.
B. confirming responses.
C. defense mechanisms.
D. self-fulfilling prophecies.
E. climate adjusters.
Students who were shown interior home photos accurately identified that the homes
A. the homeowners' politeness
B. the homeowners' tenseness
C. the homeowners' artistic interests
D. family orientations
E. All of these choices are correct
A culture is unavoidably shaped and reflected by the language its members speak. This
concept is
A. high-context culture.
B. low-context culture.
C. cultural anthropology.
D. cognitive determinism.
E. linguistic relativism.
All of the following are ineffective listening styles mentioned in the text except
A. ambushing.
B. insulated listening.
C. stage hogging.
D. pseudolistening.
E. signal listening.
According to your text, advice is
A. only to be used when paraphrasing fails.
B. helpful when it is correct or accurate.
C. best when preceded by your analysis of a situation.
D. actually unhelpful at least as often as it is helpful.
E. less helpful than either supporting or judging response styles.
You think Erin is "arrogant." Your friend thinks she has a lot of 'self-confidence." An
argument over who is right would revolve around
A. syntactic rules.
B. relative terms.
C. emotive language.
D. sequential placement.
E. linguistic determinism.

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