COM CM 15859

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 17
subject Words 4038
subject Authors Barbara G. Shwom, Lisa G. Snyder

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In its annual survey of corporate recruiters, the Graduate Management Admissions
Council routinely finds that ________ tops employers' list of complaints about potential
MBA job recruits.
A) lack of communication ability
B) inability to solve problems
C) poor cognitive skills
D) unfamiliarity with new channels of sales
E) over reliance on technology and social media
Which of the following logical fallacies involves offering as evidence statements such
as "everybody knows"?
A) an appeal to popular opinion
B) an ad hominem attack
C) a false dilemma
D) a false analogy
E) a red herring
In which of the following situations is a hyperlink least likely to be used?
A) to access a detailed appendix slide containing information your audience might ask
B) to launch a slide from another presentation
C) to move linearly through your presentation, without any detours
D) to link to a website you discuss in your presentation
E) to present the slides in your presentation out of order
Melinda is talking to her supervisor, suggesting that they implement a new process for
their department. While Melinda is speaking, her boss is fidgeting in his seat and
glances at his watch several times. When Melinda asks what he thinks, he stands up and
walks out of the door saying, "Sure, sure. It sounds fine. Let's talk later." As an active
listener Melinda ________.
A) will interpret this as an unequivocal acceptance of her suggestion
B) will understand that they will have to work out the details but her suggestion is
definitely approved
C) will perceive that her boss was in a hurry and that they will likely need to revisit this
D) will understand that he was anxious to leave the room because he disliked her idea
so much
E) will understand by his nonverbal cues that he has rejected her idea
You want to share some important bad news with one of your clients in a way that does
not seem impersonal or evasive. Which of the following would be the best choice in this
A) text message
C) news letter
D) email
E) website
Which of the following tasks would require a proposal?
A) to persuade your manager to approve your leave
B) to persuade a retailer to repair damage not covered under your warranty
C) to persuade your boss to approve a project
D) to persuade a retailer to provide you a discount
E) to persuade your friend to lend you some money
Which of the following must be avoided regarding references?
A) including references in the main body of the résumé
B) providing professional references on a separate page
C) formatting the references in the same style as the résumé
D) including previous employers under professional references
E) using personal titles like Mr. or Dr. for the references.
Which of the following is an appropriate tip to be followed by men while dressing for
an interview?
A) Ensure that your belt is in contrast with your shoes.
B) Wear both belt and suspenders.
C) Ensure that your shoes are much lighter than your suit.
D) Avoid wearing any jewelry other than a watch and a wedding ring or class ring.
E) Avoid wearing dark colored shoes.
Which of the following is true about corporate culture?
A) It is reflected in the company's atmosphere, attitudes, values and behaviors.
B) Corporate culture of a company cannot be assessed during an interview with the
company because the interview gives you a very short time period which is not
sufficient for assessing the culture.
C) Corporate culture is typically reflected in the profits of a company.
D) Companies do not represent their corporate culture on their website.
E) The way the employees dress has nothing to do with a company's corporate culture.
Alec must make a presentation at an upcoming action interview. If he is not assigned a
specific topic by his contact at the company, it would be best for him to ________.
A) select a topic he is personally interested in
B) search online for "case interview" resources and use one of the topics he finds online
C) give a presentation on the history of the company
D) ask his contact if there is a particular problem or issue facing the company and
research that
E) borrow an idea from a friend who has prepared for a similar interview
Which of the following is an example of an internal source?
A) a newspaper
B) an industry journal
C) a memo from your supervisor
D) web-based search tools
E) experts from other companies
Which of the following terms refers to the documents distributed to the audience during
or after a presentation?
A) handouts
B) memorandums
C) codicils
D) whitepapers
E) meeting minutes
Which of the following is NOT expected by your audience?
A) a response to an RFP
B) a solicited proposal
C) an unsolicited proposal
D) a competitive proposal
E) a noncompetitive proposal
Establishing ________ means showing that you have the ability to deliver what you
A) feasibility
B) agreeability
C) credibility
D) assimilability
E) adaptability
Which of the following statements is most clearly and concisely worded?
A) It is with sincere gratitude for your endeavors in averting a crisis that I send you this
B) Thank you for your help on this difficult assignment.
C) My gratefulness is boundless at your exertions in this.
D) I am eternally thankful for your efforts when the chips were down.
E) Mere thanks seem inadequate to convey what I feel for your help.
You are just back from Amsterdam where you had gone to attend a business conference.
Your manager asks you to send him a report which documents your activities and
indicates what you accomplished or learned during the conference. Your manager wants
you to prepare ________.
A) a progress report
B) a feasibility report
C) a trip report
D) a recommendation report
E) the minutes of the meeting
Which of the following statements best focuses on the audience benefits?
A) Please get me the data so I can start working on the forecasts.
B) I need you to give me the information that I asked you for.
C) If you get me that data by noon, you will get the results you need by the end of day.
D) You should call me back very soon since I'm leaving the office early today.
E) If you do me this favor, I will be able to get my project completed ahead of schedule.
Reggie wants to develop some transferrable skills related to programming which will
apply to his career goals. Which of the following would most likely help him to do so?
A) researching the details of IT positions in the Occupational Outlook Handbook
B) asking an acquaintance about her career experience in the IT field
C) thinking about whether he prefers working on his own or collaborating with others
D) learning about the educational requirements for specific IT positions
