COM CM 29434

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 16
subject Words 2181
subject Authors Christopher R. Martin, Richard Campbell

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What do the Nintendo Wii and Xbox Kinect have in common?
A. They use various methods of motion detection as part of controlling the video game.
B. They are examples of using interactive technology to attract nongamers.
C. They require a gamer to move around more than game systems with traditional
D. They provide a much more immersive gaming experience.
E. All of the options are correct.
Which of the following is a characteristic of the shift from an industrial to an
information economy?
A. A change in focus from mass production to niche markets
B. A movement from global to local markets
C. A movement from office work to factory and industrialized production
D. An emphasis on laborers rather than service workers
E. All of the options are correct.
The notion of the press working as the Fourth Estate, or as watchdog over the
government, is contained in which model of speech and expression?
A. Authoritarian
B. Communist (or state)
C. Libertarian
D. Social responsibility
E. Antiquarian
Which line of research helps to explain why Midwesterners started to rank shark attacks
as a problem after the 1975 release of the movie Jawsand its subsequent press
A. Cultivation effect
B. Agenda-setting
C. Spiral of silence
D. Textual analysis
E. Social learning theory
Which of the following boundaries did rock and roll not blur in the 1950s?
A. The country and the city
B. Sacred and secular
C. Masculinity and femininity
D. North and South
E. Old and young
In 1828, Sarah Josepha Hale started the first magazine directed exclusively to a female
audience, called .
A. Godey's Ladies Book
C. Youth's Companion
D. Ladies' Magazine
E. Ladies' Home Journal
Which of the following is a benefit of placing press releases, social media releases,
VNRs, images, executive bios, and other information on a company Web site?
A. It prevents the public from getting too interested in a company.
B. It helps the company keep its information private.
C. It removes some of the barriers between an organization and the groups that PR
professionals ultimately want to reach.
D. It leads to less press coverage in the event of a company PR crisis.
E. All of the options are correct.
A. 1910s
B. 1920s
C. 1950s
D. 1990s
E. 2000s
1) Drive-ins
2) Movie palaces
3) Live band
4) Megaplexes
5) Cinerama and CinemaScope
6) Stadium-style seating
Which of the following is a theory that contends that people who believe they hold
minority opinions on controversial issues tend to keep silent for fear of social isolation?
A. Cultivation effect
B. Agenda-setting
C. Social learning
D. Textual analysis
E. Spiral of silence
Mystis an example of a typically nonconfrontational __________game.
A. adventure
B. action
C. role-playing
D. strategy
E. casual
Which of the following is not an element of vertical integration in the movie industry?
A. Syndication
B. Distribution
C. Production
D. Exhibition
E. All of the options are elements.
Which of the following have instant books been accused of?
A. Shoddy binding and paper quality
B. Giving too much historical perspective on events
C. Being too similar to made-for-TV movies
D. Exploiting tragedies for quick profits
E. None of the above options is correct.
In 1976, Congress extended the copyright period to .
A. fifteen years
B. fifty years, or seventy-five years for a corporate copyright owner
C. the life of the author plus twenty-five years
D. the life of the author plus fifty years, or seventy-five years for a corporate copyright
E. None of the above options is correct.
The targeted audience of public relations is .
A. consumers and the general public
B. shareholders
C. company employees
D. government agencies
E. All of the options are correct.
Which development was a consequence of the quiz-show scandal?
A. The patent pool was declared a monopoly and dismantled.
B. The networks couldn"t keep control over programming, and the sponsors became the
sole authority.
C. Quiz-show hosts were no longer allowed to have stock in the company.
D. Quiz-show contestants had to be vetted by the show's sponsors first.
E. None of the above options is correct.
A journalist who practices an informational or modern model approach to journalism
would most likely be inclined to focus a story about a crime spree around .
A. presenting official comments and statistics in a neutral manner
B. taking an advocacy stance
C. condemning the criminals involved
D. acknowledging his or her own point of view
E. None of the above options is correct.
Ivy Ledbetter Lee told John D. Rockefeller Sr. to hand out to children
whenever he was in public; this positively transformed his image in the wake of the
A. candy/Standard Oil
B. nickels/Standard Oil
C. dimes/Ludlow
D. quarters/Standard Oil
E. pennies/Fordham
Which invention brought the Internet to mass audiences?
A. Web browsers
B. Search engines
C. 56K modems
D. E-mail
E. Computer bulletin boards
Digital games evolved from their simplest forms in the arcade into which of the
following formats?
A. Television
B. The Internet
C. Handheld devices
D. Computers
E. All of the options are correct.
A. PR message to gain support for a special issue or cause
B. PR resembling a TV news story
C. Broadcast-style press release for nonprofit organization
D. PR written in the style of a news report
Which of the following is true about the relationship between the movie and publishing
