Chapter 5 Using developmental knowledge to create healthy, respectful, supportive

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subject Authors Lynn R Marotz

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Chapter 05: The Infectious Process and Environmental Control
1. In an infant-toddler unit, toys should be removed and washed before they are given to another child.
a. True
b. False
2. The label on a prescription medication is an acceptable form of physician approval.
a. True
b. False
3. It is not necessary for teachers to wash their hands between care routines (e.g., clothing changes, feeding, diapering)
as long as they change their disposable gloves.
a. True
b. False
4. Immunizations provide lifetime immunity against all preventable childhood diseases.
a. True
b. False
5. Any child who is exposed to a pathogen will develop that particular communicable illness.
a. True
b. False
6. Medications can be safely stored on a high shelf or in a cabinet that is inaccessible to children.
a. True
b. False
7. Schools should not accept responsibility for administering any medication to young children.
a. True
b. False
8. Surfaces that have been contaminated with blood or feces can be adequately cleaned with soap and water.
a. True
b. False
9. Separating toddlers in diapers from children who are toilet-trained can help to reduce the spread of intestinal illnesses
in group settings.
a. True
b. False
10. A child is capable of infecting others during the acute stage of a communicable illness.
a. True
b. False
11. Disposable gloves should only be worn when caring for a child’s injuries that involve blood.
a. True
b. False
12. Children's age and immature development place them at high risk for communicable illness.
a. True
b. False
13. Families can obtain immunizations for children from:
a. local health departments b. pediatricians
c. community health care clinics d. all answers are correct
14. The length of an incubation stage:
a. is the same for all communicable illnesses
b. varies for each communicable illness
c. is shorter in young children
d. is not an important infection control measure
15. Teachers who are ill should:
a. stay home whenever they are feeling “under the weather”
b. follow the same exclusion guidelines set for children
c. ignore minor illnesses and come to work
d. not come to work if they have been exposed to communicable illness; they should wait to see if symptoms
16. Exclusion policies:
a. prevent illness and infection from occurring
b. need only to be enforced when there is threat of serious disease
c. protect teachers against potential charges of negligence
d. serve as guidelines for deciding when a child is too ill to attend group care
17. A pathogen is the:
a. method by which an illness is transmitted
b. organism responsible for infecting an individual
c. first stage of a communicable illness
d. name given to the susceptible or new host
18. Most children’s communicable illnesses are the result of:
a. fungus infections
b. hereditary weakness
c. climate and location
d. respiratory infections
19. The single most effective control measure against the spread of communicable illness is:
a. keeping children indoors during cold or inclement weather
b. thorough hand washing
c. disinfecting all surfaces (e.g. tables, toys, sink handles)
d. excluding children when they are sick
20. A child is most contagious during the:
a. incubation stage b. incubation and prodromal stages
c. acute and convalescent stages d. acute stage
21. Giardiasis is a communicable illness that is transmitted:
a. through direct and indirect contact with infected fecal material
b. during coughs and sneezes
c. by drinking out of someone else’s glass
d. through contact with the fur of infected dogs and cats
22. Written permission should be obtained for the administration of which of the following medications?
a. prescription drugs
b. over-the-counter cough medicines
c. children's ibuprofen or motrin
d. all answers are correct
23. Universal infection control precautions require the teacher to:
a. wear disposable gloves when handling items contaminated with body fluids
b. administer first aid (without gloves) and then wash hands carefully
c. disinfect hands with sanitizing gels
d. call for professional assistance with cleanup
24. At what age should infants begin to receive their first series of immunizations?
a. 2 months
b. 4 months
c. 8 months
d. 12 months
25. Early signs of a developing communicable illness might include all the following EXCEPT:
a. red or sore throat b. a rash that is fading
c. fatigue and loss of appetite d. headache
26. An adult who does not practice good hand washing after changing an infant's diaper could potentially spread which
of the following illnesses:
a. giardia and pinworms
b. chickenpox and strep infections
c. hepatitis B and rubella
d. eczema
27. Outdoor should be covered when not in use to protect them from contamination with
animal feces.
28. Bleach solutions must be mixed to maintain their disinfecting strength.
29. Bacteria, parasites, and viruses are examples of that are capable of causing an infectious
30. Teachers' failure to practice good ____________________ ____________________ can transmit fecal-oral
31. Chicken pox is an example of a communicable illness that is spread through
32. Removing any one of the three critical factors , , and
____________________ __________ ____________________that are essential to the infectious process
will disrupt a disease’s communicability.
33. Most communicable illnesses develop in a series of stages, beginning with the stage, then
passing through the prodromal and stages, and ending with the
____________________ period.
34. Symptoms such as general achiness, sore throat, fatigue, listlessness, low-grade fever, and chills are typical observed
during the ____________________ stage.
35. Removing sick children from a group can be an effective method for limiting the source of
36. When teachers are ill, they not only increase the chances of infecting others, but also run a greater risk of
____________________ themselves.
37. What steps should be followed when administering medications to young children?
38. Why don’t all children who are exposed to a particular infectious illness become sick?
39. Why must bleach solutions used for disinfecting be mixed fresh daily?
40. Describe the proper procedure for washing hands.
41. What should a teacher do if a parent asks to have medication that is not in its original container given to a child?
42. Describe several modifications that teachers can make to the physical environment of a classroom to decrease the
potential spread of infectious illnesses.

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