E) volunteering to design and manage websites for charitable organizations
A letter would be appropriate for which of the following situations?
A) sending the list of public holidays for the year to all employees
B) alerting employees that a flex-time schedule will go into effect
C) communicating news to a client
D) sending the project schedule to the team
E) dispatching the performance chart of the employees
Which of the following sections of a formal report contains detailed discussion that is
always organized with headings?
A) executive summary of the report
B) introduction to the report
C) body of the report
D) glossary of the report
E) bibliography of the report
After a job interview you decide to send a handwritten thank-you letter. This ________.
A) should be avoided as it is very time consuming
B) will signal to your interviewer that you are uncomfortable with technology
C) is inappropriate and you should send an email instead
D) should be sent by mail, if time allows
E) is too formal and you should send a text instead
Which of the following terms refers to an oversimplified image or generalization of a
A) quality circle
B) ethnocentrism
C) cultural stereotype
D) power distance
E) kizen group
The New Graduates' Workforce Readiness study found that many employers were
dissatisfied with the communication skills of their college-graduate employees. Which
of the following is one of the deficiencies specifically cited in this study?
A) following the company policies
B) leadership
C) work ethic
D) business planning
E) marketing skills
Which of the following statements is true regarding the subject line of a message?
A) In an indirect message, subject line should mention only the general purpose of the
B) A direct request message does not require a subject line.
C) An indirect message requires that the subject line should explicitly state the request.
D) The wording of the subject line is determined independent of whether the message is
direct or indirect.
E) In a direct message you should avoid explicitly stating the request in the subject line.
Why are bad-news messages challenging to compose?
A) They must be lengthy and vague to avoid legal consequences.
B) They require you to achieve a number of goals that are incompatible at first glance.
C) They make it impossible to maintain your audience's goodwill.
D) They force you to offend your audience.
E) They demand that you begin with the bad news, thus standing a good chance of
alienating your audience from the start.
Which of the following elements of a report contains information that would interrupt
the flow of the report but that readers may find useful?
A) executive summary
B) table of content
C) glossary
D) body of the report
E) appendix
________ refers to the principles you use to guide decision making, leading you to do
the right thing.
A) Adaptability
B) Ethics
C) Feedback
D) Context
E) Social media
Which of the following involves the use of a secondary source?
A) talking to the entry-level employees about why the duties are not being properly
B) surveying other companies who outsource the kinds of duties you are looking to
C) reading a journal article about the perceived versus actual cost effectiveness of
D) discussing the situation with your boss
E) speaking to outsourcing service providers about some options
Which would be the best way to persuade your boss to implement a flex-time schedule
in your office?
A) provide research that shows that this arrangement is workable and often results in
increased productivity
B) give the boss the names of the employees who would be interested in working a
flex-time schedule
C) tell the boss how happy it would make you to have the flexibility to accommodate
your personal interests
D) inform the boss about the many leisure activities that employees would be able to
engage in if the flex-time schedule were implemented
E) tell her that your friend's brother's company is considering a flex-time schedule at its
local office
________ involves analyzing the meaning of what you hear, read, or see to determine
its intention.
A) Passive listening
B) Telecommuting
C) Listening comprehension
D) Interpretation
E) Nonverbal communication
Steven is wearing a well-fitting black suit, a white shirt, and conservative blue tie for
his interview. Which of the following must Steven avoid?
A) make sure his shoes are polished and scuffed
B) turn off his cell phone prior to the start of the interview
C) cover any visible tattoos he might have
D) apply aftershave or cologne prior to the interview
E) carry a dark-colored portfolio, briefcase, or messenger bag
Zara's mother laughs when Zara tells her that she is using Facebook to help her in her
job search. Zara's mom ________.
A) is right to laugh, as Facebook plays no role in a job search
B) knows that the only way Facebook impacts a job search is when employers find
embarrassing personal information about job candidates on it
C) doesn't realize that letting friends know you are job hunting via Facebook is an
effective way to find unadvertised job opportunities
D) does not know that job recruiters find professional sites like Facebook to be great
resources in finding job candidates
E) is aware that Facebook can only harm your chances of finding a job
If the purpose of your message is to inform parents about the new dismissal procedure
designed to alleviate problems with the current process at your school, which of the
following best represents the desired outcome of your message?
A) that parents will analyze the situation themselves
B) that parents will be willing to help
C) that parents will want to improve their children's experience
D) that parents will follow the new process that you are implementing
E) that parents will be involved in their children's educational goals
Padma, an avid home cook, has no culinary training or experience in professional
kitchens. After dining at her house one evening, her friend Tom is so impressed by her
cooking that he gives Padma the opportunity to work in the restaurant he manages.
On Padma's first night, she is asked to help plate the appetizers for the 4-top that just
arrived. Padma freezes: she doesn't understand that she is being asked to arrange the
appetizers on the proper serving dishes, along with the necessary garnishes and
condiments, for the table of four diners that just arrived at the restaurant. This is an
example of a ________.
A) psychological barrier
B) technological barrier
C) language barrier
D) physiological barrier
E) mixed message
A "you" perspective ________.
A) consists simply of abundant use of the word "you" in your message
B) avoids use of the word "you"
C) requires you to consider other people's viewpoints
D) involves considering the situation from your own perspective
E) is only necessary in claims requests

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