A. The film industry rarely turns to the publishing industry for ideas because books are
seen as an outdated mode of communication.
B. Publishers and authors are often cheated out of huge movie rights revenues for
film adaptations of novels.
C. The film industry will adapt graphic novels or comic books, but not fiction or
D. Publishers pay movie studios huge amounts of money to have their books adapted
into movies.
E. None of the options is correct.
A form of Internet identity theft involving phony e-mail messages asking customers to
update their credit card numbers, account passwords, and other personal information is
A. spamming
B. data-mining
C. targeting
D. open sourcing
E. phishing
A cultural approach to understanding mass communication__________.
A. is easier to understand because it outlines a linear flow of information from sender to
B. argues that gatekeepers decide which information and messages flow to the audience
C. argues that diverse audiences will interpret the same information differently
D. argues that diverse audiences interpret information in the same way
E. None of the above options is correct.
VHS outsold the technically superior Betamax videocassette format because
A. the recorders cost less
B. VHS offered more tape space and could record longer programs
C. more money was spent advertising the VHS format than the Betamax
D. consumers couldn"t tell the difference between the two formats
E. All of the options are correct.
In advertising , coordinate the views and needs of clients, the creative team,
and consumers to create an overall marketing strategy.
A. writers
B. space brokers
C. account planners
D. media doctors
E. media buyers
By 2012, about how many apps were available for Apple devices?
A. 30,000
B. 100,000
C. 300,000
D. 750,000
E. 1,000,000
Which of the following are specific groups of readers targeted by specialized
A. African Americans
B. Asian Americans
C. Native Americans
D. Hispanics
E. All of the options are correct.
Buffalo Bill's publicity agent, John Burke, used to promote Bill's Wild
West show.
A. newspaper stories
B. dime novels
C. movies
D. poster art
E. All of the options are correct.
An airing of the television show Friends on Fox at 6:30 P.M. is an example
of __________
A. off-network syndication
B. first-run syndication
C. video-on-demand
D. an O & O
E. hybrid syndication
Which of the following technologies did not cause major changes in the radio industry?
A. Television
B. The Internet
C. The transistor
D. FM transmitters
E. The telegraph
Which of the following does the textbook associate with postmodern culture?
A. The ColbertReport
B. The New York Times
C. The Gutenberg Bible
D. Aldous Huxley's Brave New World
E. None of the above options is correct.
Which of the following did not have an impact on Hollywood in the postwar era (late
1940s, 1950s)?
A. HUAC and the Hollywood Ten
B. The Paramount decision
C. The mass egress to the suburbs
D. Television
E. The rise of nickelodeons
What point was the newspaper motto "It does not soil the breakfast cloth" trying to
A. The paper had developed special ink that wouldn"t smudge.
B. Paper carriers were instructed to avoid throwing the morning paper in mud puddles.
C. It was going to focus on sensational and even manufactured stories.
D. It would be an evening edition paper, and so would be read after supper.
E. Its news stories would be less sensational and more matter-of-fact.
An adult trade book is .
A. a novel of a pornographic nature
B. any hardbound or paperback book, fiction or nonfiction, aimed at the general adult
C. a type of book that targets various occupational groups and is not intended for the
general consumer market
D. a type of book typically used in the classroom setting as students learn about a
specific topic
E. in the category of books that includes dictionaries, encyclopedias, and almanacs
The first public relations practitioners were theatrical press agents who staged stunts to
get newspaper coverage for their clients.
A communication satellite that is in geosynchronous orbit circles the earth at the same
speed at which the earth revolves on its axis.
The senders of messages often have little control over how their messages will be
Specialized magazines outside the mainstream publish information and viewpoints for
readers not served by other media channels.
The Kindle Fire and iPad are examples of touchscreen__________.
Some of the most influential magazines of the nineteenth century were targeted at
Under a cash-plus syndication deal, a TV station pays less for a popular syndicated
show than it would under a straight cash deal.
The Miller v. California case established a national standard for obscenity that is the
same for all communities in the United States.
The increasingly social nature of video games has made them a natural fit
for __________
The perspective in strategy games is first-person.
Most forms of culture demonstrate multiple tendencies; for example, a film could be
both conventional and innovative.
The deregulation movement returned media economics to nineteenth-century principles.
In media law, is the defamation of character in written or broadcast
Bing Crosby established himself as one of the first__________ , or singers of pop
The public journalism movement asks reporters to remain detached from their
communities and avoid involvement that could reveal a point of view.
The earliest public relations practitioner was the , who sought to advance
a client's image through media exposure.
Libel is a right guaranteed by the First Amendment.

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